Chapter 3

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*The Kiss*

It's Sunday afternoon and Paris has slept until 12. She gets up to see her mom has left her breakfast on the side table and a note.
The Note
Good morning baby, here's your breakfast. Eat up, and get up, don't stay in bed all day. I love you I'll see you in a few I had to run a few places.

Paris puts the note down and eats her breakfast. She brush her teeth and wash her face. Then put on her favorite purple shirt and blue jean shorts. She puts on her purple sandals and then her heart earrings and matching necklace. Then she flat irons her hair. Paris hair is long, it stops midway her back. After getting herself together she decides to sit on the front porch. Before going outside she gets some chips out the cabinet and a juice out the refrigerator. Paris goes out and sit on couch. It's nice out side, the sun is out and the clouds is blue. Paris just chilling when Mrs Smith and Keon pull up in their driveway. Mom can I go over to speak to Paris. Sure baby you can, I'm about to go in and start lunch. They get out the car. Hey baby, Mrs Smith waves at Paris, how are you today. I'm okay Paris says as she smiles back at Mrs Smith. As Mrs. Smith goes in the house Keon walks over to Paris sitting on the porch. Whats up, why you sitting here all alone, Keon says while sitting next to her. Paris looks at him and smiles. I just feel like sitting out here. Well I guess I'll sit with you, Keon smiles at her. Keon looks at Paris up and down. Purple must be your favorite color huh. She smiles, yeah it is. So paris, are you ready for your first day at school tomorrow? No not really, I don't know anyone. Well you know me at least.  Keon looks at Paris,well you know we can walk to school together everyday, so I can protect you, Keon says while smiling. Paris smiles back. Her hair is in her face, so she puts her hair behind her ear. Keon notices a cut above her eye that wasn't here before. What happen to your eye, he say. Oh I got into a fight. Wait a sec, so you telling me you got into a fight. You only been here a couple of days, who you had a fight with? My two cousins and my aunt came over yesterday. And me and my cousin got into it and I came off the porch and punched her in the face. Keon tries not to smile but he couldn't help it. He pictures Paris punching her cousin. Why are you smiling its not funny I'm still pissed about it. Paris says while hitting him. Ouch! Why you hit me, I'm not laughing at you. I just wish I was here to see how sexy you looked punching her that's all. Before he know it he realized that he said how sexy she looked. Paris tries not to blush but she knows he didn't mean to say that out loud. So you think I'm sexy, she says while giving him her full attention. Keon starts to stutter over his words, but says yes I think you are very sexy. Paris just stares at him with a small grin on her face. Keon gets up now feeling embarrassed. Um I should go home now. Why we just talking keon, besides I can use some company. Keon starts getting hot flashes and cold chills. He turns and look at Paris. Can I have something to drink? Sure come on its in the kitchen Paris says while walking to the door. Keon don't want to go in with her, he don't trust himself around her. Come on Keon I wont bit I promise Paris smiles. Keon thinks of her biting and shakes his head, but he follows her in the house. She opens the fridge, OK we have grape soda is that fine. Paris holds the soda in her hand. Yeah that's good thanks. We can eat some chips and dip. Paris opens the cabinet to get a big bowl. Then she gets the chips and dip out and pours the chips in the bowl. So Keon how's Irstouma High School.  Well its like any other school. You have your nerd's popular kids and then you have the in between. So what are you Paris asks him. Me well I'll say I'm popular or maybe even in between. So do you have a girlfriend. Paris is shock that she let that come out her mouth. Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't trying to ask that it's none of my business. Paris quickly turns around knocking over the bowl of chips on the floor. Oh shoot! Paris saying while trying to pick up the chips off the floor. Keon hurries over to help her. While picking up the chips, Keon stares at Paris. She looks up and they eyes lock. Before Keon knows it his lips is touching Paris lips. Paris pulls back and gets up off the floor. She never kissed a boy before. Keon gets up and stands next to Paris. I'm sorry Paris I don't know what happened. Paris stands there quiet, she don't know what to say she really like him. She turns and look at him. I never kissed anyone before. Keon looks at her and smiles, he liked the way her lips felt against his. Paris is close to him, really close he wants to feel her lips again. I got to go Paris I'm sorry I'll talk to you later. As he walks to the front door Paris says wait. Keon turns around to see Paris right behind him. You don't have to be sorry you kissed me. I just didn't expect it that's all. Keon bits his bottom lip and Paris steps closer to him, now there is no room between them. What are you doing paris, we can't do this I got to go. Don't go I just want to try the kiss again. Keon smiles to himself, he really wants to kiss her again but he don't know if he should. He touches the side of her face and plants his lips on hers. Paris closes her eyes to his touch. Then he wraps his arms around her waist and deepen the kiss. Paris puts her arms around his neck. Keon phone rings, as they kiss, it keeps ringing. Paris takes her arms off his neck. I think you better answer your phone. Keon looks at the phone its his mom. I have to go I'll see you in the morning. Oh by the way I can't have a girlfriend if I just kissed you like that, he says before walking out the door. Paris looks out the window to watch him walk home. She starts smiling and holding her lips. Then went to pick up the rest of the chips. Keon walks though his front door. Mrs Smith is sitting at the table. Why you didn't answer when I was calling you? I'm sorry mom I was helping paris. She had waste something and I was helping her pick it up. OK well lunch is ready, go wash your hands and come eat. The whole time he was eating he couldn't get Paris out of his mind. Her long black hair, her soft lips just asking for more. Keon comes out of his thoughts when Mrs Smith yells his name. Boy what are you thinking about, I called your name 4 times. Oh im sorry mom, what did you say. Don't worry about it when you finish wash the dishes I'm going to take an early bath. Keon finishes and starts running the water to wash dishes. He clears and wipes the table they were eating at. He thinks to himself,( I don't want to start off to fast with paris. I admit I like her but I just want us to be friends. She just moved here and I met her, i need to aleast get to know her a little better). Keon finishes washing dishes and goes in the living room to play his xbox 360, to get his mind off of the pretty girl next door, that he kissed. Paris stares at herself in the bathroom mirror. She push her lips together to see how she looks when she kiss, when she hears the front door shut. She hurries out the bathroom to see her mom with some bags. Hey mom what you got there. Hey sweetie you seem better, I went to get you some uniforms for school and some other stuff. Mrs. Hatch hands Paris the bags. Paris opens the bags. She have four burgundy collar shirts and two khaki shorts,two khaki pants,and two khaki skirts. Paris takes all of her clothes in her room to hang in her closet. Mrs. Hatch goes to Paris door. Do you want pizza tonight cause I don't feel like cooking. Yeah mom that sounds good. So what did you do all day today besides sleeping. Paris flash back to her and Keon kisses. Um nothing much I went outside and sit on porch. Paris can't tell her mom what really happened today.

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