CH 5: My hero (edited)

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"...Matthew please you need to take care of yourself." Arthur pleaded worriedly to the small child who sat quietly by his unconscious brother who lied motionless on the bed. "No..I'm going to wait until Alfred wakes up.." Matthew protested with a strained filled voice, a whole week had gone by since the day Alfred fell into the ice-cold stream.

Arthur had jumped in to save him and helped him regain his breath, but he never really did wake up from his 'slumber'. He had grown weak and caught a high fever, he stayed asleep for a whole week and Matthew had stayed by his side every minute and day, he would never sleep nor eat, he would just wait patiently for his brother to wake up.

His eyes had dark circles under them from lack of sleep, his skin grew to a sickly pale white that made him look deathly ill. He even refused to eat his meals which made his body weak and frail. It made Arthur think that if he were to give the child a single push, it would shatter and break his delicate figure.

"Matthew you need a good meal and a nice long rest, Alfred will wake up soon, I promise." Arthur tried to coax him out of his uneasiness. "..then I want to wait until he does," Matthew mumbled quietly, Arthur sighed and tugged at his hair in worry not knowing what to do for the distressed child. "Please Matthew...are you sure this is how Alfred would've wanted you to be?" Arthur said quietly.

Of course, the mention of Alfred's name made Matthew feel guilty and regretful, but he was just so worried he didn't even care about his own health and well being. "I'm sorry Arthur..I just want Alfred to wake up." Tears filled his eyes but he quickly dried them, he didn't want to show Arthur that he was weak, even though the ache in his chest made it almost impossible for him to keep the tears and whimpers locked away within himself.

Arthur carefully rested his hand on Matthew's head and softly stroked his soft hair. "It's alright to be scared, I'm scared too.." He slyly smiled at Matthew who's eyes were glazed over with tears. "Come here.." Arthur pulled Matthew into his arms and held him closely. "You can cry now, it's okay to cry sometimes." And with those words said, Matthew had broken into tears.

Arthur rubbed his back as he sobbed and cried. "I-it's all my fault." Matthew hiccupped as he attempted to wipe away his tears. Arthur's eyes had widened in shock and he quickly held Matthew's face in his hands. "It is not your fault Matthew. It was only an accident, accidents happen all the time." Arthur reassured and swiped his thumb across Matthew's cheek to wipe away a stray tear.

Matthew had stayed silent and avoided Arthur's gaze "...okay." He whispered and slightly nodded after being released from his grasp. The bed and its sheets from behind Matthew had shuffled from movement and his heart began to race unevenly against his chest "M-Mattie?... Arthur?" the quiet but tired voice made Matthew's head spin, he slowly turned around and almost instantly froze not knowing what to do.

Alfred yawned and rubbed his eyes to shake off the grogginess, his breath suddenly hitched in his throat once he saw the condition his little brother was in. He worriedly jumped off the bed and ran over to hug him. "Mattie!" Alfred examined his brother to check if he had sustained any injuries, but he was cut short when he was pulled into a tight hug by Arthur. "Alfred, why would you do such a thing? Matthew and I were so worried!"

Alfred looked down with a feeling of guilt growing in his chest. "I'm sorry...I just thought you didn't love me or Mattie any more." He explained reluctantly. "What sort of nonsense is that!? Of course, I still love you both very much." Arthur kissed his forehead. "I love you and Matthew with all my heart, don't let anyone tell you that I don't." He released Alfred from the tight hug. "I'm going to make you and Matthew some food now, I can tell you both need it." He smiled and left the two brother's alone.

Alfred turned to his brother and saw him sitting on the ground nodding off in exhaustion, he quietly went up to him and sat across from him. "..Mattie..I'm so sorry.." He apologized with a sad frown, Matthew had jumped from his older brother's words, he didn't even realize he was right in front of him. "It's okay Alfred it wasn't your fault, accidents happen." Matthew smiled tiredly. "Mattie you look horrible...were you not taking care of yourself?" Alfred asked worriedly.

