Secret's Out

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Chapter 10

Lydia's P.O.V.

When I got to Celena's house I was so excited to see her and talk longer. I joined her in the kitchen to get the popcorn but before we went back out she held me back and told me she had to tell me something. "Okay what?" I asked curious of what it could be. "Stuff happened and I'm dating someone." she said cautiously. "Oh your date with Isaac? So it went well? Then why was he acting that way earlier?" I honestly could not wrap my mind around what was happening or how it added up. "No not Isaac someone else who I've been friends with forever." "Oh my gosh! Stiles?" I asked completely confused but excited. Celena nodded and I smiled before we walked back into the living room and we took our spots next to our boyfriends.

Celena's P.O.V.

By the end of the movie I was pretty tired and rested my head on Stiles' shoulder as he took my hand in his I was just dosing off as the movie ended and people started to get up from their seats Lydia was the first to notice us and said "You guys are just so cute I cant believe you didn't tell me you guys were dating the moment you got in my room this morning." as she finished her sentence everyone went crazy and asked a lot of questions like "when did this happen?" "why didn't you tell me?" I didn't hear the rest because it all blended together. "Calm down!" Stiles and I said together. 

They all quieted down but a few murmurs. Lydia was the only one quiet without a shocked expression. Aiden looked as if he was ready to kill someone for bringing him to this freak show and Scott and Isaac looked completely betrayed. "I feel bad but there just wasn't enough time in the day and no moment seemed perfect to tell you guys. How do you tell your best friends that you started dating someone you've been friends with forever with no sign for a crush or anything?" 

I stopped and thought about the words coming out of my mouth and said "You know what I don't need to explain myself. We're dating. There you go, you know." I was so disappointed with the way all of this went and I just wanted to be alone for one second to get myself back together so I went upstairs to my room, opened the door and went to my desk to get my phone, but when I looked in the mirror Derek was behind me. 

I screamed.

 I wasn't expecting that. "Derek, did you have to scare me half to death?" After the scream Stiles barged in with Lydia, Scott, and Isaac in tow. Where's Aiden? I thought to myself. Derek then ordered "Stiles you and Lydia go somewhere other here!" "Why?" Stiles tried to object but Derek wouldn't let him. "Go!" He yelled and Stiles obeyed with a "Fine." said in the process taking Lydia's arm and exiting the room. "What's happening why did they have to leave?" 

I asked scared for them and the answer I was probably going to get from Derek "The alpha pack are after you since they can't get me or Scott; we're in control of our power and you aren't. They think they can get to you more easily." He explained "So they're after me?" I said still not able to comprehend that I'm in huge trouble. "Yeah but we're gonna fight back." he said reassuring me. "So where do we go?" asked Scott. "we need to get to my old house." They marked it, that's where they'll want us to meet.


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