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Last chapter: connor and troye sat in connors room and kissed


Troye: besides me moving i also need to talk you something else

Connor: and whats that?

Troye: my stuff is in australia still so i gotta fly back and get my stuff from my old apartment.

Connor: how long will you be gone for?

Troye: well im gonna want to say good-bye to my family and spend some time with them so probably about 2 weeks.

Connor: ok, be safe when you go, ok?

Troye: ill be fine.

Connor gets a text from a random number that reads,
"Come to work 15 minutes early tomorrow, ill be waiting"

Troye: who was that?

Connor: *worried look on his face and streesed out tone in his voice* umm, no one, it was no one.

Troye: you sure babe?

Connor: yeah yeah, just a friend wants to meet up.

Troye could tell this wasnt true, he knew that connor didnt talk like that unless he was scared. He wasnt just going to let connor suffer through whatever was happening, in silence.

Troye: connor, i know when somethings wrong, you can tell me anything you know..

Connor: its not important, ill tell you later

Troye: if its not important why dont you just tell me?

Connor: troye.. please, just stop.

Troye: fine, im here for you ok?

Connor: (irritated) yup

Troye: ill let you have your space then

Connor: (still irritated)

Troye leaves the room and shuts the door. As the door quietly clicks shut, connor turns to his bed and collapses on the bed face first; covering his face so if someone comes in, they cant see his beet red face covered in tears. He tilted his head to the left just enough to the point that he could breathe. Be knew that he could trust troye with this but with him leaving for 2 weeks, connor didnt want to worry troye with his problems.

*living room*

Kian: hey troye!

Troye: kian! Hey, where have you been?

Kian: me and jc have been hanging out with our friend, were also leaving for our flight in a few minites since we dont want to be in a house with a couple of cheaters, we just figures we would stop by and say bye first

troye: well thanks, that means alot.

Kian: oh i was talking mainly about connor. But yeah, you too

Troye: if you only talked to tyler, why not ask connor for his side before just assuming something that you dont understand.

Jc: oh we understand completly, connor is a cheater who doesnt know how to stay off of girls when hes drunk. and troye, You cant control yourself long enough to keep from kissing a cheater.

Troye: get out before i hit you

jc: which one of us?

troye: both of you, get out NOW!!!

Kian: but why


Jc: ok 1. We have a flight to catch anyway and 2. We can talk to your "perfect baby" like that whenever we want. Wanna know why?

Troye: all i need to know is that you two are jerks. Get out now

*from other room* trevor: guys just leave!

Kian: whatever, bye losers

*connor's phone*

Unknown: so make sure your there, because if your not, there will be a price to pay

connor: who are you

Unknown: im afraid youll have to wait to find that out.

Connor: what is the price i will have to pay?

Unknown: im afraid you will have to wait to find that out as well. See you then.

Unknown: dont be late


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