CH 1:Beginnings (edited)

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Alfred awoke with a startled jolt, a sheen of sweat formed on his forehead and his breathing was heavy and rigid. It had been three years ever since that horrible day, the day he lost almost everything, the nightmares still haunted him. The images of his mother's bloodstained face and lifeless eyes had traumatized him for life.

He took a shaky breath and ran a trembling hand through his hair, he was now six years old which meant that he was three years old when everything changed. "Alfred? What's wrong?" a small voice asked Alfred, looked over beside him to see Matthew rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"Nothing, it's alright Mattie go back to bed.." Alfred gave him a reassuring smile, Matthew pouted and sat up. "I'm five Alfie I think I know when you're lying." He explained between a yawn. "Were you dreaming about... About mommy?" he whispered the last sentence. " was a bad dream," Alfred said with a frown.

"Hey quiet down will ya!?" a different boy whispered harshly to them. "Yeah, yeah whatever," Alfred responded with a glare toward the other boy. "Alfie I-I don't like it here..." Matthew had murmured under his breath with tears filling his eyes. "I don't either Mattie, but believe me when I say that this orphanage will find us a family," Alfred whispered and wiped away the tears that fell from his brother's cheeks.

Matthew nodded slowly before laying back down and wrapping his arms around Alfred's waist, snuggling close to him, and slowly falling back to sleep. "I promise," Alfred whispered and kissed his forehead before pulling him close and falling into a peaceful sleep.

It was about five in the morning when suddenly-"Get up you filthy children!" the caregiver of the orphanage yelled aloud banging a wooden spoon against a metal pot, various boys sat up and groaned as they wiped away the sleep from their eyes. "Not again," Alfred muttered in an annoyed yet tired voice.

Matthew whined in annoyance and sat up. "Everyone go down for breakfast, then start your daily chores." The mole faced caregiver ordered with an ugly scowl. "Come on Mattie." Alfred grabbed his brother's hand and ran downstairs to the dining area where they were both given a small bowl of porridge and a cup of milk.

Right when the two twins were about to eat a group of ten and twelve-year-old boys approached them. "Hey, tiny give me that." A boy with tanned skin, black hair, and brown eyes growled and snatched away Matthew's bowl. "H-hey!" Matthew stammered with nervousness knowing that the boy was much stronger than him.

"Give it back to him!" Alfred ordered angrily at the boy, this earned him a chuckle from the boy. "Ooh, I'm so scared." He rolled his eyes and walked away with the group of boys following him. Matthew looked down at his hands and stayed silent, Alfred felt a tug at his heart and slid his bowl toward him. "Here Mattie, you can have mine." He smiled at him.

Matthew's eyes widened in surprise. "B-but that's yours.." He stuttered with a frightened look. "It's okay I'm not really hungry so don't worry alright?" Alfred said in a reassuring tone, Matthew was still unsure so when he didn't respond he got a mouthful of porridge shoved in his mouth. He choked and quickly took a long swig of his milk. "Why would you do that!?" he asked with a frown.

Alfred giggled. "You got a milk mustache." He grabbed a napkin and wiped away the milk from his brother's upper lip. "Thanks..." Matthew mumbled with a flustered face. Alfred knew that the small meals that were given to them were not enough to stop his and Matthew's empty stomachs, the painful gnawing feeling was way too unbearable for them. It pained Alfred to see Matthew writhe in pain and clutch his stomach every night.

His skinny and frail body shook violently and it would nearly bring Alfred to tears each night, but every night he would hold his hand as if he were the last lamp in a dark room and promised a better tomorrow.

the boys soon talked and laughed at the jokes and stories they told until they were rudely disrupted by the ugly caregiver. "Alfred it looks like you're in luck..." She paused as if she were about to regret what she was going to say "A pair wants to adopt you." She finished quickly.

Alfred felt his heart drop to his stomach he felt Matthew's tensed body as the caregiver shrugged and grabbed at his wrist pulling him off the wooden bench he was recently sitting on, Matthew quickly scrambled off the seat and pulled at the caregiver's robe. "No! Please don't take him!" he begged aloud, desperately.

Large tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Please.." Alfred who had finally snapped out of his daze took a worried glance at his brother who still had a tight grip on the caregiver's apron, he saw that his small hands were shaking. And that just killed him, those delicate little hands trembling uncontrollably. It was unbearable.

"Go away, child!" the caregiver roughly pushed Matthew away which caused him to land harshly on the ground with a loud cry escaping his lips, Alfred was now enraged, he pulled his wrist away and helped his brother up from the floor. "I'm not going anywhere without Matthew," he said in a hard tone.

"Oh my what an unlikely pair..." An unfamiliar voice with a thick accent said along with a low chuckle, the caregiver's face drained of color at the voice and she quickly stood up straight, facing two men. One was short with short blonde hair and green eyes with the most unusual eyebrows, while the other was taller with long golden locks of hair and blue eyes that shined with amusement.

"Mr. Bonnefoy and Kirkland! I am dearly sorry, you see Alfred is being a bit stubborn but he shall be ready to take right when we remove the other child." The caregiver explained as she glared at the twins, Matthew had grabbed onto Alfred's arm and held on tightly with silent tears rolling down his cheeks. Alfred growled under his breath and embraced his brother protectively.

The tall male with blue eyes chuckled once again. "Reminds me of when we were both children mon amour." He playfully elbowed the green-eyed man with a smirk placed upon his lips. "Well as it seems that they're both brothers..." The shorter male hesitated before finishing his sentence. "We'll take them both."

This time Alfred's heart stopped, his eyes widened with great shock, and his body froze. "You really mean it?" Matthew asked quietly, his voice wavering. "Oui, of course, we can become...a family." And with those words said Matthew had froze and slowly backed away, hiding behind his older brother "You're not lying?" Alfred asked. "No we really mean it." the green-eyed man smiled at them.

It finally happened Alfred and Matthew were finally going to get adopted to live in a happy family....or so that's what they thought.

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