CH 28: Recovery (edited)

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Arthur sobbed as paramedics carried out his children, they were both unconscious and in desperate need of medical attention.

Francis was still in the car trying to calm himself down once again, everything was too much for him. He had finally broke, after days, hours of watching his husband slowly grow weaker and weaker he couldn't keep it bottled up anymore especially after seeing his sons in such a horrid state, he just couldn't take it.

A man stumbled out of the bar and yelled aloud. "What the hell did you do to my car!?" Arthur gritted his teeth and wiped his eyes. Francis rushed out of the car and grabbed Arthur's hand. "Non I got this amour." His voice was strained. "Please go with our children, they need you." He pleaded. "And get a check-up, please. You're very ill." Francis leaned forward and placed a kiss on Arthur's cheek.

Arthur took a shaky breath and nodded. "Be careful, please." With that, he was off to his children. Alfred was beginning regaining consciousness. "Dad?..." He looked around, paramedics surrounded him and offered him water which he gladly obliged, in an instant, he finished the whole bottle. He then frantically looked around searching for his brother. "Where's Mattie?" he asked anxiously, terrified that he had failed his mission to protect his brother, to keep him alive.

Arthur climbed in the car and nearly broke into tears as soon as he saw Alfred sitting up on his stretcher awake and alive. "Dad!" Alfred shouted happily and reached out for his father. "Alfred." Arthur smiled and scooped Alfred into his arms giving him various kisses. "I'm so happy you're okay, and I'm so sorry." Arthur blubbered.

Alfred giggled, but once again he panicked. "Where's Mattie?" he asked again. "Dad please tell me where Mattie is." He whimpered and begged, Arthur, turned to the paramedics who had moved to Matthew's stretcher giving each other orders, one brought another water bottle, though they all flinched back as soon as Matthew began to cry.

Arthur hurried to his son's aid with Alfred still in his arms and quickly sat on his stretcher to calm him. "Shh, it's okay love I'm here." Matthew looked up at Arthur with wide eyes and instantly threw his small thin arms around him. "Daddy I missed you!" he exclaimed and hugged him and his brother tight.

Arthur scooped Matthew into his other arm and tightly squeezed his sons, happy that they were once again safe in his arms, but something caught his eye. Both Alfred and Matthew wore oversized sweaters, they were dirty and unwashed, but that wasn't what concerned him. It slipped off of Alfred's frail shoulders and revealed a dark bruise on one of his shoulders, it looked like a handprint.

Arthur suddenly felt sick to his stomach and he gently tugged at Alfred's sweater. Alfred flinched. "A-ah sorry.." He stammered. "It's been a while." He shuddered and leaned against Arthur's chest pressing his cheek against him. "Alfred.." Arthur spoke softly. "I.." He hesitated. "I see a bruise." He whispered, Alfred, froze. He shifted uncomfortably in his father's arms not wanting to remember how he got the bruises.

But Matthew thought otherwise, he tugged at Alfred's arm and looked at him with a sympathetic look. "Okay Mattie," Alfred mumbled and gave his brother a slight nod. "Dad." He looked up at Arthur and took a breath to prepare for the story he would tell, the awful story of his and his brother's horrible experience.

Alfred grabbed Matthew's hand and grasped onto the sleeve of his sweater, Matthew gave him a soft sad smile and nodded. Alfred lifted the sleeve showing the many bruises that littered his brother's skin, he then lifted his own sleeves revealing his own. Arthur was shocked and angered. His emotions were all mixed up.

Alfred looked down. "I'm sorry dad...I couldn't keep Matthew safe. I failed to keep him from getting hurt." He was close to tears, Arthur hated seeing his son look so distressed. "You don't have to apologize, it wasn't your fault." He placed a kiss on his cheek. "Right now what's important is that you're both safe and sound." The paramedics soon shouted at someone.

Breaking point (F.A.C.E) [Under Editing]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz