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-in person-

Trevor: so, Troye, what were you doing in that shed?

Troye: i was talking to Connor whats the big deal?

trevor: whats your deal babe, like, what is it about him that makes you like him so much, hes a loser..

Troye: hey! That loser happens to be my friend for your information.

Connor: hey tro-...oh hey trevor

Trevor: hey...me and troye were just talking about how amazing you are...

Connor: oh, well thanks, i try

Trevor: anyway, troye and i have a matter to discuss in private so if you'll just excuse us...

Connor: yes, of course, i guess i'll talk with you later troye right?

Troye: yes, see you later

Connor: oh! And before you go, thank you for calming me down.

Troye: anytime, i'm glad i could help...


*in trevors room*

Trevor: don't play dumb, what really happened in that shed?

Troye: nothing happened, connor hid in the shed and we talked untl he was calmed down , we each ate a taco so i knew he had eaten something and we left the shed. No big deal.

Trevor: i want the truth, what else happened; i won't be as upset if you just tell me, but if you continue to lie, i will be alot more upset. i don't want a relationship with someone who is going to lie.

Troye: nothing else happened, i promise.. i wouldn't lie to you. the only time i would lie to you was if i was planning something for you like a party for our anniversary which is next week to remind you.

trevor: somethings not right here, theres something your not telling me..and i intend to find out what that is. Go have your fun with your little boyfriend.

troye: woah, woah! little boyfriend??? ok, i see how it is, if your gonna be like THAT, then im not so sure if i want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust me or like my friends.

trevor: Listen, i didnt say ANYTHING about not liking connor, him and i are very close.

Troye: you called him a loser and an idiot today, you told him to get over himself,then you LIE TO HIS FACE AND TELL HIM WE WERE TALKING ABOUT HOW AWESOME HE IS! your just a jealous, two-faced jerk and you know what, we're done.

trevor: whatever...i guess we don't need to keep working on that song anymore....

troye: you can finish the song, i don't want it.

trevor: can i use the title you came up with?

troye: which one?

trevor: lets roll...

Troye: go ahead, i'm done in here..i'll be with connor if you need me. oh! and so you know, connor and i kissed in that shed....twice.


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