First Impressions

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Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up a little late for my usual of watching Stiles and Scott practice in the morning, so I put on my clothes and every thing, grabbed a cereal bar and ran out the door. My heels don't help me move very fast so thank God Stiles was waiting for me in his jeep. "Thanks." I said getting in the cab of his jeep. "Anything for my best friend. I was waiting for like an hour." he replied sarcasticly. "Whatever I woke up late" He finally looked at me and said "Whoa what happened to the goody -goody look you had. Now ur all leather and high heels." I replied and smirked "Well I have changed a lot over the last couple of hours." and purposely made my eyes flash gold. "Great do I have to chain you up too? Not my other best friend." he replied exasperated "No Derek will help control me." I said buckling my seatbelt and Stiles pulling out of my driveway.

Soon we made it to school, I watched their practice and went to class; I walked in and everyone looked at me with shocked expressions. The day was basically that on repeat through each class I went to.

When I went to Derek's house after school he said that I was going to meet the rest of his pack and that they both go to Beacon Hills High School with me and that they are going to be coming over a little after school. "Just so you know tomorrow is the full moon I need you to come back here then. Don't tell anyone about it." He said eyeing me to make sure I understood. "Okay." I said as his eyes moved to the door and two guys I didn't really recognize came in. The one with curly hair said "Derek don't we need to talk about the whole alpha pack attacking us thing?" setting his back pack down and when he looked up his eyes caught mine. "No you need to meet your new pack member."

They kindly introduced themselves as Isaac and Boyd. I told them my name is Celena and they quickly went into explaination of everything I need to know about being a werewolf. When they finished Derek told Boyd that he needed to talk to him.

Shyly Isaac looked up at me and said "Do you want to hang out on Friday?" I thought about it for a moment. "Sure, but we can talk about it more later Boyd and Derek are coming." he took my phone and quickly typed in his number as I did the same in his phone. They got back and I said "If its okay with you I really need to get home."Derek replied "Yeah it's fine don't forget about tomorrow." " I won't." I chimed grabbing my bag and walking out the door. When I got home I ate dinner and took a long shower.

 I then got my phone and texted Issac saying
"Hey, about that date?" My phone buzzed "Hey! would 7:00 be okay?" I thought about it "How about after school for the rest of the day cuz I know my sis wouldn't let people over that late." he replied "Okay that's fine." I began to worry about tomorrow "Hey, about tomorrow night will you be there?" he replied "Yeah the whole time." I smiled at my phone and replied "Okay well see you then." he replied "See you, goodnight." "Goodnight." I replied and slowly drifted to sleep.

Hope you liked it!-Amber.

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