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-in person-

*troye and connor go back to connors place to see trevor outside looking a bit upset*

Troye: whats wrong trevor?

Trevor: well, we were dupposed to work on that song two hours ago but when i was ready to go and decided to check on you to see if you were ready, you were nowhere to be found.

Troye: im sorry, i just thought i would take connor out for coffee considering what happened last night.

Trevor: (in irritated tone) whatever, can we just get started working on it now?

Troye: but dont you have that meetinh with the music video director today?

Trevor: we dont have anything to show him so i canceled...

Troye: oh ok, yes lets go work on that..connor, i enjoyed talking to you today. Can i get your number really quickly?

Connor: i enjoyed having someone to talk to, yes you may have my number if i can have yours..

*boys exchange numbers*

Troye: thank you, ill see you later than?

Connor: yes, see you later.

*troye and trevor drive off to a studio to work in peace, troye in passenger while trevor drives. Connor goes into his house and turns on the tv*

-in text-

Troye: connor?

Connor: troye?

Troye: are you ok?

Connor: yes why do you ask?

Troye: because trevor got an alert on his phone that your house alarm went off,trevor told me not to ask because he figured it was you but i just wanted to be sure you werent in any danger.

Connor: oh, im ok thanks. Trevor likes to jump to jump to conclusions alot but this time he was right, i just needed some fresh air but forgot to turn off the alarm, everythings all good now.

Troye: ok, if you need anything im here, ok?

Connor: thanks troye, your so nice to me..

Troye: your welcome 💛


-In text 3 hours later-

Connor: hey

Troye: hi

Connor: you guys done yet? I figured i wouldnt start dinner until you are on your way.

Troye: we are right around the corner

Connor: oh ok, ill start dinner then what do you guys want, if trevor doesnt want to taste my awful cooking, we can order the takeout of your twos choice.

Troye: he wants taco bell

connor: do they even deliver??

Troye: he just turned around, we are going there i guess. I dont think they deliver.

connor: ok, i dont want anything, im on a diet

Troye: you have to eat something, do you want me to pick you up something a bit more like your diet, like a salad or something?

Connor: no you dont have to, im not hungry either.

Troye: ok, if you say so...


-in person-

Trevor: what does connor want to eat?

Troye: get him a few tacos or somethimg, hes makimg excuses to not eat.

Trevor: what is he saying that os worrying you?

Troye: is he on a diet by any chance?

trevor: no, is that what he told you?

Troye: yeah, and your responce scares me even more. I offered ti get him a salad or something then he said he wasnt hungry.

Trevor: somethings wrong with him i guess, ill get him some tacos that i expect him to eat.

Troye: ok, i just domt wqnt hom to starve....

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