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Troye: im so happy your ok, i dont know what i would do with myself if you were gone.

Connor: did marge tell you about my....


Connor: did marge tell you about my mental state yet?

Troye: no, whats wrong sweety?

Connor: they think i have a mental disorder. I think so to.

Troye: what kind of mental disorder?

Connor: right now, they are saying that i probably have anxiety or depression.

Troye: why is that?

Connor: well this morning, they did a check up on me and asked me a few questions about my everyday life

Troye: and....

Connor: ...and he thinks i either have depression or anxiety based on how i answered the questions.

Troye: well either way, i will always love you.

Connor: love me? What do you mean.

Troye: it means that i really like you connor.

Connor: and i really like you troye.

Troye: i think you might be my blue moon.

Connor: do you want to keep your blue moon?

Troye: yes i do.

Connor: then you have me.

Troye: i promise not to let go too soon.

Connor and Troye sit in the hospital room together in silence staring into each others eyes while troye holds connors hand; rubbing connors hand with his thumb, enjoying each others company until a doctor calls troye out into the hallway.

troye: yes?

Doctor: visiting hour is up.

Troye: thank you, when can he leave the hospital?

Doctor: i would say tomorrow. Ill give you a call when he can leave tomorrow.

Troye: thank you. Can i run back in and let him know im leaving please?

Doctor: go ahead.

Troye: thank you

Troye went back into connors room and as he was saying goodbye he saw that connor was sound asleep. So instead of waking him up to say goodbye, he walked up to him and gave connor a small kiss on the forehead. Troye then left the room.

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