CH 4: Struggles (edited)

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A year had gone by in a flash, both Alfred and Matthew grew to love their new parents. Although a sense of sadness and depression still lingered in the air the twins resorted to calling them daddy and papa, Alfred grew closer to Arthur while Matthew grew to Francis like a puppy. He learned French and learned how to write it as well while Alfred decided to stay as he was.

Both twins never grew an inch over the year and Alfred was growing weary of the situation, but he decided to forget about it and live as he was with no problems in his life. Everything seemed to have gone by perfectly, until that one night.

Alfred was awoken by a violent shake, his eyes snapped open quickly and he frantically sat up from his bed only to meet his brother's fear-filled eyes. "Mattie wha!-" he was cut off when Matthew clamped his mouth shut with his hand, he slowly brought a finger to his lips signaling him to stay quiet.

Alfred nodded slowly and removed Matthew's trembling hand from his mouth and slowly started to sign on it. just breathe Mattie his hand and fingers moved in a sign language they both knew, Matthew evened out his quickened breathing and signed back. I heard them both fighting again he claimed with shaky hands.

Alfred frowned and was able to hear faint yelling coming from downstairs don't worry, they'll have to stop eventually he tried to reassure his frightened brother but Matthew was too smart to fool it's been an hour and they haven't stopped he pouted at him. Alfred sighed quietly and hopped off the bed lets go he signed to Matthew before heading out the room.

Matthew padded silently after Alfred, his bare feet surprisingly hit the wooden ground silently not making a single noise along with Alfred who was also an expert at staying quiet. When they both lived in the orphanage they would sneak out of the room where they stayed in along with all the other boys and head out to the roof.

Of course, lots of guards were on patrol at night so they learned how to stay quiet, Alfred had stolen a book about sign language and they both learned over the years they had stayed at the orphanage. Now they could have an entire silent conversation by only moving their fingers, I don't think this is a good idea Matthew signed on Alfred's shoulder with wavering hands not even bothering to hide his fear.

Alfred ignored his brother easily and shook off his hand away from his shoulder don't worry about it he smiled and quietly walked downstairs where the violent yells of the two men became much clearer. "You can't just go back to France! I need you!...the children need you!" Arthur yelled with his voice cracking and breaking horribly with incoming tears.

"Please understand that my country needs me, I need to go." Francis's voice was firm but shaky and on the verge of tears as well, Matthew curiously peeked over the corner and saw Arthur with tears trailing down his cheeks with his teeth gritted and his eyes lit with anger and devastation.

"Arthur...please you need to understand," Francis spoke with deep remorse as his hard gaze softened once he met Arthur's dull and tear-filled green eyes. "J-just leave..." Arthur muttered. "Go away! I don't need you anyways!" he yelled aloud causing both the children and Francis to jump out of fright. "I hope you forgive me one day...tell the children I love them.." Francis mumbled under his breath.

"No papa! Don't leave!" Matthew had quickly ran to Francis and tightly hugged his leg. "S'il vous plaît ne vont pas!" he cried out with a pleading tone in Francis' native tongue, Francis stayed silent and carefully pried off Matthew from his leg he kneeled down to his height and gritted his teeth knowing that he would deeply regret what he was about to say.

" ne place ici." He whispered and quickly stood up from the ground, he turned toward the door with his luggage at hand. "I always loved you.." Were his last words before he left and disappeared within the empty and foggy streets leaving Matthew standing wordlessly with Alfred beside him.

Breaking point (F.A.C.E) [Under Editing]Where stories live. Discover now