Chapter 4

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*High School*

Keon wakes up to the sound of his alarm. He gets up and brushes his teeth and washes his face. He puts his clothes on and grabs his book bag. He can't stop thinking about him and Paris kissing, he doesn't want to make the wrong impression. He likes her alot but he also just met her. Meanwhile Paris is getting herself together. She chooses to wear her khaki shorts. She puts on her uniform, then she flat irons her hair and puts on her purple headband. She then puts on her purple and black Jordan's. Then she grabs her book bag and head upstairs to her moms room. Mom, Paris whispers, its time for me to go. Mrs. Hatch turns over to see Paris. You look nice honey, so you say Keon is walking with you right. When Paris and her mom was eating pizza last night she told her Keon said he will walk with her to school. Yes ma'am he is. Okay baby, well y'all be careful ok. OK mom Paris hears the doorbell, she kisses her mom. I think that's him mom I love you see you later. Paris hurries downstairs and opens the door. Keon is standing there waiting on her. Hey Paris you ready to go. She notice he seems nervous and is looking down as he talks. She closes the door and walks onto the porch. Yeah lets go. They walk in silence, Paris looks at him wondering why his not talking to her. She thinks the kiss has something to do with it, but why, she thinks to herself. Keon sees Paris keep looking at him, he don't know what to say. He wants to talk but can't find the words. Paris gets frustrated, because the first guy she ever kissed can't even talk to her the next day. They arrive at Istrouma High School. Keon opens the front door so Paris can go in. She walks pass him and rolls her eyes. Paris turns to look at him, I got it from here I'll figure it out on my own. Keon looks at her with a confused look. Why you acting like that paris. She tries her best not to start screaming but instead she just walk away, and go to the office to get her schedule. Keon watches her walk away, his pissed at himself for not talking to her, but what can he say. He sees one of his friends, so he walks over to him and they go to the cafeteria for breakfast. Paris is in the office trying to get her schedule. When she gets it she looks at it, today is a (A) day. She have math, language, french class and P.E. Paris opens the office to walk out and she hit a boy in the arm with the door. Paris hurries and looks at him and say sorry. Oh I'm so sorry I really didn't see you behind the door, she says. It's ok, you must be a new he says. My name is Darius, what's your name. Hey I'm paris. Hi how do you do Paris, do you have anyone to help you get around. Paris looks at him, he is so handsome. She smiles at him. No I don't have anyone to help me, she says. Wishing she didn't get so frustrated with keon. Ok well can I see your schedule Paris. Darius looks at her schedule, well it's breakfast right now, so I can help you at least find your first class, he smiles at her. Paris smiles and agrees. So she follows Darius upstairs to her math class. They go up the stairs and make a right on the main hallway. As they walk Darius looks at Paris, he smiles he likes the way her shorts hug her curves. Paris sees Darius looking at her back side, now she feels uncomfortable and a little nervous. OK here's your math class, see room #210,Darius points at the door. Thanks for helping me Darius, I appreciate it, Paris smiles while walking in. Darius stares at her, wait if you ever need someone to help you around I'll be around here somewhere. Paris smiles, thanks I'll remember that. Darius smiles back at her then walks back down stairs. Paris is now in her P.E class, she sees Keon talking with a girl by the bleachers. Paris watches the two very closely. The girl keeps rubbing Keon shoulder and Keon has the biggest smile on his face. For some reason Paris gets pissed every time the girl rubs him. She takes her eyes off of the two to listen to her P.E teacher. All the students come off the bleachers like their teacher said and starts jogging around the gym. Paris is jogging when a girl named Nisha starts jogging side by side to her. Hey what's up I'm Nisha I see you new here, P.E sucks, I hate it, I don't like sweating. I hear ya I don't like sweating either, they both laugh. They stop running, well my name is Paris. Nisha tries to caught her breath, see this what I'm talking about I got to be able to breath, but hey Paris nice to met you. The couch sees the two girls have stop jogging. Hey you two I didn't say stop keep going, he yells. They both suck their teeth then start back jogging. Keon joins Paris and Nisha jogging. Paris rolls her eyes at him. Hey Paris I see you made it though your day huh he says. Yeah no thanks to you Mr. I want to be quiet. Keon