CH 10: Worries (edited)

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The next day seemed to be complete worrisome for Gilbert, when he called all children down for breakfast he was met with a sick looking Ludwig and a pair of quiet boys, he tried to shake off the dreadful feeling but couldn't help but worry when neither child touched their food. He knew he wasn't a great cook but he was sure that it was still better than Arthur's cooking, eggs with a side of toast and a cup of juice didn't seem that bad.

He began to stress out, his little brother was for sure sick, his pale cheeks were flushed red and his bright blue eyes were now dull and had dark circles under them along with the boys who seemed to be nodding off at the table. Their hands were intertwined together and showed that they were not going to let go anytime soon. "Luddy...boys you haven't eaten..are you guys not hungry?" he asked anxiously. " tummy hurts." Ludwig frowned as tears filled his big dull eyes.

Gilbert panicked and ran to him, scooped him up in his arms, and soothingly rubbed his back. "It's okay Luddy I'm here." He reassured in a soothing tone. "Mr.Gilbert me and Alfred aren't hungry.." Matthew piped up in his usual quiet voice. "I..I want my dad!" Alfred exclaimed in an angry tone. Gilbert frowned. "I'm sorry Alfred, you know that's not possible right now." He exclaimed glumly.

Alfred tightened his grip on his brother's hand and sat silently, neither one of them touched their food. A pit of dread filled their stomach making them feel nauseous and sick. "I want daddy too." Matthew whimpered quietly. "Brother I want Feli.." Ludwig whimpered this time,  balling up his shirt in his small fists. Gilbert ran to Ludwig's room and lied him down on the bed. "Wait here Luddy I promise Feliciano will come soon." He reassured and ran back to the kitchen where he grabbed his phone and quickly dialed Arthur's number.

Meanwhile back with Arthur, he was pacing around in the living room mumbling to himself that everything would turn out okay and that the boys were okay and safe, he reassured that he wasn't going to lose them by the hands of Francis. As he paced around and waited for Francis' arrival his phone rang causing him to jump up in fear, his phone lied on the carpeted ground, he remembered he had thrown it the night before when he contemplated on whether or not he should call Gilbert or not to check up on the boys.

Before he could even head toward the phone there was a knock at the door making him freeze where he stood, there was another knock it was much louder and frantic this time. Arthur took a shaky breath and calmed himself, he straightened his posture and reluctantly walked toward the door, he placed his hand on the cold knob silently pleading and hoping to himself that it was someone else on the other side of the door.

A voice called out. "Arthur...please open the door." The thick French accent made Arthur's heart stop, his throat was suddenly dry and tight, he swallowed thickly and cleared his throat. "W-what do you want from me?" his voice broke terribly but he continued to speak as he fearfully trembled. "You already stole and broke my can't steal and break my family... I...I  won't let you!" he exclaimed as hot tears filled his emerald green eyes.

Francis noticed Arthur's distressed tone and fiddled with the knob, Arthur tightened his grasp on the turning knob and kept the door closed putting all of his weight on the door trying desperately to keep the door closed. But in his final attempt, Francis had pushed the door open with all of his might causing Arthur to stumble back which led to Francis falling on top of him on the living room ground.

Arthur panicked and desperately tried to shove the man off of him. "G-get off!" he yelled in a shaky tone, Francis got to his feet and let out a hand for Arthur to take, but before he knew it Arthur was already scrambling to his feet and backed away from him, fear struck in his eyes and it made Francis frown with guilt. He never wanted to hurt or frighten his lover but seeing him now, he looked so broken. It was true, the most beautiful eyes have cried the most.

He reached out to Arthur which only led to him flinching as if he were about to strike him down, his eyes once again filling with fear. "Arthur..I won't hurt you...I promise." He said in a calm and hushed tone. "I-I don't believe you!...trusting someone not to hurt you again? Now that's idiotic." Tears trailed down his cheeks as he stared down Francis. "...Arthur..." Francis gasped quietly in shock.

He quickly embraced Arthur in a tight hug, Arthur was tense and froze at the sudden contact, realization soon hit him and he began to struggle against Francis's hug. "L-let me go!" he yelled fearfully. "Non," Francis stated with a stoic expression. "I...I don't love you...let me go.." Arthur soon tired himself out and he found himself resting his head against Francis' shoulder as his tears still flowed down his cheeks soaking Francis's shirt, quiet sobs escaped his lips.

His trembling hands tightly grasped onto Francis's coat. "...I hate you...I hate you so much.." He whimpered his eyes like shimmering emeralds. Francis lifted Arthur's chin and held his flushed face in his hands. "I know, and you have every right to hate me." He muttered as he swiped his thumbs across Arthur's cheeks to wipe away the tears that trailed down his cheeks. "Because I hurt such a beautiful person...I really am a dirty frog huh?" a bittersweet smile spread on his lips.

Arthur looked into his sapphire blue eyes, his chest ached, his throat raw from sobbing. "Francis please...don't take my family away... they keep me sane, keep me happy." Francis hated himself, seeing Arthur's shaking figure terribly broke his heart. "No, no I promise. I..I want us to raise the children we usually planned." Francis's voice was now held a pleading and desperate tone.

Arthur felt his heart stop, after being alone and unloved for a very long time, he didn't know what to do. He missed Francis's warm embrace and his loving kisses and the way he made him feel protected, he missed everything about him. But he always pushed away his feelings, forcing on a fake smile so he wouldn't worry the children. "...I really did miss you, Francis, I missed you a lot." His face grew darker with his red blush as he admitted his feelings.

Francis chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "You took the words right out of my mouth." He lifted him up and placed him on his lap. "But I promise, this time I won't leave you and the children. I won't leave my family." He held him close and ran his hand through his short blonde hair. "I love you, Arthur." Those words tore at Arthur's heart, tears once again filled his eyes. "I love you too.." He stammered as he wrapped his arms around Francis's neck and buried his face in the crook of his neck.

"I love you so much..please don't ever go away again...I don't think I'd be able to survive again."

Breaking point (F.A.C.E) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now