CH 23: Missing Home (edited)

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Eventually, they arrived at a small house, it was far from any other house. Alfred shuddered, the fewer people there were the worst it would be.

Alfred looked down at his brother who slept soundly. "Welcome home." His father sighed and climbed out of the car to grab the suitcase from the trunk, Matthew jolted awake. "Alfred?" he felt for his brother's hand. Alfred took Matthew's hand. "I'm here Mattie." He reassured in a soothing tone.

Their father opened a door and ushered them out. "Come on." He grumbled, Alfred held his brother's hand tight as they both followed the intimidating man, he opened the door to the house and trudged in, then stopped. "From now on you will spend most of your time indoors so don't even think about going outside without my knowing." Matthew looked down.

Alfred sighed. "Okay." He said and pulled his brother close. They both walked in the house and Matthew instantly coughed at the thick scent of cigar smoke. "Can you at least open a window?" Alfred asked quietly. "...fine." Their father sighed and opened a window down the hall.

Alfred pulled his brother to the window. "Try not to breathe it in that much okay?" he stated and patted his brother's back. "Excuse me mister-" Matthew started but was suddenly cut off. "Excuse me?" their father's voice was suddenly low and angry causing both boys to flinch. "From now on you will address me as your father." He stated, Matthew whimpered. "But I already have my daddy and papa." He whispered.

The man flinched. "They're not your parents, I am your father. The one that brought you here." He explained in a harsh tone, he then kneeled down to their level and faced them with dangerous eyes. "Now...Matthew." He smiled, Alfred pushed his brother behind him. "I'd like it very much if you addressed me as your father okay?" Alfred stayed silent as his brother trembled behind him.

Matthew peered over Alfred's shoulder. "O-okay.." He whispered in a frightened voice, his face was paler than usual, his eyes wide with fear. He looked at the bear in his arms, it was trembling along with him. Their father stood and took hold of Alfred's arm. "Let me show you around." He muttered dragging Alfred along with him, Matthew followed closely behind his brother.

As much as Alfred wanted to pry the man's fingers off of him he feared that it would bring bad consequences to him and his brother, he already learned not to get his father mad. And so he just let himself be dragged, besides, as long as his brother was unharmed it would be okay. For now.

Finally, after being showed what rooms they could and could not go in, they were both shown to a dark hall, two doors stood across from each other. Their father stood in front of them towering over them like a giant. "You both will each sleep in your own room from now on, there is a personal bathroom in each of your rooms meaning they will be locked at night."

Alfred's blood ran cold, and Matthew couldn't find the right words to say anything. The man looked at his watch. "It's almost dinner, after dinner, you will go to bed without any complaints." He informed, Matthew, shook his head not wanting to believe his words.

Alfred gritted his teeth. "No!" he shouted. "Matthew can't sleep alone he gets nightmares. And he needs someone to calm him down." He explained. "It's not my problem, it's not yours either." His father replied.  "Please, mister I can't sleep without Alfred." Matthew whimpered.

Alfred froze at his brother's mistake. "What did you call me?" the many asked quietly, Matthew shrunk. "I..." He stammered. "I mean dad." He mumbled and hugged his bear close to his chest.

The man nodded and continued on. "As I was saying, you both will sleep in separate rooms. And if you refuse, then a punishment will be needed. Besides, growing boys need to learn about discipline." He wore a sick smile that made Alfred's stomach churn in uneasiness.

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