Chapter 10

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4 months has passed since Paris and her mom moved to Baton Rouge. Mom can I borrow your necklace. I can't find the right one to go to this dress. Mrs. Hatch turns to see Paris. Baby don't you look good. Now where are y'all going again. Mom I told you we going to the movies then we going out to eat. Okay baby, well make sure your back by 11oclock. And yes baby you can borrow my necklace. Come here so i can put it on you. Paris stands in the mirror while her mom puts the necklace on her. Darius arrives outside of Paris house. He gets out and rings the doorbell. Mom his here I got to go. Wait baby let me see y'all out first. Mrs. Hatch opens the door to see a handsome Darius standing there. Well don't you look nice Darius come on in. Darius smiles and comes in. He looks at Paris and takes a deep breath. Head to toe she looks good. You look nice Paris, he says while holding out his arm for her. Thank you, Paris says while putting her arm in his. Okay kids be back at 11oclock. Mrs. Hatch watches them get in car and drive off. Darius entwine his hand into Paris hand. He looks at her, baby I have to say you look really good tonight. Paris smiles and look at him. You don't look bad yourself baby. I see you clean up well, Paris says. Darius laughs, well I guess I do huh. They arrive at a stop light. Darius looks at the time. The movie starts at 7:30. It's 7:21 right now we don"t have alot of time to get there, says Darius. We will get there, we won"t miss anything. Darius leans in and kisses Paris. A car honks their horn at them. A angry car pulls up and shouts,"Get a room you morons"! Paris and Darius starts laughing. They make it to the movies right on time. Darius buys a large popcorn and two sodas. Paris gets their tickets. They go in and the previews are playing. Paris pulls Darius jacket. See bay we made it, we haven't missed nothing. They take their sits at the top. As the previews end Paris sees how packed the movie is. Darius is downing the popcorn. "Are you sure that popcorn is for both of us"?, Paris whispers to him. Darius looks down at the popcorn. I'm sorry, I'll go refill it, we get free refill. No that's fine I'll go, Paris says. Are you sure bay, cause I can go. I'm sure, I got it. Paris goes and get more popcorn. She decides to put the liquid popcorn butter on it. She makes it back to her date. Okay baby here's the popcorn. What did I miss so far. Nothing really it actually just started. They finish the movie and head to the restaurant. I'm so ready to eat right now, says Paris. They arrive at Fiddle Sticks. Darius gets out and opens Paris door. He holds her hand as she gets out. The waiter seats them at a booth and hand them a menu. I have to the bathroom, I'll be right back, Paris says while getting up. Okay but first what drink you want? Pairs decides to have a sprite. She opens bathroom door and stands in mirror. She takes her lip gloss out of her purse and puts some on. The bath stall opens and a girl comes out and washes her hands. Paris looks over to her and drops her lip gloss in the sink. Ashley looks up at her in the mirror. Well look who it is. Who knew we would be here on the same night, Ashley says while wiping her hands.Paris rolls her eyes and picks up her lip gloss. Right who would've thought, tonight of all night, Paris says sarcastic. Right girl, me and Keon had to come out today. You know Paris he is such a ladies man, Ashley says while putting on her lip stick. Paris you should wear some of my lip stick cause lip gloss is for kids, we doing grown up things tonight. Paris sucks her teeth to the thought. I don't know what you doing Ashley but I'm keeping my legs closed tonight, you know cause I am a true lady. Paris walks out the bathroom and go to her seat. Oh my baby I thought I was gonna have to send someone to look for you. I thought you might went in the bathroom and went out of the window. Paris laughs, really I just ran into an issue in the bathroom that's all. Well are you alright, did something happen. Nothing important really I just found out Ashley and Keon is here also. Did he say something to you, do I need to go put him in check! No No, I didn't even see him. I just seen Ashley in the bathroom. Darius brings his mind in and calms down. Paris gets nervous. She doesn't want any craziness to happen on her date night. Her and Keon are friends and she doesn't want Darius and him to fight again. Their food arrives. Darius has a steak, seasoned mash potatoes, and a side salad. Paris just has a salad. Paris is taken deep in her thought. She goes back to 2 weeks ago. Ashley lied and told Darius that me and Keon been seeing each other. So he pulled up at my house. And me and Keon were sitting on the porch. I was painting my nails and Keon was on YouTube on his phone. Darius jumped out of the car and ran full speed to Keon. Before I knew it they were going at it. I was yelling telling him to stop but he was gone. I ran to try to break it up and Darius was trying to punch Keon but instead I got in the way, and he punched me. I fell down hurting my back. Keon went crazy