Chapter 5

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Mrs. Hatch opens Paris bedroom door. Paris is still sleeping. It's time for Paris to get up for school. Mrs. Hatch shakes her until she gets up. Paris gets up slowly and wipes her eyes. Get up Paris its 7:00 your gonna be late for school. The doorbell rings and Mrs. Hatch opens the door. Hey girls come in, its Tiffany and Savanna. Hey aunt Tina our mom said to call her. Okay are y'all going to school today. Savanna says yes ma'am we here to walk to school with Paris. Paris can hear them in the living room, she gets pissed. Why are they trying to walk with me and why they here, she thought to herself. She hurries and put her uniform on and brushes her teeth and washes her face. Mrs. Hatch knocks on Paris door to tell her hurry up cause her cousins waiting on her. Then she goes up stairs to get ready for work. Tiffany goes over to paris door and knocks. Hurry up Paris before we be late we have about 15 minutes to get to school. Keon hurries and grabs his book bag then heads over to Paris house. He rings the doorbell and a girl he knows opens the door. He looks up surprised, he didn't know Savanna was Paris cousin. Paris opens her door rushing to the front door. Keon looks at Paris with a question mark look. Come on everyone I'm ready lets go, Paris says rushing out the door onto the porch. Keon pulls Paris to the side and whispers in her ear. I didn't know they were your cousins. Keon knows savanna and tiffany from school. Savanna is always flirting and trying to get with him. Savanna goes over to Keon and pulls him to her. What's up keon, what you doing walking my cousin to school you should be walking me to school. Savanna says while smiling and holding keons arm. Paris rolls her eyes and looks away and thinks, why is she all over keon. Has he been in a relationship with her before. Tiffany walks to the right of Paris. She wants to say sorry but part of her thinks Paris should say it first. Tiffany doesn't want the beef between them to go on any further. She looks at Paris and says sorry. Paris is so surprised she doesn't know what to say at first. Look Paris were cousins and I want us to stop the craziness and the madness. You just moved down here and I want us to get along. Tiffany has hurt in her eyes. Paris gets sad cause she didn't intended for things to be like this, but she stops walking and hugs Tiffany. Paris is caught up messing with Keon she doesn't see the two hugging. Keon is trying to walk as fast as he can to get away from Savanna plus get to school. Keon sees them hugging, he thinks it's nice that their setting aside their differences. Paris whispers she loves tiffany before breaking up this hug. Tiffany smiles and continue walking. They all arrive at school two minutes before the bell rings. They go apart, rushing to their class. Keon takes his phone out to text Paris. He's irritated that he didn't get a chance to talk to Paris this morning.
Text To Paris
Hey Paris I'm just texting cause we didn't get a chance to really talk this morning. Savanna was all in my face the whole time. OMG!!
Keon puts his cell phone back in his pocket. Paris is in her math class. She is trying to solve some word problems, when she hears her phone vibrate in her book bag. Paris gets her phone out her book bag then reads the text.
Return Text To Keon
OMG!! Is right. Did y'all date before or something.
Paris hurries and shove her phone in her pocket before the teacher comes down the aisle.
Keon looks at the text and frowns. Why would she think that, but he goes back to them walking and remembers how it might have looked. He doesn't want her to get the wrong idea.
His Text To Paris
No she just always flirting with me. She wants us to be together but I don't want her. Please don't get the wrong idea.
