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*over text*

Troye: hey con, i know your at work right now but i just wanted to leave you this text for when you finally check your phone. I have a surprise for you when you get home and something to tell you! Cant wait to see you.

*over text*

Troye: hey con, i know your at work right now but i just wanted to leave you this text for when you finally check your phone. I have a surprise for you when you get home and something to tell you! Cant wait to see you


Connor: hey tro, i just got out of work, you know ill be home around 4-ish. Im driving right nociejbdks
[ message failed to send, try again? ]


*through phone call*

Trevor: hello?

Troye: umm hey trev? Its me, troye

Trevor: why are you calling me? Im litterally in the next room over..

Troye: oh yeah, well whatever. Im already talking to you. What time does connor usually get home from work?

Trevor: 4-ish normally. Why, is he not home yet?

troye: no and its 5 now so im worried. I think something happened to him.

Trevor: like what?

Troye: i dont know.. anything couldve happened.

Trevor: very true..im not trying to scare you or anything but normally if hes this late then he calls me tp check in. Im gonna call him. Ok?

Troye: ok, thank you trevor

Trevor: your welcome tro..

*15 minutes later in person*

Trevor: he didnt answer. Im going to call his work, someome will answer.

Troye: ok. Let me know

*through phone call*

unknown voice: hello this is suzan from florida photography, how may i help you?

Trevor: suzan Its trevor.. is connor still at work?

Suzan: oh het trevor! No he left at 3, why? Is everything ok?

Trevor: well hes normally home around 4 and if hes late he calls me. Hes not home and hasnt called yet.

Suzan: did you try calling him yet?

trevor: yes.

Suzan: call the police department to see if they know anything

Trevor: ok, thanks suzan, your the best

Suzan: anytime trev. Take care

Trevor: thanks you too


*new phone call*

[ im sorry but the person you are trying to reach is not available at the time. Please leave a message at the beep...*BEEP* ]

Troye: hey con, its troye. Umm i dont really know what to say right now. I hope that you didnt disappear because of me. If it is me then PLEASE at least call me so i know your ok and after we can talk it out. Anyway, i love you, call me back, bye.


*in person*

Trevor: im home troye

Troye: ANY NEWS??!!?!

Trevor: No the police said if they fimd anything out they will let me-

Troye: US

Trevor: ok US, they will let us know.


Trevor: whos that?


Trevor: ok


*though phone call*

Troye: Connor? Baby?

Unknown: hello, this is andrew from the miami hospital, are you connected to Connor Franta in any way?

Troye: yes hes my future spouse. Can i talk to him?

Andrew: im terribily sorry sir, Mr. Franta is not in the best condition at the moment.

Troye: is he ok? Whats going on?

Andrew: sir, we need you to come to the hospital as soon as possible.

Troye: im on my way now

*in person*

Troye: trevor we are going to the miami hospital right now.

Trevor: ok

*at hospital*

troye: can i speak to andrew abojt connor franta please?

Andrew: this is him, are you troye?

Troye: yes

Andrew: come with me, we need to talk in the conference room.

Troye: ok, trevor, you stay here.

Trevor: ok
*in conference room*

Andrew: troye, around 2:30 today, did you send connor a text message?

Troye: yes, why?

Andrew: well at about 4:15, a call was made to the athorities that someone was on the side of the rpad in their car.

So a cop and an ambulence along with a firetruck went out to investigate. They foimd him on the side of the road crashed in his car. On his lap was hos phone which didnt have a password on it. The officer with us had a warrent to search cellphones so we had him open the phone just to see wjat he was doing at the time of the crash.

He was texting you. Would you like to see what caused the swerve off the road?

Troye: i suppose


*over text*

Troye: hey con, i know your at work right now but i just wanted to leave you this text for when you finally check your phone. I have a surprise for you when you get home and something to tell you! Cant wait to see you

Me: hey tro, i just got out of work, you know ill be home around 4-ish. Im driving right nociejbdks
[ message failed to send, try again? ]
troye: is,he gonna. You know. Make it?

Andrew: barely, he is stable now but wasnt a while ago. Of we hadnt found him when we did, he wouldnt be alive.

Troye: thank you so much for taking care of him, i dont know what i would do without him.

Andrew: you are very welcome......


An: ok guys so i just wanted to say that texting while driving is a very serious issue. It takes many lives everyday. In this story, connor checked his phone while drivingband swerved off the road. I didnt want to kill a main character so i made him survive but you might not survive a crash. I want to get this message out if nothing else:

You might say that you can focus on the road and your phone equally amd be fine but that isnt true. It only takes one time for you to not look up im time and BAM! Its all over. Just keep that in mind.
Love you guys

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