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**connors pov**

I never do journal entrys. Not at all. This is my first time doing one so i think im gonna get as detailed as u possibly can get on one of these.

I used to think that love lasts forever. That once you found it, you were set for life. Well i am just now realizing that isnt necessarily true. Love can be found and very easily lost.

When i met tyler, i thought he was the one. I thought he was the onoy person i ever needed. But i was wrong.

The thing is with tyler, he pretends to be something hes not. When you first meet him, he pretends to be this funny guy who cares about you and what you feel. He makes you feel like there is a spark between the two of you. But as you continue through your reletionship, that love slowly goes away.

And, the best part is, its all fun and games until you make ONE mistake. ONE TIME and he flips out. He goes with what he saw or what someone else said about you, doesnt listen to what you have to say, and just leaves you.

He leaves you to wonder "what did i do so wrong to deserve all of this hesrtbreak?" As you continue life i guess im going to slowly realize that someone else is going to be my forever.

I think that someone is troye. He is everything tyler pretended tobbe and so much more. Ive onlt started to really get to know hum on tge past week but it feels like ive known him all my life. it feels like it would take alot less time to develope a love for troye. I just dont know if he feels that way for me.

I do know if he is in fact single. I dont know if he wants to jump right into a new relationship or if he would want to wait before finding someone. If he cant find someone then i volunteer as tribute.

MessageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora