Movie Night

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Chapter 9

Lydia's P.O.V.

When Celena left I was pretty upset because we were just getting to catch up so I asked "What did you want to talk about?" He replied reluctantly as if he didn't want to set me off. "I need to talk to you about Aiden, Derek doesn't like you hanging around him he could be dangerous." I responded calmly though I was beyond irritated with people getting worked up over who I choose to spend my time with.

 "Look I know he's not the best person and you don't like me being with the 'enemy' but until he does something wrong then I will do what I want." "Does something wrong? He's already done so mu-"  he didn't get to finish his sentence because my phone rang. I got a text from Celena "Hey do you want to come over for movie night you can bring a guest if you want." That gave me a brilliant idea to prove everyone wrong so I texted Aiden "Hey movie night at Celena's." he texted back "Okay meet you there."

Celena's P.O.V.

 Stiles and I each invited a guest he picked Scott and I picked Lydia plus they are going to bring someone so all together there will be six people at my house for the movie. We are currently in the living room setting out movies for us to vote on and waiting for the other people to arrive. I heard a knock at the door; I opened it to see Scott and......Isaac 'great' I thought. 

"Come in.  Go in the living room, have a seat." They went in the living room greeted Stiles and I got started on making the popcorn. I made three big bowls for people to share. I was bringing out the first bowl when there was a knock at the door thankfully Scott yelled "I got it!"

 I set down the first bowl as Lydia and Aiden came in super happy to see me again so she joined me in getting the last two bowls. We walked back into the living room to see everyone was on the couches chairs or the floor. Everyone looked up at the sight of new food. 

Lydia took a seat next to Aiden on the couch and shared her bowl with him, I sat next to Stiles on the love seat and shared my popcorn while Scott sat in the recliner and shared his with Isaac who was sat on the floor. We started talking about the movie choices one from each genre: romance, comedy, horror, action, Sci-Fi, and more. We eventually came to the overall vote for the Sci-Fi movie which of course was Star Wars, Scott still hadn't watched it yet. I popped it I the DVD player and pressed play and the adventure began.


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