Q&A answers

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KimRetallack asked me what my favourite ice cream flavour is

I have two favourites the first is mint chocolate chip, and my second is called superman it's really pretty and looks like this, it's also really good. Thank you 😁

SkyAzphel asked me where I lived, dogs or cats, my favourite color, and how old I am

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SkyAzphel asked me where I lived, dogs or cats, my favourite color, and how old I am

I live in Texas, and it just snowed here recently so it was really surprising! I prefer cats than dogs they're so cuddly and cute and are quiet I'm not a fan of loud noises:(, my favorite color is blue it was my late aunts favourite color, and I'm 14 years old. Thanks for your questions!

Gintokilover01 asked what is my favorite thing to do

I absolutely love reading and writing though I'm not that good on that writing part. And i love watching anime it's basically part of my everyday life now. Thanks bestie

CharizardTitan asked why I decided to write this story.

Well I really love the FACE family and one day I just started writing, at first I was going to make Alfred and Matthew grown, but I wanted to write them as children to give it a more new family vibe. I also wrote this story because I've written some of my own childhood experiences in this book that I really wanted to get off my chest. Thank you for asking.

dance_it_up asked who inspired me to start writing.

I had a close friend of mine who showed Wattpad to me, I was a major book worm, still am, and when I got the app I followed their account and I loved their stories. So they then encouraged me to start writing at first I was really nervous, but after all the nice feedback I was even more encouraged to write.

@Alexander_-Hamilton asked how did i get into Hetalia

My friends were major Hetalia fans and I looked it up I immediately fell in love with it. Oh but then I found out about Hetaoni and....yeah.

Kawaiicookie1023 asked me to recommend an anime

I've watched Ghost Hunt it's old but it's pretty good I really love it, I still do! The other is Kekkai Sensen I really loved that one too it has amazing characters and an awesome storyline along with Ghost Hunt. You should really check them out! 😁

blossom_presto asked who was my favorite Hetalia character

Now I'm not gonna lie, my first time watching Hetalia I instantly fell in love with Italy, his happy attitude and relationship with Germany really drew me in. And then I saw Canada and OMG I couldn't help falling in love with him! He deserves better and is so precious! Haha thanks for the question

sekirama asked if I cried while making one of the chapters

......not just one, on quite a few really, I guess the chapters were based on how I felt, and well I wasn't that happy back then. But I am now so I'll make sure that this story gets a happy ending. Thank you.

Maikkiz asked for my top 5 favorite movies and favorite actor.

Omg my favorite movies are
Spider-Man homecoming
Avengers civil war
Justice league
Howl's moving castle
And Edward scissorhands
And my favorite actor is either Jim Carrey or Ryan Reynolds. Thanks for your questions.

Erin_Jeager asked how do i come up with ideas.

I could be reading a book or watching a movie and then get ideas, some are based off of my own experiences too, but sometimes i come up with plots on my own though sometimes they are a bit predictable 😅

miroineko asked how did i make the first story that made them cry. And how did i succeed?

XD to be honest I never really expected it to become so emotional I just typed away with a blank face, though what helped me write the emotional parts was that i put myself in the characters place and wrote what i would've felt in their situation. I'm really sorry for all the readers that were emotionally destroyed because of this story. Thanks, and sorry if the story made you cry!

kimchi2424 asked if I liked Hamilton.

No I don't like it.....i freaking love it!!! I seriously listen to the soundtrack when I'm writing or reading I'm obsessed with it, history will never be the same for me and I'm happy for that. Thank you :)

Alright it seems likes that's all the questions, but if you have any more I'll answer them on the comments. Thank you all for your questions and I'll make sure to update new chapters soon 💖💕

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