Chapter 1

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*The Move*

Paris and Mrs. Hatch moved to Baton Rouge, LA. Paris hates that they moved from Missouri. Why did we have to move mom? I had friends and I liked it there in Missouri. Look Paris you are going to have to make the best of it baby. You will make new friends, plus your aunt Pam lives around the corner. You will be able to see your cousins. Paris rolls her eyes to the thought of her cousins. Paris and her twin cousins are not close. They are mean and both are fast acting girls. And they dress like they're grown. I don't know why my aunt lets them dress like that,but what can I expect the apple don't fall to far from the tree. As we pull into the driveway I lose my train of thought as I see the house. Come on, get out Paris, I think your gonna like it. I hope so I murmur to myself. As Paris gets out of the car she looks around at the other houses. The houses were too close to each other. As Mrs. Hatch watches Paris look around she smiles to herself, cause she knows Paris is gonna love the inside and how she set up her room. As she thinks her cell phone rings and a number that she knows too well pops up. Paris okay here's the keys your room is downstairs go ahead and go inside and look around while I take this phone call. Who's that calling?Go on ahead Paris and do what I just said. Fine Paris says while going in the house. Kids these days are so nosy, she thought to herself before answering the phone.

Phone Call:
Tina : What do you want!
Tim: Aww come on Tina, why you got to be like that. I'm just calling to see how you and Paris doing.
Tina: Really Tim! Now you want to ask or even care about us. We have nothing to talk about.
Tim: Remember you the one left.
Tina: You know exactly why I left, should I remind you.
Tim: Let the pass be the pass
Tina: I got to go, Have a nice life.

Meanwhile, in the house, Paris is looking in the living room. She loves how everything is setup. Its so homey in here. She sees her room, it's nice everything is set up like she likes it. She looks over to see her laptop. Yes oh lord what would I have done without it. She runs her hand over her bed. Its neatly set up her pillows and stuff animals is all placed in the right spot. I got to give it to mom its nice so far, she smiles to herself. There's one window in her room. She walks over and pull the curtain back. She can see the house next door. As see looks out the window she sees a boy bent over. The boy looks around age. He has a white T-shirt on, that looks dirty and some tore up blue jeans. She also sees a woman standing by him. Paris closes the curtain and sits down on her bed remembering, she haven't looked at the whole house yet. Well looks like this is where we're going to be staying for now on, so I guess, I do have to make the best of it. I just hope I can make new friends, it would suck if my so called hot tail cousins, be the only people I know.

