CH 11: Reunion (edited)

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Arthur awoke with grogginess and an aching head, his mind was fuzzy and his thoughts were clouded. He found himself in his room on the bed with Francis holding him close like he was a huge teddy bear, the smell of wine and pastries clung to him like a strong cologne. "F-Francis.." He huffed and pushed away the arm that was draped over him and shook the sleeping Frenchman. "Wake up!" he whined. "Non~" Francis muttered and pulled Arthur into an embrace once again. "Just a little bit longer..I'd like to hold you more...It's been so long since I've held someone." He buried his face in the crook of Arthur's neck and breathed a warm breath which sent shivers down Arthur's spine.

A dark blush tainted Arthur's cheeks. "F-Francis.." He stammered. "You and the children were the only thing I thought about...I was lost and utterly lonely without you all." Arthur noticed how his heart began to hammer against his chest, he could feel it thump against the palm of his hand. Francis began to breathe quickly as the memories came back to him. "I..I can't...I can't lose you...I can't be alone anymore." He muttered as he held Arthur tighter. "Please..please don't leave me." whimpers escaped his lips and Arthur couldn't help but worry.

He quickly sat up and forced Francis to look at him. "'s okay, everything is okay now. I promise you won't be alone." He reassured as he pulled him into a hug and stroked his long silky hair that he missed so dearly, and for the first time Arthur could finally see how broken and frail Francis was. Sure he was pinned down by him the other day but that was because he wasn't ready and was still weak from shock.

But Francis, dark circles rested under his almost dull sapphire eyes, his skin was milky pale, and his thin figure made him look weak like a child suffering from a cold, Arthur heaved a sigh, feeling guilt weigh down his heart. "Oh, Francis Bonnefoy..please tell me what happened the day you left." He pleaded. "Tell me how or who broke you, tell me what's on your mind. Relieve yourself from all your worries." His soothing voice had lulled Francis to sleep, his slender arms wrapped around Arthur's neck.

"You can wait, I'll give you time. So, for now, I want you to only look at me and me only, and to only look for me for guidance, and in return, I shall do the same." A small, almost bittersweet, smile made its way to his lips as he held the sleeping Frenchman in his arms. "Because...I still love you with all my heart." Arthur felt his face heat up, he had confessed all of his feelings, those feelings within himself that were almost impossible to squeeze out of him. He was surprised himself to know that even the sight of Francis made him grow soft and emotional up to the point where he could say anything about anyone and he would not even once regret it.

He cleared his mind and put his attention back on Francis and then the clock that hung on the wall, he let Francis sleep not knowing when was the last time he actually got a decent sleep, he wondered if he had any sleep at all seeing how dark the circles under his eyes were. And as he watched him sleep he began to think and ponder to before. Before all the fights, before all the crisis, before they adopted their sons, and before their separation.

He sighed, but the sudden sound of his phone buzzing made his heart jump, he looked over at the nightstand that was on the other side of the bed. Not wanting to wake Francis up he stretched out his arm trying desperately to reach his phone, Francis stirred slightly in his sleep but eventually drifted back to deep slumber. Arthur sighed in relief and was finally able to grab his phone aside from the struggle he went through he congratulated himself with a proud smile and looked at the contact photo.

He quickly recognized the familiar albino and immediately answered the call. "Gilbert how are the boys?" he asked suddenly not giving Gilbert the chance to speak. "A-ah...Arthur. I think they're fine, I mean they're both so quiet and spend most of their time in the guest room." Arthur frowned and his eyebrows knitted together. "Are you sure everything is okay?" he asked with deep concern, there was a long pause before Gilbert answered. "Luddy is sick, maybe you should pick up your kids now? I don't want them to get sick too you know." Arthur looked down at Francis, how would the children react? Moreover, how would he react?

Was it really worth breaking the strong bond he and his sons built together? But now seeing how broken Francis looked he wondered if seeing the children would make him feel better. "Hey, you still there?" Gilbert's voice shook Arthur from his thoughts. "Y-yes I'm still here." He answered. "Good, so are you coming to pick them up or not?" Arthur wondered why he was so hesitant to answer, I mean they were his children!

"Yes, I'll be right on my way." He reassured. "Please tell them to get ready." And with that, he ended the call and sighed feeling guilt weigh down on his chest. "'s time to wake up love." He cooed in a soft voice. "Just a bit more.." Francis whined. "Oh come on now, we have to pick up the children." Francis jumped up at the mention of his children. "The boys? How have they been? Have they grown?" many questions popped into his mind, too many for Arthur to keep count. "Francis hold up a bit okay?" Arthur chuckled. "Calm down and get yourself ready, we'll be leaving in a bit."

Francis frowned. "Can't we leave now?" his voice was filled with desperation. "Are you not hungry?" Arthur asked, Francis, shivered at the thought of eating Arthur's cooking. "N-non, I'm fine mon cher." He reassured which earned him a frown from Arthur. "Francis, you look horrible, have you been taking good care of yourself while you were away?" the question made Francis go silent. "..let's change the subject, please? I'd rather not talk about it." He muttered in a glum tone.

Arthur felt his heart stop, now knowing that something really was wrong with Francis, but not wanting to worry Francis he shook his head and cleared his mind. "Okay, we'll go now then. I'm sure they'll be surprised to see you." Arthur stated with a forced smile as realization soon came over him like a massive title wave; he remembered telling the children that Francis had no longer loved them and he remembered the pained look on their faces. Francis tilted his head in confusion as Arthur blankly stared at him. "Cher? Is something wrong? Is there something on my face?" he asked.

Arthur came to his senses and blushed with embarrassment. "A-ah it's nothing!" he stammered. "Come on just put on your shoes." He demanded and scrambled off the bed, slipping on his own shoes. "I'm a bit scared Arthur," Francis admitted as he slid on his shoes. "What if they no longer love me?" his head was turned away, Arthur could hear the crack in his voice he knew he was desperately trying to hide his pain. "Don't say that I'm sure they still love you." He reassured.

Francis sniffed and wiped his eyes. "Okay, I'm going to believe you...I trust you." He looked at Arthur with a weak smile and stood from the bed. "Then can we get going now?" Arthur nodded and grabbed the car keys.  "Francis..." He blushed and cleared his throat as a dark blush filled his cheeks. "Yes, mon cher?" Francis looked at him, Arthur swallowed his courage taking a deep shaky breath and bravely looked at Francis. "Hold my hand...and never let go." He said in a demanding tone.

Francis's eyes went wide, his sapphire blue eyes instantly shined. "Francis I want you to be mine all over again, so will you allow me to? Allow me to love you?" Arthur held out his hand to him waiting for him to answer, Francis' eyes sparkled with unshed tears. "You really are cruel..." He breathed and attacked Arthur with a tight hug and buried his face into his shoulder. "I've always loved you, you idiot!" He exclaimed with a small cry. Arthur was left shocked, he was right, Francis really did always love him he remembered all the missed calls and desperate pleas.

And yet he ignored him not even giving him the chance to explain the reason for his departure. "Francis I'm so sorry...please forgive me, my love." And with that said he hugged him back wanting to love him just as much as he did, wanting to do everything in the world to make everything up to his now broken lover.

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