CH 27: Saved? (edited)

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Alfred didn't know how long it was since he called, he lied beside his brother who still slept.

He rested his hand against his flushed cheek and frowned. "Matthew.." He gently shook his shoulder in an attempt to wake him, Matthew stirred and hugged his bear closer to his chest. "Matthew come on you have to wake up." Alfred whimpered and softly tapped his cheek.

Matthew whined and completely opened his glossy eyes, he looked at Alfred and reached out to him. "Alfie.." He mumbled and grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze. "It's hot." He stated with a raspy voice. "I know, but don't worry someone is going to save us," Alfred reassured and helped his brother sit up against the seats.

Matthew sleepily looked at his brother who trembled in anxiety. "Who is going to save us?" he asked quietly. "I..." Alfred trailed off, he was beginning to lose hope, what if no one had answered? What if he just imagined it all due to the stress and being locked in a hot car for too long? He calmed himself and drew a long breath.

He scooted closer to Matthew. "I dialed dad's number, and now since they possibly have the number to this phone" He waved the drained phone in his hands at Matthew. "They can track it down and find us." He stated. Matthew softly smiled. "You're amazing Alfred." He said. "No," Alfred shook his head in protest. "Don't praise me, Mattie, you're hurt and sick because of me." He said in a guilt-stricken tone.

Matthew frowned, he hated when his brother beat himself up for things he never did. "Alfred." Matthew grasped onto Alfred's hands and looked into his eyes. "Did you raise your fist at me?" he asked seriously, catching Alfred way off guard. "N-no! I would never!" he exclaimed. "When you take the blame it'll seem like you were the one responsible, so when you take the blame for him hurting me it's like you're admitting you were the one that hurt me," Matthew explained.

Alfred gaped at his brother who pouted at him. "...thank you, Mattie." He sighed and smiled, he was starting to get dizzy, it was extremely hot and humid in the car Alfred wondered how long it would take before he fully passed out. "Alfred..." Matthew suddenly looked exhausted and slumped against Alfred's shoulder his grip on his bear loosening. "I can't breathe." He whispered anxiously.

Alfred gritted his teeth and pulled his brother close. "Take a deep breath, don't panic okay?" he instructed in a calm soothing voice. "I'm scared, Alfie can you breathe?" he looked up at him and shakily sat up. "Are you okay Alfie? You can breathe good right?" he asked anxiously as he checked over his brother who giggled. "I'm okay really Mattie, what did I tell you? Don't panic." Alfred said and pulled his brother back to a lying down position.

Matthew huffed and took in a couple of breaths. "I really hope someone comes soon." He mumbled and hugged his bear. "It's getting harder to breathe...." He clutched at his chest. "But," He huffed once more and cuddled against his brother. "I have a hero with me." He tiredly smiled. Alfred winced and ran his hand through his brother's hair. "Just hang on a little more Mattie." He mumbled and hugged him tightly.

Matthew coughed and grasped onto Alfred's arm. "You better not get sick too okay? Though...I will be able to take care of you, but I don't want you to get sick. It's really horrible." Alfred wondered if Matthew was just trying to distract himself to keep him from panicking, if it were then it was working, Alfred felt at ease when his brother talked to him.

It made him feel relieved to see and hear his brother who was still alive and partially well. "Don't worry Mattie." He smiled at him. "There's no way I'm getting sick. Heroes never get sick." Although honestly, Alfred was slowly losing hope, the lack of oxygen was already getting to him his chest felt tight, and his brother was already dozing off again.

His smile faltered. "How are you feeling Matthew?" he asked anxiously. "Sleepy," Matthew answered with a long yawn. "How about you?" he asked, Alfred looked down...' I'm scared.' As much as he wanted to admit it he stayed strong for his brother's sake, if he broke down Matthew was sure to break down too, and that wouldn't do any good for the both of them.

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