CH 25: Planning (edited)

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Alfred lifted himself from the hard lumpy bed he slept on, he groaned from the ache in his bones and body and slid off the bed.

His bare feet hit the cold ground he winced and trudged toward the closed door sighing in relief when found it unlocked. He opened the door and cautiously looked around listening closely for any sign of the dangerous man.

Instead, he was greeted with the sound of soft coughing. "Mattie..." He whispered to himself and hurriedly ran to the room across from his, he pulled the door open and was hit in the face with a strong stench of cigars, he himself coughed and pinched his nose.

He rushed to his brother's side and carefully helped him off the bed being careful not to hurt him fearing that he would end up touching one of his many bruises under his clothes. "Come on Mattie let's get out of here." He said and pulled his brother out of the room. Matthew tripped over his feet as he followed his brother out his chest felt tight. "S-stop! What about..him?" Matthew asked fearfully.

Alfred frowned. "He's gone." He assured his frightened brother and led him to the living room where the air was clean and breathable. "Take deep breaths, Mattie." He instructed in a calming tone. Matthew followed his brother's orders and took deep breaths, clearing his lungs of the nasty smoke.

Alfred frowned, his brother was really pale and had dark bags under his eyes. "You okay Mattie?" he asked and rested his hand against his sallow cheek. Matthew leaned against his brother's touch letting out a shaky sigh of relief and comfort. His skin was hot. Alfred led Matthew to the couch and helped him on. "Here you can sleep here, or now, don't worry I'll take care of you. You'll be safe." He reassured as he sat beside his brother.

Matthew nodded not having any energy to protest, he rested his head on Alfred's lap and slowly drifted off to sleep. Alfred let out the breath he was holding in and wiped the sweat off his temple, he was internally freaking out. His brother was surely sick possibly due to food poisoning or second-hand smoking, their father rarely smoked outside, he mostly went to the farthest room to smoke.

And the room was near Alfred and Matthew's room, the smoke was thick enough to choke them in their sleep it was horrid, no matter how much cleaning both boys did they could never scrub off or wash out the nasty smell from the sheets of the back room. Alfred most of the time cleaned the foul smelling room on his own, Matthew would always get a coughing fit from the smoke.

And just imaging him entering the room made Alfred shiver, it was a horrible thing to think about. Matthew coughed and curled into a ball holding his stomach as if he were in pain, Alfred jumped at the sudden outburst and hurriedly helped his brother sit up he was too worried to say anything, so instead, he patted his brother's back and helped him regain his breath.

Matthew whined and sat against a pillow resting his head on Alfred's shoulder. "My chest hurts Alfred." He mumbled in a tired voice. "...I'm sorry." Alfred apologized. "I really am sorry Matthew, you're sick because of me.." He looked anywhere to avoid his brother's gaze. "I failed you, I failed everyone." He squeezed his eyes shut his eyes were starting to sting with incoming tears, but he refused to cry.

He refused to give up.

Matthew tugged at Alfred's arm. "Don't say that!" he demanded with a frown. "How many times do I have to say that none of this is your fault." He asked, Alfred, opened his eyes and looked at his brother with a small smile. "You tell me that a lot." He answered. Matthew nodded. "So start listening to what I say." He demanded once again.

Alfred struggled to bring on a real smile for his brother. "Okay, okay." He sighed. "I'll listen to you, but you have to listen to me too okay? Cause then it won't be fair." He explained and Matthew nodded in agreement. "Okay deal." He smiled and hugged Alfred. "Yay, now I want you to give me a kiss on my cheek!" he pleaded with a small giggle.

Breaking point (F.A.C.E) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now