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Warning: graphic content, read with caution.
(A.n. imagine the song is connor talking to troye *i just thought this song fit the chapter kinda but idk let me know what you think*)
the next day...

3am, connor doesnt have to be at work until 8. The house is silent. Everyine is asleep. Trevor is sleeping in his room just down the hallway from connors room. Both of their doors are shut. Across the hallway from connors room is troyes bedroom. Its is normally the guest room but troye has been visiting for about 1 month now.

Suddenly, there was noise at the door. Neither Connor or Trevor heard the noise because when they sleep, there is no point in attempting to wake them up unless they are ready to wake up. Troye, on the other hand, will wake up to the slightest noise.

Think that connor or yrevor was just up eating, troye chose to stay in bed abd attempt to sleep again.

Then, once again, troye heard a noise in the kitchen, front door-ish area. Now, really wondering what connor or trevor is doing out there, gets up and heads down the hallway heading towards the kitchen and front door.

When he got out to tje kitchen, troye saw a figure of a man. He couldnt make out whether it was connor or troye. " hes too short to be trevor. too tall to be connor though."

The man walked to the right of troye and out of sight once he entered the living room. he felt a cold hand drop onto his shoulder. It squeezed at troyes right shoulder, attempting to pull troye to the ground. Troye tried to fight off the hand of the unknown person but his hands were suprisingly strong. Eventually a second hand begun sqeezing on troyes left shoulder. The pressure eventually pulled troye to the ground.

Everything went dark for troye...


The man grabbed troye and violently stuufed troye into the trunk of a punch buggy.he got into the front seat and drove off. He drove to a hotel where he would spend the next 4 1/2 hours. The man thought that this plan he and the other troyenappers had made was fullproof. But what he didnt know was troye never leaves his room without his phone tucked away in his deep back left pocket.


*1 hour before deadline*

Connor: *walks into troyes room* troye wake up made you breakf- troye? Maybe hes in the bathroom.
*walks to bathroom and knocks on door* troye you in there?

Trevor: if you classify me as troye, then yes.

Connor: im being serious trevor...

Trevor: oh. Well in that case, i have no clue where he is. I looked for him until i had to pee.

Connor: how long was that?

Trevor: 30 seconds

Connor: you're so determind to find troye arent you?

Trevor: yeas.

Connor: ok then. Im going to actually look for him now

Trevor: you do you then boo.

Connor:i will


*connor tries calling troye*

Connor: hello?


Connor: troye?


*troyes end of call hangs up*

Connor gets a text from troye that reads, " hurry up pretty boy, the paymens final soon. Come cancel it out before its too late"

*10 minutes until deadline*

Connor speeds down the highway, almost getting into 3 accidents. The whole time he had a thousand thoughts racing through his mind. He thought about troye and how perfect he was in every way. He worried that whoever had his baby hostage might have shortned the time he had to get there and that his troye boy was gone. When he finally made it to work, he parked his car as fast as he possibly could and flew out of the car. Connor scanned the area for the person who had his precious little troye. After making a 180 degree turn, he saw a man holding someone to his chest who looked like troye. The mam held a gun to the persons temple. As connor got closer, he realized that it was Jimmy fallon who was holding troye. The man started yelling "back away or hes done franta! Dont push me, you have no idea what im capable of!" Connor slowly backed up. When it came to troyes life, he didnt play games. Connor reached into his back pocket and slid his phone out just enough to press the emergency button. His phone dialed 911. At this point he knew that the police would be there soon to help him.

At that moment connor confirmed that it was, in fact troye being held. " connor!" Troye said in the loudest tone he could. It wasnt too loud considering he had no energy left from being up all night being held as hostage. "Shut up! No talking or your done Sivan! You hear me?" Troye nodded. "I didnt hear you, do you understand!?!"

Forcing himself to talk, troye responded "y-yes s-s-sir. I underst-t-t-t-t-tand."

"Ok franta! Heres how this is gonna go, your gonna empty your pockets then meet me around back! You have one minute or your precious troye is gone!"

Connor dropped everything on him in his car exept his phone which he slipped into his shoe. Connor wore high-topped sneakers for the first time in a long time in case he needed someplace to hide his phone. He dressed like a teenager again so Jimmy wouldnt question his shoes. Now that his phone was secured on him and he knew it was out of sight, he headed out to the back of the building.

When he got to the back of the building, he saw troye being held with his hands behind his back with a gun still pointed at his head. Jimmy says to connor "walk over here slowly and dont try anything funny franta or hes done." Connor walked cautiously over to Jimmy. once he got to jimmy, jimmy says to connor "put your wrists out and dont move." Connor does as hes told. Jimmy takes troye and violently throws him to the ground, adding to the accumulating collection of cuts on troyes face.

Jimmy reaches to connor and wraps his wrists in ductape. Thinki it is safe to let him sit on the ground, he drops connor violently to the ground and goes to grab troye.

He picks troye up by his sides and begins to put him back into to trunk of the car. Jimmy then takes another piece of ductape and puts it over troyes mouth. He takes another and puts it over connors mouth.

Next Jimmy goes to pick connor up and put him into the trunk with troye when suddenly a group of cop cars come flying down the small alley that led to the back of the building; where Jimmy was holding the two beans. There were 3 cop cars pulling around the car with troye, connor and jimmy at it. The cops immediatly jumoed out of their cars and surrounded jimmy. "Hands on the ground, now!" One of the many cops yelled. Jimmy leaned down and acted as if he would put his hands on the ground but before he did he went running in the oposite direction of the cops. One cop sprinted beind him and tazed jimmy first try.

A few moments later 2 ambulances came down the alley to pick connor and troye up. The paramedics shot out of the ambulance and ran over to the boys. They took the tape and rope off the boys. Troye and connor were both loaded onto individual stretchers. As they were being pushed over to the ambulances, connor tilts his head to troye and says loud enough for connor to hear, i love you troye. The boys were both loaded into the amulances and rushed to the hospital to receive medical attention.

22 pages in the chapter
Sorry it took me so long to post, couldnt think of who who the kidnapper should be.
Instagram: sammy._.kayez
1340 words

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