smiles cause Paris is giving him additude. He grabs her hand. Paris punches him in his chest, let me go Keon. He likes how she looks when she hit him. Why you have to hit me Paris I just wanted to talk to you. Really Keon now you want to talk, I have nothing to say to you, why don't you go back to that girl that you was smiling so hard at. She snaps at him, then walks back over to Nisha that's standing there smiling at the two. She hate to admit she is really jealous. Keon didn't know she saw him and Ashley. He walks over and get his gym bag then goes to the boys locker room. What was that all about Nisha says. Nothing his my neighbor, I just moved here a couple of days ago. Nisha smiles then grabs Paris arm. Okay let's go in the locker room. They go in the girls locker room to put their uniforms back on. So do you ride the bus or walk home Nisha says while putting on her shoes. I walk my house ain't that far from school. Paris goes in the mirror to fix her hair. She brushes her hair into a pony tail. Now the locker room is full other girls changing into their uniform. The bell rings, its the last bell of the day, school is over. Keon walks out the the locker room to find Paris when Ashley comes up to him. Hey sexy what you doing, do you want to walk me home, she says while smiling all in his face. Keon looks around as the girls come out the locker room. Paris comes out laughing and talking to Nisha. Keon looks at Ashely and pushes her off of him. No Ashely, stop always trying to have sex with me, I have to go. Keon waits for Paris to pass him. She is not paying attention, she's to busy laughing and talking. Keon walks behind her, then tabs her on her shoulder. Paris stops talking and turns around to see Keon smiling at her. So you gonna stay mad at me huh. Nisha looks at Paris and smiles, okay girl I got to go get on the bus, I'll see you tomorrow. Then she runs to her bus. Paris and Keon starts walking home. She doesn't want to be mad at him so she stops walking and looks at him. Why were you so quiet this morning? She asked with her brow raised. To be honest Paris I wanted to talk to you but it felt weird. Yesterday we kissed and its been on my mind every since. I just want us to be friends, I just met you and I want to get to know you a little bit better. Paris is glad his being honest, but she wish they can be more than just friends. Well I'm sorry for this morning she says sadly, I wasn't trying to be mean, I just wanted you to at least say something to me. They continue walking and talking. They arrive to their house, Keon walks Paris to her door. She searches for her house keys in her book bag. Oh my gosh! I'm locked out and my mom don't get off until 7 tonight. You can come over my house my mom won't mind. Paris looks at him for a while, but goes to his house. Paris sits on the couch. She pulls her math homework out, and starts working on it. Keon joins her getting his homework out. They sit there doing there homework, when Paris looks at him. Where's your mom? She says while trying to solve her math problem. My mom have a job Paris he says smartly. Paris smiles, OK Keon well where she works at. She's a waitress at Golden corral. Oh okay, my mom works at a bank, but I don't know the name of it. Paris gets done with her homework. She puts her work back in her book bag. So who was that girl you were smiling so hard at, she says. Keon puts his pencil down and looks up at her. That was Ashely, she's my ex girlfriend. If she's your ex why where you all in her face like you ready to take her in. Keon sits back on the couch. He didn't realize she was watching him so closely. Why with all the questions Paris I was just laughing and having fun that's all. So you mean flirting with her right,she says with her arms crossed. Keon gets irritated and gets up and go to the kitchen. Paris sits there confused,but decides to leave the conversation alone. She sees it has upset him for some reason, she don't know why so she just sits back on the couch and closes her eyes. Keon walks past Paris and goes in his room. He lays back on his bed and looks at the ceiling. Why I'm I so irritated he thinks to himself. Ashley is his ex but he still have feelings for her. She's the girl he lost his virginity to. His not trying to get upset with Paris but his not ready to face how he really feels for Ashley and for Paris, but he can't get back with her cause she flirts and mess with other guys he knows. Keon gets up to go back on the couch with Paris to apologize, but he finds her laying on the couch fast asleep. He smiles and goes to the hallway closet to get a small blanket to put over her. He covers her then sit on the other end of the couch. He puts his head back and closes his eyes, and 15 minutes later his asleep.

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