Chapter 9

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Keon haven't slept at all. After what happened last night with Paris. How could I let jealousy get the best of me. I can't believe I did that to her. She probably hates me right now. This is too much, she haven't been here that long. Keon takes a long shower to get his mind off his actions. Meanwhile Paris is very upset at Keon. A part of her is happy that he is jealous but the way it went down, was not expected. Paris lays in bed all morning. Just thinking about all the drama in a life at the moment. Paris why are you still in bed, it's 2:50 in the evening. Get up girl, don't sleep your life away. Paris rolls her eyes. Mom please! I need to lay down I'm to stressed at the moment. Mrs Hatch laughs, what can you possibly be stressed about. You have no problems at all other than what to put on each day. Paris starts slowly crying. If I could tell my mom I would, but hey what's the point. Her mom sees her crying. She sits on the bed next to Paris and run her hand though her hair. Baby what is wrong did something happened that I don't know about? Paris thinks about what she gonna say to her mom. Not really mom I'm just trying to get use to this school and its hard. I really miss my old friends. Well baby I understand that, but baby you made two friends that i know of so far. Which are Nisha and Keon. Just take it one day at a time baby it will get better. Paris sighs, yep i guess. The day goes by and Paris been in PJs all day long. She picks up her phone and go to her contacts. She strolls down to Daruis name and wonders if she should call him. Before she knows it she calls him. The phone rings and rings then goes to voicemail. Paris hangs up. She decides to get up and get in bath, after her long bath, Paris and her mom goes to the grocery store." Paris here, you take the list and go get all the sides and I already know what meats I'm going to get", her moms says. Paris goes and gets the Mac N Cheese, Red Beans, Rice,Hamburger Helper and Cornbread mix. She tries to reach the box of Hamburger Helper. "OMG! Why is it so high", Paris says. As she reaches up to try to get it, a hand comes above her and grabs it for her. She looks back and there's Darius smiling at her. "Here u go Paris, is this what was trying to get". Thank you Darius but I think I had It. Really Paris cause from here it looked like you needed some help. Paris sucks her teeth. "What's wrong did I catch you on a bad day, if you want I can put it back so you can get it", Darius asks. No I'm sorry I'm just not having a good day, Paris says sadly. Well do you want to talk about it, I see you called me. I couldn't get to the phone and answer, but I'm here now. Can we talk? I can't right now, I'm here shopping with my mom, so can I call you later. Darius puts his hands in his pockets and give her a smile. Yes we can talk later, I would like that. Paris heart melts while she walks to find her mom. She smiles to herself. She founds her mom smelling some bell peppers. "Paris smell these peppers, don't they smell fresh"? Mom I don't know just buy them are we done I'm ready to go. After eating dinner, Paris cleans the kitchen while her mom goes get ice cream. She sits on the couch and decides to call Darius. She takes a deep breath then calls.


PHONE RINGS.......................................................................

DARIUS : Hello

PARIS : Hey it's me

DARIUS : Me Who?

PARIS : Really...

DARIUS : Lol, Whats going on Paris.

PARIS : Nothing just bored. I just Finish eating and cleaning. How about you

DARIUS : Nothing much just laying back. I was waiting on this pretty girl I seen at the store to call me.

PARIS : Oh I see you were waiting on me?

DARIUS : Well I like to think of you as a girl that is worth waiting for.

As the night goes on they talk and talk. Paris looks at her phone time. It's 12:42 at night. "Do you know we been on the phone for 2 and a half hours", Paris says. "Well time does go fast when you having fun, I should say", Darius says. Paris I enjoyed talking to you tonight. Do you think we can start this relationship now. Cause I like you and I feel that you like me. So lets just make this official. What do you think? Paris heart is pounding so fast and she is overly excited, but she pulls it in. I say yes Darius, I do like you, but can we take it slow. Lets get to know each other. Darius thinks about it. Okay Paris your on. So can I call you my girl now? Paris smiles while laying back and twirling her hair with her finger. Yes you can call me your girlfriend. Okay baby well I'll see you at school tomorrow, Darius says while hanging up the phone. Paris jumps up off the bed and looks at herself in the mirror. Omg did i just became Darius girlfriend. She goes to her closet and gets her clothes out for school. Morning arrives and paris is up early getting ready for school. Paris speeds to the front door. What's the rush Paris. A voice goes behinds her. She turns around to see her mom sitting at the kitchen table. Um no rush mom, I'm just trying to get to school. Her mom looks confused. Okay baby so did something change cause you were down the other day. Mom I'm okay. I got to go. Paris kisses her mom and head out the door. Darius pulls up at school in his truck. He sees Paris about to walk into the door. He blows his horn to get her attention. Paris turns when she hears a horn. She see Darius waving at her. Darius locks his truck and walk to her. Hey my girlfriend next time I'll pick you up for school. Paris smiles at him. I'll like that it beats walking every. Darius puts his arms around Paris shoulders. Then they walk into school. Keon wakes up late and decides not to go to school. He gets up and stares at his self in the bathroom mirror. He brushes his teeth and wash his face. He cooks him some eggs and sausage. Then eats and gets on his xbox. He doesn't bother on trying to contact Paris. I'm just gonna give her place. She needs a better friend than me. Hours go by and Keon wakes up to a truck engine. He gets up and look outside. Why is darius at Paris house, he thinks to himself. The windows are tinted so he can't see if anyone is in the car. Then he sees Darius gets out and walks over to the passengers door. He opens it and Paris gets out. He sees Darius puts his arm around her. Then they walk to her door. Thank you for the ride home. No problem I can't have my girlfriend walking home. Paris smiles, your right I guess your a good boyfriend. Darius takes her bookbag off his back and hangs it to her. Here you go, so I'll talk to you later ok. Okay talk to you later. Paris turns to go in the house. Darius grabs her hand and leans in and kiss her. I'll call you later Paris. She watching him as he drives out her driveway. She leans on the front door as she sees him drive down the street. Keon watching Darius drive away. Man he is not right for her, but I should say that I'm not right for her either. But darius aint nothing but a player. Paris gets done with her homework then watches tv. Her mom gets home. Hey baby help me with these bags. Paris gets up and help her mom. Hey mom how was your day. Well baby it's been a long day but it's been ok. So baby how do you feel about us eating and watching a movie. I'll let you pick but please don't pick The Fault In Our Stars, her mom says. Paris laughs, come on mom how you knew I was gonna pick that. Come on Paris do you really have to ask.


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