CH 14: In Sickness and In Health (edited)

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Both boys wearily peeked over the corner of the wall, watching with great concern as Arthur sat on the edge of his bed quietly murmuring to Francis who lied feverishly on the bed. Layers of blankets were thrown over him, his face was flushed red and was super warm to the touch, Arthur whispered sweet nothings to him as he stroked his long hair that stuck to his forehead with sweat.

Eventually, Francis had drifted off into a feverish slumber leaving Arthur with a heavy heart. "Dad?.." Alfred surprisingly spoke in a quiet voice, Arthur jumped and quickly wiped at his teary eyes before facing his sons with a wobbly smile. "H-hello boys, is everything okay?" he asked. "Is papa going to be okay?" this time Matthew spoke with a crack in his soft voice.

Arthur rose from the bed and sat on the floor urging the boys to join him. "Your papa is just a little sick." He explained as both Alfred and Matthew climbed into his arms and leaned their head against his chest. "It's scary.." Matthew whimpered. "I know, I'm scared too but your papa is strong. I know he is." Arthur patted their backs in a soothing manner. "Don't worry Mattie, papa will fight the sickness. And when he wins we'll be able to play again." Alfred smiled widely.

Arthur forced a smile at his sons attempt to cheer up his brother. "Alfred is right Matthew, as soon as your papa gets better he'll be able to play with you and Alfred every day." Matthew looked at his father with hopeful eyes. "You really mean it?" he asked curiously. "Yes, love. Papa will be okay, trust me." He stroked Matthew's long locks, running his fingers through his silk like golden hair. Alfred and Matthew snuggled up against Arthur's chest as he hummed a quiet tune lulling the distressed children to sleep.

Francis soon awoke with a coughing fit, his face was red, Arthur stood carefully and regretfully rushed to the boy's room tucking both of his children into their bed placing quick kisses on their foreheads before heading back to Francis and helped him through his coughing fit. He offered him water which he gladly obliged, Francis was relieved as the cool water soothed his burning throat. "Thank you, love." He smiled at Arthur but frowned when he saw how scared the Brit looked.

He set the glass of water on the nightstand aside from him and grabbed Arthur's hand and pulled him down on the bed with him. He pulled Arthur close and buried his face in his shoulder. "Don't be scared Arthur, it's just a little fever. I'll be okay." He reassured in a raspy voice due to how raw his throat was from all the coughing. "I..I know that." Arthur stammered. "Oh? Then why does it sound like you're about to cry?" Francis closed his eyes tiredly and ran his hand through Arthur's short hair.

He felt sleep beginning to invade his mind and body. "Arthur.." He called out. "Yes, love?" his voice calmed Francis, his touch made him feel safe. Francis sloppily wrapped his arms around Arthur. "Stay here with me." He said almost in a pleading voice. "I will, I promise," Arthur reassured with a kind smile. "I will never ever leave you." He turned to face the sleeping Frenchman and placed his hand on his warm cheek.

He shivered at how cold the room became and worried that Francis would get worse, he checked his temperature again knowing well enough that if his fever was high he wouldn't be able to cover him with a blanket, but to his luck he was only warm and not extremely hot just as how he was in the morning so with a relieved smile he grabbed a blanket and threw it over their bodies. He scooted closer to Francis wanting to get some warmth from him, his feet and hands were cold.

It was barely mid-afternoon but he hadn't slept since last night, last night being one of the worst nights he ever had. Francis was tripping, fainting, throwing up, and trembling so much it scared Arthur and the boys half to death. Arthur feared for the worse and nearly cried every time Francis would faint due to the high fever; but seeing him now, he looked a lot better than before. His face was soft and it no longer twisted in pain or discomfort like earlier.

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