Matthew frowned and reluctantly nodded "I'm sorry, I was just so worried about you.." Matthew mumbled. "Mattie I want you to always take care of yourself." Alfred pouted and pulled his younger brother into a hug. "..I'm sorry I left you alone for a while..but I promise I won't leave you alone anymore." He slowly stood up and helped his brother to his feet as the smell of something burning reached their noses, the smoke detector blared, its alarm causing both twins to jump with sudden surprise and fright.

Matthew had clung to his brother's arm. "Maybe it's Arthur that caused all this smoke," Alfred said, trying to calm his easily frightened brother. "R-right." Matthew nodded. "Let's go check on him," Alfred suggested and left the room with his brother still clinging onto his arm, the sound of pots and pans clattering on the ground that was later accompanied with a harsh. "Bullocks!"

Alfred rushed into the kitchen with his brother in tow and saw Arthur who was picking them up while muttering curses under his breath. "Ah..are you okay dad?" he asked slowly in both confusion and concern. "Oh! Yes, I'm quite alright!" Arthur straightened his posture. "I made some muffins because I can tell that you two need a little sugar in your blood." He pulled out the pan from the oven and set them on the table.

The muffins were a bit undercooked and looked soggy. "Thank you, dad." Alfred reluctantly grabbed one. "Thank you, daddy." Matthew followed his brother's actions and grabbed one. They both took a bite out of the muffin and almost gagged at the taste, they didn't want to upset their father so they hesitantly swallowed and forced a smile. "It's really good!" Alfred exclaimed. "R-really!?" Arthur stuttered with a blush.

The muffin stuck to the roof of their mouths and left a sour and bitter taste lingering on their tongues, Alfred had grabbed a tall glass of milk and took a long swig before giving the rest to his brother. "I'm happy you two like it." Arthur beamed happily thinking that maybe..just maybe, he had a better chance at raising both twins without Francis.

Alfred and Matthew, of course, didn't want to hurt their father who had done so much for them, and seeing that he was so happy right now, they ate their muffins without complaining until they eventually got used to the taste. Matthew though had given up on the third bite and felt oddly disoriented.

Shadows moved swiftly from the corners of his eyes and he quickly looked over his shoulders feeling a sense of paranoia eat away at his mind. "Mattie are you okay?" Alfred asked worriedly when he saw him fidgeting around in his seat. "Y-yes I'm okay." He took a shaky breath as his vision was going blurry and he quickly grabbed onto Alfred's hand. "I..I'm not hungry." He whispered in a guilty tone.

"Come on just a little more, you haven't eaten for a while." Alfred tried to get his brother to eat but failed after a few attempts. "Mattie, what's wrong?" he asked worriedly. "..I'm just sleepy.." He mumbled and left the table feeling himself get even more disoriented, and before he knew it his legs gave out from under him and he collapsed to the ground only being able to see the blurry figures of his brother and father running to him in complete concern and worry.

Alfred worriedly shook his brother's shoulder tears forming at the corners of his eyes. "M-Mattie! Dad, what's wrong? What happened?" his heart hammered against his chest almost as if it wanted to jump out, Arthur softly placed his hand against his youngest son's forehead and cringed when his hand came in contact with the overly heated skin. "He's got a fever..let's take him to bed." He carefully carried Matthew to his and Alfred's room and lied him down on the bed.

"I think he caught it from you, he was very close to you while you were sick." Arthur kissed Matthew's forehead and flashed a soothing smile to Alfred. "Don't worry, it's just a small fever he'll be better in no time." Alfred looked at his brother and then at his father. "Okay..then this time I'll stay by his side, I promised I wouldn't leave him alone." He was determined to fulfill his promise. "Great you'll be an amazing hero one day, I'll go bring some medicine and some soup." Arthur patted Alfred's shoulder and left.

Alfred looked at the bed and intertwined his fingers with Matthew's smaller ones. "..don't worry Mattie, I'm going to become a hero just for you okay? I'll always protect you." His eyes gleamed in happiness. "T-thank you, Alfie..I'll protect you too." His brother's quiet voice reached his ears and when he looked up to face him he saw him with a weak smile plastered on his face before he once again fell into a feverish sleep.

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