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Outfit for chapter above. ^^

Chapter 4

Isaac and I walked into Mr. Harris' classroom, he eyed us and said "Ms. Lane, Mr. Lahey you're half an hour late." I quickly replied "I know sir." with my head down. He then asked "Why are you late?" I thought of a plausible lie "I was studying." He looked away as if he bought it. "What about you Mr. Lahey?" "I was helping her study. Mr. Harris." Dumb move. Mr. Harris laughed and said "Study what the parts of the human body?" "No." said Isaac "No sir." I said feeling my cheeks get hot as some students begin to laugh. "Just take your seats and meet me for detention after school." "Yes sir." We both said and went to our seats.

 That class thankfully went by quickly and I got to go to my next class which I sit next to Stiles in. I sat down and he immediately asked "Did you guys really study last night?" "No" I replied "So you guys did it?" he asked I looked at him like he was stupid and said "Stiles you know last night was my first full moon." and he looked at me like 'yea I know' then asked "How did it go?" 

I looked down at my shaking hands and said "Well it didn't go too great. All last night I was trying to kill Isaac while he tried to calm me down." "Was it really that bad?" He asked sorrowfully "Trying to kill the one you think you love? Yeah it was." He took my hand and squeezed it and I felt butterflies erupt in my entire body and I thought about something. 

"Hey Stiles do you still like Lydia?" He thought about it and said "No I'm over her. I like the way our friendship is more than anything I could have in a relationship with her." "Oh, well that's good." I said not knowing anything else to say. "Why?" he asked and I felt panic start to rise in me. "I don't know I was just wondering, ya know?" "Oh okay." he said unsurely since he didn't really get a proper answer or perhaps the one he wanted. 

My next classes were the same, boring, but when I got to lunch I sat with Scott, Stiles, and Isaac. Scott was telling Isaac "So you don't get in a lot of trouble with coach I'll tell him you have detention and that you'll make it up tomorrow." "Thanks." Isaac replied.

 I have the next period free which I share with everyone but I decided to spend it with Lydia because I haven't seen her all day. Lydia and I talked for the entire free period before we had to go to Ms. Blake's class. I have that class with Scott, Allison, Stiles, Ethan, Aiden, and Lydia in this class I sit behind Ethan and Aiden to his right, behind me is Scott to my right is Lydia and to my left is Stiles. Ethan passed me a note from Aiden.

Celena, ask Lydia out for me or at least tell me if she likes me?, Aiden

Aiden, what big bad wolf afraid to ask a girl out? Ask yourself, Celena.

I passed the note back to Ethan and he passed it to Aiden who looked back at me with red eyes. I flashed my eyes gold on purpose as if to say 'yeah I can do that too buddy.'

 That class finally ended and I was so excited to go home but then I remembered I have detention. I got into the room and saw I was the first person. "Good to know you're not late to detention." Mr. Harris said as I walked in. The rest of the people and Isaac hurried in last minute. Mr. Harris made us sit on opposite sides of the room. After the hour detention I decided to go watch the rest of practice, since Stiles is my ride home. 

After practice Stiles and I got into his jeep and we just talked about how our days went, his apparently went pretty awesome especially lacrosse practice which I didn't see all of. I told him about my day and how it was ok and how boring detention and that I would have much rather watched lacrosse practice. He pulled up to my house and hugged me goodbye. 

I walked into the living room Sara asked "How was practice?" I replied "They did pretty good Stiles made a few shots during goal practice." then she asked "Who else do you know on the team?" "Isaac, Stiles, Scott and a few others." "Who's Isaac? I know Stiles and Scott." She asked and looked at me confused "Oh he's a friend Stiles introduced me to him." I replied and she nodded her head, I'm so glad I got away with that or I definitely wouldn't be able to go out tomorrow night for my date with him. I went up to my room and did my homework and anything else of that importance before my sister called me to dinner.


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