The bell rings for the next class. The hallway is filled with students trying to get to their next class. Nisha sees paris and catches up with her. Hey Paris you ready for French class. Paris shakes her head no. The two girls walk down the stairs. Nisha decides to go to the bathroom, and Paris follows. They are in the mirror fixing their self up, when Nisha asks Paris about keon. Paris looks at her and say, well we are friends that's all, but he's a really nice guy so far. Nisha smiles while putting on her lip gloss. Well he's really a hot guy don't you think, Paris. She looks at Nisha with a blush. Yeah he is very hot. As the girls talk and laugh the toilet flush and the stall open. Ashely stands their eye balling the two girls. She walk over to them and washes her hands. Then she looks at Paris with an attitude. Let me tell you something little freshman, you better stay away from my man or else, he don't want you so get over yourself. Ashely bumps into Paris before walking out the bathroom door. Nisha looks at Paris and tells her don't worry about her. Paris is pissed and fights tears of anger. The two girls walk out the bathroom and go to class. The whole time in class Paris can't stop thinking about beating up Ashely. She haven't heard anything the french teacher as said. She remembers that she didn't check her phone to see if keon texted back, but at the moment she don't care who keon has dated or is dating. She just wants to be left alone. It's lunch time now and Keon is sitting on the bench outside he checks his phone to see if Paris has texted back. Still no text back he hopes she don't actually think that he and Savanna have dated. Ashely sees Keon on his phone so she walks over and sits on the bench with him. Keon takes a deep breath of irritation. What do you want Ashely? She looks at him and gets offended, why you have to be rude keon I'm just sitting next to you. You looked all along so I came to give you some company. She says while fighting tears. She thinks to herself, is this what it has came to, every time i come around him, it seems like he can't stand to be around me. Am I that bad, its like we never were in love and cared for each other. A single tear rolls down her face. Who said I wanted your company Ashely I might wanted to be alone, he snaps at her. Keon looks up at Ashely, tears roll down her face. She hurries and gets up to walk away when he hurries and grabs her arm. Wait Ashely I'm sorry I'm just not in a good mood. You didn't deserve what I just did I'm sorry okay. She wipes her tears away and looks at him. Keon pulls her in for a hug. Nisha and Paris is walking to the cafeteria when Paris sees Keon and Ashely hugging. She hurries and go in the cafeteria and looks at them though the window. Keon kisses Ashely on the forehead then the lips. A teacher near by sees them and tells them to stop all that at school. Ashely smiles and walks away and goes in the building. Paris hurries and goes in the lunch line with nisha as she sees Keon coming to the cafeteria. Paris and Nisha gets their food and sits down at a table. Keon sees Paris eating her food so he goes over to her table. Hey Paris why you didn't text me back. Does it matter keon I was in class. Paris gets up and throws her food in the trash. She's hurt she doesn't know what to believe anymore. Keon sees she's upset, he goes over to Paris. Look I never dated Savanna and I just don't want you mad at me. The bell rings now lunch is over, and its time for the last period. Paris walks out the cafeteria to go to her woodshop class. Keon follows her trying to see what's wrong with her. Paris wait up stop walking so fast. Can you tell me whats wrong with you please. She turns around with her eyes fill of tears. Her tears fall as she looks at him, there's hurt in her eyes. Keon wants to comfort her but don't know what's wrong. What's wrong Paris why are you crying. He steps closer to her but she backs up and shakes her head. I saw you, but it's okay, we only friends right, she says softly. Saw me when he says looking confused. Paris can't believe he acting like he don't know. Students walk past them going into the woodshop door. Before he knows it Ashely grabs him from behind turning him around to face her. She starts making out with him in front of Paris. Keon pushes her off of him. What are you doing Ashely he says pissed off. Ashely smiles at Paris and winks. Paris goes in her class. She's ready to go home now she can't stand being at school any longer. Keon goes to class his pissed at Ashely for doing that. He don't know what to think at the moment. His hurt cause Paris was crying and he don't know why. Savanna desk is next to Keon, she pokes him in the arm but he ignores her. His thinking about his day. I have two girls that's all over me and won't leave me alone and one that's backing up from me. He runs his fingers though his hair in frustration. He doesn't wait for the bell to ring he gets up and walks out of class. He walks out the school door and walks home. He gets home and goes in his room and lay back on his bed and looks up at the ceiling. He lays there thinking about paris. Why do I feel for this girl so much? Why was she crying? She said she saw me,what is she talking about? Keon jumps up quickly, wait a second did she see me kiss and hug Ashely. She couldn't have, but what if she did. That's probably why she was crying. Keon decides to wait for her to come home. The bell rings and students are grabbing their book bags and heading home. Paris heads to the front of the school. She sees Tiffany and Savanna waiting on her at the curb. While Tiffany and Savanna was the waiting on Paris they were talking. Tiffany told Savanna that it's time for them to put aside their differences and get along with their cousin. Savanna rolls her eyes and agree. I'll try my best to be nice to her Tiffany. It's just fun to mess with her. They sees Paris walking their way. They all start walking. Paris is quite the whole way home. She's still upset with Ashely and keon. This whole situation is making her head hurt. Keon looks out the window and sees Paris arrive home. Paris goes to her room and shuts the door, then crawls up in her bed. Tiffany calls her mom to tell her they about to walk home. Paris hears the front door closes. She gets up and locks it, then returns to her bed.

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It's been a day for Paris huh?
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