Full Moon

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Clothes for the chapter above. ^^

Chapter 3

I woke up the next morning put on black shorts, a white Fall out boy tank-top with my black leather jacket over it and my black high top converse. Stiles like always was there to pick me up since he only lives like four houses down from me.

When I got in he made useless small talk before saying "So tonight's your first full moon?" I looked up at him and replied "Yeah luckily Derek let me meet the pack, so I feel a lot more safe around them. Also, I'm going out on Friday." he looked at me for a second then looked back at the road and said "Don't tell me it's Derek you're hanging out with." shocked I said "No! Isaac though I don't see why hanging out with Derek would so bad." He looked a little more relieved but there was another emotion behind the relief in his eyes. He thought for a bit before saying "Okay that's a little better I guess and hanging around with Derek is bad he's trouble."

 When we pulled up to the school, because they didn't have morning practice, Stiles and I met up with Scott and went to our first class. We have this class all together with Lydia, Allison, Danny, Isaac, and Boyd. 

The teacher walked in and announced "You will all have new chemistry partners." My old partner was Lydia, I felt dissapointed that I wouldn't have her, or her bain on my side any longer. He went through the list and told us our new partners "Stiles with Allison, Scott with Lydia, Danny with Boyd, and Celena with Isaac." 

The rest of the class got their partners and we moved to our new seats. Well I'm not so disappointed anymore at least I got someone I need to get to know. The rest of the day went by fast, I learned that I have three out of seven classes with Isaac just not reading, math, and electives. In my last class I told Lydia about the full moon and the plan to tell my sister I would be with her for the night and she said she'll do everything she can. What a great best friend.

 I went to Derek's house that afternoon for him to try and help me. He told me that when I get angry I will turn. I figured that wouldn't be that hard for me since I don't turn to anger but then he mentioned that under the full moon that doesn't apply and I'll turn anyways and I was back to being terrified.

 The sun quickly sunk to the earth and the moon shone bright in the night sky when Isaac finally got here. Derek cuffed my arms to poles and I screamed as he screwed the headband into my skull and I started to turn.  "You need an anchor someone or thing close to you." Derek gasped as he struggled to tighten the headband on me. I wasn't listening, all I wanted to do was kill Derek and Isaac.  I wanted to rip their throats out and sink my teeth into something I felt like I was going mad and I wanted to take it out on them for putting me in these chains. When the sun finally started to come up, I collapsed.

 I hit the ground hard from exhaustion because my mind wouldn't shut up and I couldn't stop fighting against the restraints. Derek took the cuffs and the headband off and I was so relieved I healed pretty quickly and thank god for that since my head was killing me and my wrists were burned and bloody. I painfully got up and got the clothes I packed and changed while texting Stiles saying "hey no need to pick me up today I have a ride, thanks!" he texted back "okay see you in first class." I texted back "okay see you."


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