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**Tylers pov**

ok, so like 3 days ago, i was in florida with the suspected love of my life. we were together for about 3 years. it was amazing to be with such a great person. i didnt mind the long distance since i knew that circumstances at his house werent too good, he had to get out of there.

anyway, im not here to talk about his personal life, im explaining my side of the reason that we broke up 4 days ago.

i had just gotten to florida when connor said we were going to a party that night, so wanting to spend time with him every second i had with him while i was there, went to the party with him.

We were having fun together for a while until he left me with that kid, troye. He says hes 21 but he looks like hes 15. We had people asking for his ID because they must not have belived he was 21. I didnt really blame them to be honest.

Anyway we decided it was time to go find connor so we went to the bathroom to see if he was in there, he wasnt but the host was anf he told us that he saw him in the living room. We didnt really want to go into that room because we knew that was the most populated room at the party. When we went to the living room, the first person i saw was connor. He was talking to this girl. I didnt know what they were talking until they kissed. THEN THEY DID IT AGAIN! It fept like my heart was shattering into a million peices. I got his attention by yelling his name, he said goodbye to his friendsand we found trevor, troye boyfriend and left. Troye drove since he only had fruit punch. I knew that the rest of us wouldnt be able to drive, mentally or physically.

We talked about it in the morning and that was the end of our relationship. I booked a plqne ticket home. Trevor and i decided to send out a mass text to almost all of our contacts about him being a cheater and boyfriend stealer. I said cheater and trevor added boyfriend stealer because trevor broke up with troye about 2 days after i left.

I felt so bad for sending out that text so i tried to contact connor and apologize to him but i ruined that too. I asked him if he misses me and he said no, like i was expecting. I didnt tell him i thought he would say that or that i missed him already. I missed his voice, his smile, how he would kiss my forehead so gentle. I ruined all of that by not giving him another chance. I told him to text me when he missed me. Considerig what i did to him, that will be a while. Or never.

I would do so much different if i could go back in time to that break up. I would give him another chance. If i still couldnt keep him, i wouod at least decide not to be apart of that hateful text about him. I would try to at leat stay friends with him. I know thats not happening any time soon though..

An: im going to do some more povs if you liked this. Who would you want me to do a pov for?

another question: whos your favorite character so far? Mine would have to be troye so far. Anyway enough of me. i hope you are enjoying the book so far. :)

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