The Truth

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Chapter 17

When I was finished at Derek's I was kind of in a state of disbelief. I had done everything in my power to keep her alive and she still might die. Why did I even want this for myself if I couldn't be strong a human why would it be any different as a werewolf? I honestly don't even know what I'm doing anymore, as if I was anymore sure before. I just want to do something right I want to help someone. I want to prove that I am useful and needed. I've become so overwhelmed with these emotions that I'm feeling that I decided I  need to tell someone. 

The only person I could think of with a completely clean slate would be my sister. I went home to find her in her room doing nothing in particular. I walked up to her and said "Hey I need someone to listen for a minute." "Okay what's  up?" She asked. I questioned whether I should mention Stiles or not and where I should even start.

 I decided I should after all and start with that since it was easy to talk about. So I started at the beginning about all that happened between us and she stopped me mid story to say. "Whoa wait stop there. Why didn't I know about this?" I replied with "Well it didn't seem really important with all this other stuff going on.." That's when I thought it was a pretty good time to tell her the more pressing matters like 'I'm a werewolf' I had no idea how I was going to formulate words to tell her that and make her understand enough to believe me. 

"What could be more crazy than that right now?" She asked. "Well... um something happened to me and I'm different now.." I paused for a moment realizing how vague how that sounded. "I know this is going to sound crazy but I'm a.... werewolf." She looked at me like I was out of my mind. "Okay Celena you can stop messing with me I know this is a joke... it is right?" She replied shakily. "Look I can show you. I promise I wont hurt you or anything its going to be completely safe I can control it." "Okay." she said in a skeptical tone. 

My fingernails grew to claws, my fangs poked out of my lips, and my eyes glowed gold. I looked at her in the eyes and said "See?" She looked as if she didnt know what to say so I retracted my claws and fangs and changed my eyes back to their normal blue. "I know this is confusing and hard to wrap your head around, but I need real help right now.. I need to explain everything if you're still willing to listen." She composed herself and said. "Okay I believe you and I'll try to help as best I can." 

I explained the other side of my life to her from the moment I got bitten to my hopefully successful attempt at saving Vanessa. She stopped me every once in a while to ask for a more in debth explanation but overall she listened and kept up well. When I finished she thought for what seemed like forever before opening her mouth.

 "Okay this is pretty crazy.. I know this may not seem like a really reasonable way to deal with the problem exactly but have you tried maybe talking through this with the alphas? Sometimes words and intelligence can go farther than physical strength I mean yeah that's important in battle but so is strategy and I believe that's what you guys are missing. You need to go out there and play to their weaknesses and outsmart them instead of always trying to outfight them. We already know you are both strong teams but what happens when one has the upper hand by having a strategy? Did that help?" She asked when she finished. 

"Yeah actually you did I think I finally know what I need to do." I called Scott and explained my plan on how to come out on top against the alphas.


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