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connors ambulance sped down the highway at speeds ranging from 90 - 100 miles per hour. in practically no time at all, the ambulance was pulling into the hospital.

Within minutes, connor was being admitted into his hospital room. Troyes ambulance haf just pulled in as connor was being put into a room.

Since troyes condition was much worst then connors, troye was admitted into the immediate care wing in the hospital. The doctor that would be working on troye was doctor DeGeneres. Doctor DeGeneres first started troyes examination of his wounds by finding the most servere injury which turned out to be a deep cut next to troyes left eye. Dr. DeGeneres started by cleaning the wound with hydrogen peroxide to get rid of bacteria. She then wiped the part if his face that was being worked on. Knowing that this wound was from a knife, the doctor decided that if the wound wasnt this deep, she would be done with this wound. But since it was deep, she needed to give him stitches. troye also had two broken limbs. He broke his left leg and right arm. This meant that they needed to take x-rays to see how bad it really was. Before going to the x-ray machine, the doctor stitched up his wound. She then proceeded to bring troye to get his x-rays done.

The x-ray showed that the leg injury was much worse than his arms. This meant that the doctor would need to think of what she wanted to do in this situation.

she thought fast, she decided that she would call in an othopedic surgeon to re-allign his bones so she could place the cast on his leg. In order to re allign bones, you have suspend the limb in the air until they are re alligned. Then you can put the cast on troyes leg.

It took 3 hours to re allign the bones in his arm and leg. They had chosen to do both limbs at the same time just to get it done. They put the casts on and he was ok for the moment. The doctors left to deap with connor. They saw that he only has a few bruises but still decided to hold him over night since connor told the doctors he was having chest pain.

About an hour later connor asked if he could see troye during visiting hours. He was informed that he wasnt going to be able to because someone else was already visiting him during those hours. This confussed connor since he thought he was the only one who knew troye was in the hospital. There was nothing that he could do though, so he thanked the nurse for the information and continued watching tv.

*on phone:*
Nurse: Hello, this is mediteranian hospital. How may i help you?

Unknown: hi, i just called about 10 minutes ago to reserve visiting hours with troye sivan.

Nurse: oh, hi! How cam i help you?

Unknown: i was calling to let you know that i will be an hour late to visiting hours so of there was anyone else that wanted to see him then they have an hour to do so before i get here.

Nurse: oh, ok! Thanks for calling!

Unknown: no problem.

In connors room

Nurse: hey there is an open hour that you can see troye today if your still interested..

Connor: are you kidding? Of course im interseted! What should i be prepaired for?

Nurse: two of his limbs are broken and hos face has alot of damage.

Connor: ok thankd, lets go.

In troyes room:

Connor: troye?

Troye: connor?

Connor: im right here babe.

Troye: come closer child

connor: child?

Troye: i dont know, just tryning to lighten the mood considering what just happened.

Connor: oh. Im so glad your ok. I dont know what i would have done without you.

Troye: I love you con.

Connor: I love you too tro.

Troye: thank you

Connor: for what?

Troye: for saving me from death.

Connor: oh that. That wasnt a problem.

Troye: yes it was. I kbow you. You were probably terrified. i definetly was and would have been if i was doing what you were doing.

Connor: dont worry about it.

Troye: marry me.

Connor: what?

Troye: yeah, marry me.

Connor: babe..

Troye: well we've been through so much and-

Connor: yes.

Troye: what?

Connor: yes. Ill marry you.

Nurse: visiting hour us up im affraid.

Troye: ok, bye con. Love you

Troye: love you two tro

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