Chapter 2

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*Family Problems*

Paris wakes up remembering her night, joking and playing with Keon. I think I like him, she smiles. She gets up and brush her teeth and wash her face. Then she heads to the kitchen. Why breakfast isn't cooked yet. She looks at the time its 9:42 am. Paris goes upstairs to her mom room, to find her sound asleep. She gets the idea to make her mom breakfast in bed. She hurries downstairs to see what she can make. Paris opens the refrigerator, she takes out eggs and bacon,then opens the cabinet to get the pancake mix. Good thing we have a waffle maker, cause it will be a mess flipping pancakes. When she's done cooking she gets a plate and put the food on it. Then goes upstairs to wake her mom. Pushing the door with her hip, she puts the tray of food on the side table. Mom wake up I've made breakfast. Paris shakes her mom until she wakes up. Mrs. Hatch sits up in bed. She's still sleep but can smell her breakfast. What time is it? Well now it's 10:05 mom, that's why I made you breakfast in bed, come lets eat. Aww thank you sweetie, but I'm not gonna eat this all. This is alot of food for just me. It's not just for you mom, I'm eating too. Mrs. Hatch smiles. OK I see you happy this morning, you have took time to cook us something to eat. Well mom usually you already have breakfast ready at this time. I figured you were tired so I wanted to surprise you with this. Did you clean up your mess? Not yet mom, but I'm going to. They eat their breakfast. Then Paris takes their plates to wash them and clean her mess she made. Mrs. Hatch gets up and take her morning hot shower, then gets dressed. She makes her way down stairs to see that Paris has cleaned her mess. She walks in Paris room. Paris is wrapped in a bath towel looking for clothes to wear. Paris I'm about to go to the bank to talk to them about my schedule. Are you okay with staying here by yourself. I won't be gone to long maybe 30 mins, to an hour. Yeah I'm okay with staying here by myself. Okay well your aunt and cousins suppose to come here today. Mrs. Hatch kisses Paris on the forehead. Then walks out and get her purse off kitchen table, then heads out the door. Paris goes to the window. As she pull back the curtain. She watches her mom pull out the driveway and head down the street. Paris goes back in her room and puts on her clothes she picked out. Them she goes in the living room to watch TV. Paris love watching the cooking channel. As she watch tv the doorbell rings. Omg that must be aunt Pam, Tiffany and Savanna. She gets up and open the door. Hey Paris her aunt says. They all come in the house. Hey aunt Pam. Tiffany looks at Paris, so no hey to us. Hey y'all what's up. Paris where's your mom baby. She left to go to the bank to check on her schedule. Oh okay well how are you dear. I'm fine just watching tv. Tiffany and Savanna walks around and go to Paris room. Hey what are y'all doing, don't go in my room. Savanna rolls her eyes at Paris and goes in her room anyway. Paris hurries over, before she knows it, she's in Savannas face. Didn't I say don't go in my room, get out! Paris shouts. Paris get out her face, her aunt Pam says while walking over to the girls.
And Savannah and Tiffany y'all heard her say don't go in her room. Savanna stares at Paris with a I wish you would smile. Get out! She says again. You smiling but I'll slap that stupid grid off your face. Paris ready to fight now she pissed. She can't stand her cousins at all. They always doing stuff to her. I wish you would Paris, go ahead and see what happens, savanna says. Alright you too knock it off. Come on girls, Paris tell your mom I came over. Hey Paris her aunt Pam shouts trying to get her attention. Paris to busy staring a hole in Savanna face. Paris do you hear me? Yeah I hear you, I'll tell her. See ya Paris, Savanna says while brushing up against her. Paris follows them while going to the door. She stands on the porch watching them walk over to the car. Tiffany turns around and blow a kiss at Paris then her and savanna starts laughing. Paris runs over and punch Tiffany in the face. After that they start fighting. Pam tries to pull the girls apart. Savanna is laughing but starts trying to help her mom pull them apart. Paris have a hold of Tiffany hair in one hand and punching her with the other. Tiffany grabs Paris by the waist and they fall on the ground. Nothing but hair pulling is happening. A man cutting his grass, stops and run over to pull the two girls apart. I'm tired of you heifers!, Paris says while crying. Tiffany tries to grab for Paris again. Trick I don't like you no way, Tiffany says. Y'all better stop this fighting and name calling, y'all cousins, Pam says to the girls. Paris go back in the house and wait on your mom. Y'all going to learn how to love each other. The man lets Paris go, and she walks in the house and slam the door. Then falls to the floor and starts crying. Thank you sir for helping me. It's okay ma'am y'all try to have a good day. Tiffany and Savanna get in the car she yells at them. Mom it wasn't my fault she punched me first, Tiffany says. Yeah but y'all have a way of getting under her skin. I don't understand why y'all don't get along, the past is the past. Pam drives off and goes home. Paris gets up and go to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror. Her hair is all over her head. She have a cut above her left brow that's bleeding, and she have a bruise on her arm. Paris gets a towel and wet it and clean up her cut above her brow. She turns the water on in the tub, and put bubbles in it. She undresses and get in. Today is the worst day ever, she yells. She lays there for about 15 minutes, then she takes her bath and gets out. Paris goes in her room and sits on her bed. She thinks back to the time her cousins put her head in the toilet, at age seven, because she broke Savanna favorite doll that walked. They were playing with the dolls and doll house. When Paris went over to the closet to get the doll. She tried walking with the doll, but the doll walked to slow. So she picked it up to try to fix the legs to walk faster but the legs fell off. Savanna seen it happened and ran over to Paris and started hitting her, then Tiffany came and pulled Paris in the bathroom and started pushing her head in the toilet. Paris was crying and screaming. Her aunt Pam came in and stopped them. After that happened they haven't been close. That's been 8 years ago. Now Paris is 15and they are 16. Paris looks at the clock its 3:45 in the afternoon. She puts on clothes and returns to her cooking channel. Mrs Hatch pulls into the driveway. She turns off the engine and thinks about what happened between Paris and Tiffany. Pam called her and told her what happened. She wish the girls would put aside their differences and love one another. Mrs Hatch goes in the house and shuts and lock the door behind her. She looks over to see Paris watching TV. Mrs Hatch goes over and sit next to her. Paris looks up at her mom in tears. Paris you and your cousins both are gonna have to settle your differences honey. We here in Baton Rouge LA, all we got is each other baby. Me you, aunt Pam and Tiffany and Savanna, we are a family. So not right now but tomorrow you are gonna have to go and apologize to her. Do you hear me. Paris lets the tears roll down her face. She wish it never happened but she knows her mom is right. OK mom she says in a soft voice. Mrs
Hatch hugs her daughter and give her a kiss on her forehead.

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