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-over text-

Connor: fine im in the shed

Troye: ok, ill be there in a minute


-in person-

(Troye knocks on shed door)

Troye: connor, are you on there?

Connor: its only you troye right, you dont have trevor with you?

Troye: its just me, i promise. Is the door unlocked?

Connor: no, i locked myself in, its locked from the outside.

Troye: is there a key?

Connor: yes......

Troye: mind telling me where its at?

connor: the flower pot to the left, under it.

(troye grabs key and fixes pot of flowers, he then enters the shed and shuts the door)

Troye: dont listen to him, hes a jerk, he doesmtbget what your going through i guess, ive never experienced it but i can just tell its hard. Im really worried about you connor, can you please eat something, i dont want you to starve.

(Connor burst of crying)

Connor: trevors right, i need to get over myself, im an idiot for thinking tyler ever loved me, he hated me because im fat. Ill always be fat!

Troye: you are not fat, you are perfect just the way you are, tyler just didnt see that

Connor: you dont have to lie to me...

Troye: but im not, im telling you the truth, can we please just sit in here and eat tacos, ill eat with you, trevor doesnt have to be here, kian doesnt, jc doesnt have to know that we sat in here and ate, no-one does.

(Connor is not crying as much now)

Connor: ok fine, ill eat 1 taco, but only 1

Troye: thank you connor, that makes me happy

Connor: no one loves me you know..

Troye: thats not true..

Connor: what do you mean its not true, tyler didnt.

Troye: he nay not have, but i do

(Troye slowly starts leaning towards connor, eventually being inches from his face, troye kisses connor)

Connor: i need another

(Kisses troye then silence)

Connor: we should probably get back before the others notice were gone.

Troye: not until i know your ok.

Connor: im fine

Troye: ok lets go then...

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