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Paris is standing at the foot of her bed looking at all of the things that Darius bought her. There are two pairs of Jordan's, two shirts, two hats and a pink and grey purse. She sighs and sits on her bed. She looks down at the floor and closes her eyes. Her thoughts are running into each other. Why did he act like things are okay? He didn't even talk to me about Ashley. Is something going on between them? Why would he do that to me? Do he think gifts is going to make it all go away?  I just don't understand him. A  tear runs down her face. Paris hurries and stands up.  Why I'm I crying, I should be happy. What guy just buys their girlfriend stuff like this. He has to love me, I could be just tripping. I just don't know what to think. He haven't said anything, maybe it's not what it seems. She gets off the bed and starts putting the things away. She jumps when she hears a knock at her window. She opens it and its Keon standing there. She lets him come in then she closes the window, then locks her room door. He looks at her shoes on her bed. Those are some nice shoes. Where did you get them? She grabs them and puts them in her closet. Keon sits on her bed. Hey are you okay Paris. What you doing? She sighs, nothing I'm just putting this stuff away Darius got me yesterday. Keon rolls his eyes and runs his hand though his hair. Okay Keon what's wrong cause every time you do that something is the matter. Keon bits his lips. He wants to tell her so bad but he don't know how she will take it. She might think I'm saying it because I'm jealous but you know what here it goes. Paris I have to tell you something. She turns and looks at him with her brow raised.  Look Paris before I tell you this, I want you to not be mad at me okay. Keon why would I be mad at you, what is it, you can tell me. Keon looks up at her. I don't know how your gonna look at me after this but I have to tell you this because I cant hold it any longer.  Can you just please sit down Paris? Keon what's wrong? Keon takes a deep breath. Paris sits next to him on the bed and puts her hand on his knee. He looks down at her hand. Then he looks at her in her eyes. His heart starts beating fast. He can't tell her about Darius and Ashley. I want to tell her so bad but look at her face, I just can't hurt her. Now what I'm gonna tell her. He thinks of what his going to say now because he have her attention. I can't just not say nothing. Keon! What are you trying to tell me. Okay here goes. Paris I'm in love with you. Paris stares at him. Keon closes his eyes. Paris stands up in silence. The silence is so awkward between the two.  Keon really didn't want to say it but it is true. He rather say that than to tell her that her boyfriend is not being faithful. A knock comes from Paris room door. They both jump and look at each other. Come on Paris I know you in there. I heard you talking to someone. Paris takes a deep breath and opens the door. Nisha comes in looking at both of them. What are you doing here Keon.  Paris looks at Keon then Nisha. Nothing just talking to Paris but it's time for me to go. Paris walks out her room leaving them in there. Nisha walks over to Keon. What are you doing? She whispers to him. I was gonna tell her about Darius. What! why would you do that. Wasn't you the one saying to not tell her. I know I did but it started to eat me up and seeing her everyday made me want to tell her. Nisha takes a deep breath. We'll I'm glad you didn't tell her cause I really don't think she will believe you. Okay so if you didn't tell her why are you looking so down? Did something happen between you two. No but I kind of told her that I was in love with her. Nisha eyes buck. What! why would you tell her that. What was you thinking Keon? Keep your voice down Nisha. They both look at the door. I don't know what I was thinking okay. I panicked okay and I just said it. Nisha  frowns at him. So what did she say after you told her? Nothing she just looked at me in silence then you knocked on the door. Wow Keon just wow. I can't believe you. I'm sorry I panicked man. She was sitting next to me staring at me. Nisha sighs, so there goes my chance with you huh. I'm so sorry Nisha I just really haven't got to the place where I can just be friends with her. I care about her too much. It's fine Keon I already knew you loved her. Lets just forget about it okay. Paris is sitting on the stairs that goes up to her moms room. Her mind is going crazy. I cant handle this. Why would Keon mess with my mind at a time like this. Paris hears something fall upstairs. She turns and looks upstairs. Mom! are you back home. Mom! is that you? Paris gets up and slowly go upstairs. Her mom is not in her room but someone is in her bathroom. Mom are you in there. Paris knocks on the door. Mom! why are you not answering me. The shower water is running. Paris turns the door knob but its locked. She runs down stairs and looks out the window. Her mom car is not there. Paris why are you running, says Nisha. My mom is not here but someone is upstairs in her bathroom. The three look at the stairs. Keon walks over and looks up the stairs. He turns and looks at Paris. How do you know someone is up there? Because the water in the shower is on and the door is locked. keon looks at Nisha. She walks over to Paris. The bathroom door closes upstairs. The girls jump. See I told y'all someone is upstairs! Nisha panics, see I'm too scary for this. They hears someone coming down the stairs. A curly hair lady walks down the stairs. They all stare at her. Her hair is dripping wet and her face is beat up. Paris gaps, Who are you? Why are you in my mom room? I'm Ciara, your mom is allowing me to stay here for awhile. I was just washing up. They all look at each other in shock. Paris walks up to her. Im so sorry I'm just in shock. My mom didn't tell me about you being here. This just doesn't make sense. I don't know why my my didn't tell me. I have to ask are you okay. Yes baby I'm fine I just need some time. Were you homeless or something​? No baby I just needed to get away from a person. Paris looks at her from head to toe.  Her eye and lip are swollen and she has bruises on her arms. Who did this to her? Paris mind is going everywhere. Is my mom in some kind of trouble? And where is she? Well ma'am are you sure you okay, asks Keon. Do you need to go to the hospital? Yes baby I am okay, but no hospitals. Tina wants me to stay her. So I'm waiting on her to get back. Well do you know where my mom went. No im sorry I don't know. She just told me that she will be back soon. Can you kids do me a favor please? They all look at each other then looks back at her. Can we keep this between us? No one is to know I'm here okay. Can y'all do that? Paris frowns at her. Are you in some kind of trouble? Yes baby someone is trying to hurt me. So please don't tell anyone. She starts to cry. Paris sees that she is very scared of whoever is out to hurt her. We promise we are not gonna say anything. Okay thank you. Ciara walks back up the stairs. Paris goes to her room and calls her mom. She calls 3 times but no answer. Come on mom where are you. Nisha sits at the kitchen table. She thinks to herself. Here goes a third secret I'm gonna have to keep. She puts her head down on the table. Keon goes to Paris room. Are you okay? Do you need me to stay here for awhile? Paris looks up at him. No I'm not okay Keon. