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The next day...

Intercom: dr.Fredrick (a/n: idek, just a random name), can you please come to the waiting room desk, mr.Fredrick to the waiting room desk. Thank you.

Connor sat in his hostipal bed, with his broken leg elevated, knew that they were calling his doctor to the desk, he then realized that his doctor probably has other patients that need to be taken care of. Suddenly, there was a knock at the room door.

Connor: hello?

Voice: hello, can i come in?

Connor: umm, sure i guess.

The door opens and a little girl walks into the room and sits in one of the chairs next to connor. This shocked him because although the voice deffinetly sounded a bit like a younger person than him (connors 22 in this) and was definetly not a doctor, he didnt realize that they would have patients so young in this part of the hospital.

Girl: hi, whats your name.

Connor: im connor, whats yours?

Girl: sophie, so what landed you in here?

Connor: well i was texting and driving at the same time...dont make that mistake. Its not good.

Sophie: oh...

Connor: so, why are you in here? That is, if you don't mind me asking anyway.

Sophie: I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and I've been here pretty much since.

Connor: you haven't left at all?

Sophie: well I get to leave every once in a while but I pretty much am living here.

Connor: oh I'm sorry.

Sophie: I don't mind it tho, there's a ton of kids on this floor so I'm never really lonely.

Connor: why aren't you all in a children's hospital?

Sophie: im too old to be over there but slightly too young to be seen here. Most of the over kids you see here are getting transferred over to the children's hospital. There's 2 kids here that are permanent here with me.

Connor: well at least you have each other.

Sophie: yeah.. oh! You said your name was connor right?

Connor: yup!

Sophie: your last name doesnt happen to be franta does it?

Connor: franta it is.


Connor: i love you too sophie. Oh! And what do people mean when they say im a small bean?

Sophie: 5 year olds.... well, it means that you are a small bean.

Connor: oh?

sophie: yeah, oh and ive alwaus wanted to tell you in person that while ive been im here, you are one of the few people that make me happy.

Connor: awwwww, that means so much. am i the only youtuber?

Sophie: no, your not. Your are tied for first place for my favorite youtuber tho

Connor: whos my competition?

Sophie: troye sivan. His music makes me feel so much better compared to being in here or anywhere really

Connor: oh troye! Hes gonna be tough to beat.

Sophie: do you think you can manage?

Connor: i think ill be good. Hey, want my number?

Sophie: sure!

Connor: ok here it is: (444) 444-4444

Sophie: *smiles*

Connor: do you have an instagram?

Sophie: yes i do, im following you but lets be real here, who isnt?

Connor: same gurl, anyway whats your username?

Sophie: connors_fangurl (author: not an actual account i dont think)

Connor: cool, i just followed you

Sophie: thanks!

Connor: no problem

Sophie: ok well i got to go take my medicine and eat

Connor: ok we'll be in touch

Sophie: ok bye

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