CH 9: Promises (edited)

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That was the only thing the small family felt in the atmosphere around them.

When the sun rose and the sky was a soft shade of orange and pink, Arthur had no time to admire it like he did every morning, he knew Francis was coming and he knew there wasn't going to be any chances for the children to survive the emotional pain if they stayed there when he arrived.

He rushed to their room and shook their shoulders. "Boys please wake up." He whispered anxiously. "What's wrong dad?.." Alfred yawned and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "It's so early daddy, are we going somewhere?" Matthew mumbled in annoyance as he sat up to meet his father's wide and fear filled eyes. "Yes, remember my friend Gilbert?" Arthur asked. Both boys nodded.

"Well we're going to meet him again right now, now come on. I need you both to quickly get dressed." Arthur glanced at his watch. "4:21..." He muttered to himself. "Got an hour left before..." He trailed off, realizing that both his children were listening to him. "U-umm...come on, I'll help you dress." He offered quickly.

With both boys still half asleep he managed to dress both of them. "Daddy, why do we have to go?" Matthew asked worriedly. "I'll explain in the car." He took both of their hands and exited the house. " stop!" Alfred instantly stopped and stood his ground he grabbed ahold of his brother's hand and made him stop. "We won't go until you tell us what's happening," Alfred stated with a frown.

Arthur felt his heart drop in anxiety seeing how he himself worried his sons. "Look Alfred I promise I'll tell you everything just please trust me." Arthur desperately looked at him, almost pleadingly. Alfred was taken aback by his father's desperate glare and he reluctantly let go of his brother's hand and let himself be dragged. "Okay.." He mumbled worriedly.

Eventually, they were all sitting in the car, the atmosphere was tense almost to the point where it could choke them like thick smoke. Alfred couldn't help but feel scared, he didn't know what it was that was so scary to him but the way his father's hands trembled as they gripped the steering wheel was worrying. Terrifying even.

Dreadful hours passed, Matthew had dozed back to sleep but Alfred was now wide awake with his mind whirring with questions and thoughts, he looked at his father from the review mirror. "Mattie is asleep can tell me what's wrong," he mumbled and winced almost regretting his sentence. "I don't want you to get hurt...I can't tell you." Arthur protested. Alfred frowned and balled his hands into tight fists. "Please, dad...I want to know. I need to know." He demanded.

"Alfred I will not argue with you," Arthur stated with a frown. "Dad, please...I need to know..." Alfred pleaded this time but with no success, instead, he got silence for an answer. "Why are you taking us to Gilbert's place? Why do you look so scared? You're shaking...something is wrong." Alfred explained in a hard tone. "Alfred I won't tell you again..." Arthur warned.

Alfred had enough. "Then I can't trust you anymore...if you won't tell me anything then that means you don't trust me too." He looked down in anger and somewhat fear, he but hid it very well. "Alfred please you have to understand.." Arthur tried to explain to him but was greeted by Alfred turning his head away from him and silently looked out the window. He sighed and brought his attention back to the road. "I'm sorry Alfred, but It's better if you don't find out." He mumbled glumly.

After a while they arrived at Gilbert's place, Alfred awoke his brother and grabbed ahold of his hand. "Come on Mattie, we're here." He forced a happy looking grin and hopped out the car, standing a few feet away from his father. Arthur knocked on the door with a shaky fist and glanced over his shoulder at both boys, he frowned when he saw Alfred looking down at his feet.

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