after seeing me fall. Mrs. Smith ran over to stop the boys from destroying one another. She finally got them to stop which I was relieved. What is the problem she asks. My heart was pounding so fast. I thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Darius spits blood out his mouth. Tell your son to stay away from my girl or else. Or else what man, Keon says while trying to step to him. Mrs. Smith pulls Keon back and tell him to go home. Darius grabs my hand and pulls me to his car. Stop Darius your hurting me, I say in tears. I'm so sorry baby but I heard that you and Keon were seeing each other and I just flipped. What, where did you hear that we are just friends. I'm in a relationship with you. I'm not a cheater and I'm upset that you didn't even ask me if it was true or not. I start crying and he opens his truck door and tells me to get in. He gets in and drives to his house. It's quiet the whole drive. Paris are you gonna eat your food, looks like your playing with it. She comes out of her thought to see Darius staring at her. Are you okay Paris, he asks. Yes I'm fine. Paris looks at her watch it's 10: 51 pm. I think we better go it's almost 11oclock. Darius wipes his mouth with his napkin. Okay your right we can go. Ashley and Keon are sitting down at their table. I'm so glad you called and wanted to go out with me, Ashley says while circling her straw in her cup. I'm not glad, my mom wants me to go out when you. So don't think this is my doing. I'm going to tell her all about you. She thinks your this sweet nice girl but she's all wrong. I know the real Ashely. You don't deserve a nice day out. So this dinner we having trust Im not happy with it. See my mom don't understand that I want to be single. She believes I need someone. But you know what Ashely Im fine by myself. Ashley rolls her eyes at him. Well I don't care why you have taken me out but as long as Paris is jealous I'm good. Keon frowns, what are you talking about me and her are friends she is not jealous. You are some other kind of crazy girl. Ashley smiles trust me she is. Ashley let me let you on a little secret, no one else is jealous but you. Your putting too much energy in trying to make her jealous. Well you should've seen her face when I told her I was here on a date with you. Keon snaps this is not a date Ashely. Ashely frowns well whatever I don't care. Look turn around there she is. Keon turns around and sees Paris and Darius. Keon turns back around looking at Ashley. She's here with her boyfriend stop trying start mess. For one me and him are not on good terms because of you. Let's not forget about that keon says while drinking his soda. Ashley sucks her teeth and rolls her eyes. Well I had to make sure she stays away from you. So if I had to tell a white lie oh well. It worked didn't it. No it didn't work cause we are still friends so you thought wrong baby girl. But see this dinner this will never ever happen again. So please eat up.Keon raises his glass up to her then drinks. Darius pays the check and they head to the truck. Paris rubs her arms, the temperature has dropped outside. Darius takes off his jacket and puts it around her. Here baby I see you a little chili. She smiles and says thank you. On the drive home Paris gets tired and lays her head on his shoulder. The night is so peaceful and calm. Darius makes it to her house. She is sleeping so peacefully. He kisses her on the forehead and rubs her arm. Paris wakes up to his touch. She opens her eyes and sees that she is in her driveway. I had fun tonight she says while rubbing her eyes. Mrs. Hatch stands in the door way. Your mom wasn't playing when she said 11oclock huh. Paris looks at her mom, no she never plays around with curfew time. Okay well I'll call you tomorrow Paris. Okay call me, goodnight. Paris gets out and goes in the house. Her mom closes the door. Mom you didn't have to wait up. I was gonna make my curfew. Yes I did baby. Your not grown yet and I couldn't sleep without knowing your safe at home. So how did it go. It was okay but I'm tired mom I'm gonna go to my room. Well okay baby goodnight. Paris closes her door and sits on her bed. She takes off her heels. She hears her cell phone ringing. She gets it out of her purse.
PARIS: Hello
KEON: Hey Paris I hope Ashely didn't get to you.
PARIS: No she didn't, but why did you take her out. After knowing what she did to us.
KEON: It was my mom idea I told her I didn't want to go out with her but she pished and pushed.
PARIS: Why didn't you just tell her the truth about her.
KEON: Well you have to know my mom. She likes Ashley and she can't see her being anything but good.
PARIS: Wow she must have played her.
KEON: Yeah you can say that but I'm gonna tell her the real about her. I'm not fouling with her no more. But enough about me and other than Ashley how was your night.
PARIS: Umm it was okay, the movie was good.
KEON: Oh yeah what did y'all see.
PARIS: We seen Taken 3, but okay Keon I'm so tired can we talk tomorrow.
KEON: Sure talk to you later.......
Paris hangs up and falls asleep in her date clothes.


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