Meanwhile outside, Mrs. Hatch has ended her phone call. She hears a women's voice, Hey how are you. I see you just moving in. My name is Rona Smith. Oh hey Mrs. Smith, I'm Tina Hatch. Me and my daughter moved here from Missouri. Oh really I have some family from Troy Missouri. So u say you and your daughter moved here. Yeah she in the house looking around. Me and my son been here about three years now. He's a good boy, see look at him in my flower garden pulling weeds lol. Mrs. Hatch looks over at the young boy working in the garden. Hey Keon, come here and meet our neighbors. How old is he. Oh he's 17, its just him and me. He helps me alot, I'm just trying my best as a single parent. Trying to rise my son to be a man. I hear you. My daughters is 17 also. And I been rising her on my own since she was 2 months old. Keon this is Mrs. Hatch she's our new neighbor. Hey how you do I'm Keon. Hey baby how are you, Mrs. Hatch asks. I'm fine just pulling weeds ma'am. I have a daughter that's your age. She's in the house right now. Do u care Mrs. Smith to join us for dinner, you and Keon. Just call me Rona, but I think that sounds great. I can go and make a dish and bring it over. Yeah that sounds good. I'll go ahead and start preparing something for dinner and get everything set up. Then y'all can meet my daughter Paris. Okay that sounds like a plan. We will be over for dinner. As the Smiths walk back to their house, next door. Mrs. Hatch goes in her house. It's been a long drive and she's tired. Paris where are you. Paris gets up off the bed and go to the front room. Yeah mom I was in my room. So how you like your room? I love it. Why were u outside so long, Paris asks her mom. Well I was talking to our neighbor, Mrs. Smith and her son Keon. I invited them over for dinner, so come on and help me get dinner started. Mom you invited them over for dinner. We just getting here today. Yeah I know but look we already getting to know people, plus her son is your age. See here's a chance for you to make a friend. Paris stands their quiet just thinking about boy she saw bent over. Come on...Paris follows her mom into the kitchen. The kitchen was bigger than their previous kitchen at their old house. Paris notices a dish washer. Omg I don't have to wash dishes by hand. I'm loving this. Paris thinks to herself. Over at the Smiths house, Rona is looking in her kitchen. To see what dish she is going to bring to her new neighbors house for dinner. Keon what dish you think we should bring? Mom I don't know I'm not going over there. Why you don't want to go? This is too much like those movies. You have new neighbors and someone bring them food. And say " Welcome to the neighborhood, here is a gift. I made it for you"! He says in a woman voice. Mrs. Smith starts laughing. Boy you crazy, we didn't do that. We were invited silly boy. Now come help me make our favorite salad mix. Come on mom, can I just stay here please. No you coming so go get cleaned up. Fine, I can't win for losing. Mrs. Smith prepares a salad with an avocado sliced up and bacon bits, shredded cheese, pomegranate honey walnut nut mix and for dressing ranch dressing. Back at Mrs. Hatch house. She decides to make fried chicken with Mac n cheese. As she looks at the clock, its 6:17pm. She starts preparing the food. Paris is in her room hanging some of her clothes in her closet and lining her shoes in her closet. When she hears the
doorbell rings. Mom I got it, Paris shouts. She opens the the door to see Mrs. Smith and Keon standing at the door. How baby you must be Paris, yes ma'am I am. Paris steps back from the door to allow them to come in. Keon looks at Paris and gives a small smile. Paris smiles back. Paris closes the door. Come this way my mom is in the kitchen. I can tell it smells good in here, replies Mrs. Smith. Hey I see you made it here just put your dish on the counter over there. Paris this is Mrs. Smith and her son Keon. Hey how are you, Paris holds her hand out to shake Mrs. Smith hand. But before she knows it Mrs. Smith pulls her in for a hug. Oh okay Paris says. Hi honey you are such a pretty young thing. Paris smiles, thank you. Paris this is my son Keon. Hi Paris nice to meet you, he hold out it hand to Paris. She looks at his hand and shake it. Hi nice to meet you to. OK Paris you and Keon can go in the living room and wait until dinner is ready, Mrs. Hatch says. OK mom, while Paris walks away Keon follows her. So Paris where are you from? Paris sits on the couch trying to answer him, but she can't help it, he looks so good. He has a fresh hair cut and he is just plain sexy. Paris stumbles over her words at first. Um um, I'm from Missouri. Oh okay so you from up north. I bet it snow alot up there. Yeah it does. Keon looks a Paris for awhile. He likes how she looks. Her hair is up in a messy bun and she have small heart earrings on with a matching necklace. Her skin is caramel and smooth looking. Yeah keon, Paris snaps at him, getting his attention. She knows he's looking at her from head to toe she blushes. Do you want to play on my xbox 360. I have different kinds of games. Yeah I will like to play, I have one at home. So I see you like to play huh Paris. She looks at him and smiles, so are you ready to lose by a girl. Oh really, okay Paris is that a challenge. Keon smiles at her, okay let the games begin. We gonna race, Paris says, while putting the game in. Paris returns to the couch and sits next to Keon. Keon starts getting chills but he ignores it. He thinks Paris is very pretty. So you ready Keon, if not you better get ready cause I'm gonna smoke you,Paris laughs. As they play the game Mrs. Hatch and Mrs. Smith is setting up the table. So Tina do you have any family here. Yeah my sister Pam lives right around the corner. Oh that remains me I forgot to call her to tell her I made it. Well you can call her while I go get the kids. Mrs. Smith walks to get the kids. And see them having fun playing the xbox. Paris is hiting Keon in a playful way because she is winning. No you cheating Paris stop hitting me, he laughs while hiting her back. So I see y'all having fun, that's good. Well dinner is ready now. Wait mom Keon says, we have to finish this game first, cause Paris cheating. No I'm not you just mad you losing, Paris starts laughing. Meanwhile Mrs. Hatch calls pam.

Phone call
Mrs. Hatch: Hey sis just calling to tell you that we made it.
Pam: oh okay good, me and the girls will come over tomorrow. So how you like it so far?
Mrs. Hatch: everything is good. I invited my next door neighbor and her son over for dinner. They seem to be nice people. We about to eat so I'll talk to you tomorrow okay.
Pam: that's good okay talk to you tomorrow nite nite.

Mrs. Hatch puts all the food on the table. She goes in the living room to see what everyone is doing. She walks to see everyone laughing. She smiles cause she see Paris having so much fun playing the game. Hey everyone dinner on the table. OK mom give us a couple of minutes, im almost done beating Keon. Mrs. Smith walks over to Mrs. Hatch. Our kids seem to be hitting it off. They already having fun. Yeah I'm glad they having fun. Paris didn't think she would make friends here. Paris and Keon are done playing. OK Paris I see you, we have to have a rematch. We can but I'm still gonna beat you. OK we'll see. OK y'all lets eat. Everyone went to the tablet to eat. Everything looks good, there's fried chicken, Mac n cheese, and salad. Keon ate everything on his plate. Keon looked at Mrs. Hatch, everything was so good he told her. Thank you sweetie. Paris looks over at Keon plate. She smiles to herself. She had so much fun playing with him. Tina do you need help washing dishes. No Rona I'm just glad y'all came and joined us. We got it. OK well I think it's time for me and Keon to go home now. Thanks for the invite and the food it was good. Your welcome, maybe we should do this again sometime. Yeah I'll like that. Mrs. Hatch and Paris walks Keon and Mrs. Smith to the door. Bye Paris I'll be looking forward for our rematch he smiles. OK until then she smiles at him. OK Tina see you later. OK see y'all later goodnight, Mrs. Hatch waves while closing the door. That was fun huh Paris. See you made a new friend already. Yeah it was fun mom. OK let's clean up these dishes.
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