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Chapter 14


"Stiles oh my goodness. I've never been so happy to see you in my life!" I said in disbelief. "Where's the key?" asked Scott. I hadn't even noticed he was here too. "I don't know I was knocked out when I was put in here." I said in a disappointed weak tone. "Who are you?" asked Scott motioning to Vanessa. "I'm Vanessa." 

She replied as Scott walked over to the dresser and searched every drawer for the key. It was no where to be found they searched the entire room and it wasn't there. We heard footsteps approaching. Terrified we all froze waiting. Thank god it was only Cora. "Hurry up we need to go." 

Scott began to leave though Stiles was hesitant. He grabbed my hand through the bars and said "Don't worry I'm not leaving here without you." I nodded hoping it was true. Then he left leaving me alone with Vanessa


We rushed out of the building and stopped in our tracks when we saw utter chaos. The alpha pack had returned and were not too happy to see Scott's attempt at an escape plan. Scott transformed to help the others fight. 

He glanced at Kali and saw a key ring hanging from her belt. He went for her and grabbed for the keys but she wouldn't allow it. Derek saw what was going on and decided that it would be time for a little payback for hurting Cora and taking Celena. 

He approached her from behind and grabbed her throat, ripping it to shreds. Kali fell to the ground and Scott grabbed the keys from her belt tossing them to Stiles.


I heard footsteps approaching again worried they weren't going to be of my friends I stared at the door. Instead I saw the one person I wanted to see right now, Stiles. He fumbled with a key ring with at least a dozen keys on it by the seventh key it had finally worked and the door swung open.

When I was finally free I went to Stiles and embraced him. He engulfed me in his arms and squeezed me protectively around the waist. I pulled away and kissed him passionately on the lips happy to finally be with him again. We followed him out of the shack and into the battle outside. I stared at the horror before me Kali was dead, Isaac and Cora were taking on the twins and Derek and Scott were battling Deucalion who had finally decided he wasn't too high and mighty to fight. Vanessa joined them even though she was very out of practice and weak from the way they had been treating her. 

My first priority was to protect Stiles and get him to his jeep with Lydia. I let my other side take form and I guarded him keeping him as far away from the battle as possible. He tried to convince me to stay with them but I saw the state of the battle they needed my help. I went out there to help when I saw Vanessa collapse. I needed to help her and the only way to do that would e if we got out of there and quick they were going to kill her.

 I ran to her picked her up bridal style, she was light even with my advanced strength. I got her to Stiles' jeep and laid her in the back seat. I climbed in behind her and told Stiles that we needed to got and soon. The twins were still fighting but Derek and Scott had Deucalion pinned down. Scott said a few words to Deucalion and the alphas retreated away. 

I'm not sure why maybe they thought this was a lost cause they knew that Scott was never going to stop and why risk their already great power for just a bit more? Either way they retreated and allowed us to leave. I saw Scott, Derek, Isaac, and Cora hurry off to Derek's car and follow us back to Derek's loft to figure things out. When I got out of the car Stiles helped me get Vanessa out of the back seat and safely into the loft. 

We set her on the table, cleaned her up and figured out what we were going to do. "Derek what do we do? She's going to die is we don't do anything. This would have never happened had I not been caught I don't want to be an alpha its too dangerous for me and everyone around me I cant do this." I said panicking afraid that I would be responsible for the death of an innocent, perfectly good person. 

"Well I think I may have a solution for both of our problems." "What is it?" "You can save her by giving up some of your power to her. She will be saved and you will return to a beta." said Derek "Okay I'll do it." I started to approach her but Derek stopped me, grabbing my arm. "Not today. She's fine for right now you need to get some rest and regain your strength. Come back tomorrow and I will help you through it. Now go home." he said concerned for my state or mind and body. "Okay but I will be back first thing tomorrow morning." I replied. 

Stiles drove everyone home saving my house for last. The drive was mostly silent until we got to my driveway when he asked me if I was okay and if I needed him to stay with me. I told him that I just wanted him to be there and hold me. We walked inside and my sister yelled "Why didn't you call, text, something I've been worried!" I stood there trying to think of something I was not in the mood for this I just wanted to sleep. Stiles spoke up for me sensing my uncomfortableness. 

"I'm sorry Ms. Lane my family decided to go on an unexpected camping trip. Celena was over and just got caught up in everything I guess we forgot to tell you about everything I'm sorry she was safe." my sister stood there dumbfounded and said "okay well next time tell me." I nodded and trudged up to my room. "Thank you for doing that and staying with me." I said thankfully. "It's no problem you know I'm always here no matter what." he replied thoughtfully.

 I looked in my mirror and noticed I was not entirely clean due to my endeavors, I could only imagine what my sister thought went on during that 'camping trip'. I decided to hop in the shower I finished up put on some pajama shorts and a shirt and crawled into bed with Stiles and he held me until I fell asleep.


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