New Alpha

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Chapter 6

The next morning I woke up put on my clothes and went outside to see Stiles' car. I got in and he looked at me for a moment, confused. "There's something different about you." "What? I'm not wearing black today." "No its not that it something else." "Can we just get to school." I said tired of trying to pin point what's different about me today. 

We pulled up to the school. I watched their practice and waited for them outside the locker rooms, when they got out Scott smiled at me and said "So how's the new alpha?" I looked at him completely confused and Stiles cut me off before I could comprehend what Scott had said "Alpha?! what? Celena isn't an alpha." "Yes she is aren't you, Celena?"

 I was still dazed and confused about this situation Scott repeated "Celena?" and I snapped out of it "What?" I asked not sure why he was saying my name. "Can I see your eyes?" "Why?" "Just flash them for a minute." "Okay?" I did it and saw the look on Stiles' face turn to surprise. "What? what is it?" I asked and looked in the mirror to see red eyes. "Do you really not remember this? From last night when me, you and Derek fought Ennis and you took his power."

 I was pretty out of it last night I don't remember much that went on but apparently a lot did." I thought about it and panicked "What do I do?" "Nothing just do what you've been doing you'll be fine." Scott replied. We got out of the locker room as the bell rang to get to your first class and I walked through the doors a little more confident than usual. Isaac at my side the whole way. 

When I told him at lunch he looked at me disbelieving and my eyes flashed red and he looked shocked. "You weren't lying." He said. "Of course not why would I lie to you?" I said. "I don't know I just couldn't imagine something like this happening its kind of unbelievable and amazing." He said before letting me go to my class. I thought about our date tonight and what we're going to do.Well I only have to wait three more hours till I find out. 

The last three hours felt like three days. School always goes by so slow. After school I watched practice and cheered them on since they have a game next Friday, better get their spirit going. After practice Isaac and I walked around a park near our school. When it got kinda late so we went back to my house and watched a movie. Halfway through when I started to get restless and unable to refrain from asking I asked "So why did you ask me on this? To hang out or a date?" Thinking I had maybe gotten this whole thing mixed up. 

He thought about it and said "A little of both I mean I wanted to hang out with you but I think I might have feelings for you just not sure if they're friendly or more than that." I looked at him with intensity then looked away and said "I feel the same way." Not prepared to say anything that might cause a misunderstanding he replied unsure of what to say "Okay that's okay, good." I got a text on my phone the contact "Goofball" showed up he asked "Hey how's it going?" I texted back "Not how I expected." Isaac who seemed a little uncomfortable said "hey I'm sorry but I really should go see you." I replied "yeah that's fine. Bye." 

I said letting him leave without a second glance or anything. I checked my phone to see he texted back "Do you want me to come over to talk?" I smiled at the text because every time something bad happens he comes over to talk no matter what, should it be time, permission, or his own problems; he's always there. I texted back "yeah, please." he replied in a couple of minutes saying "I'm at your front door."


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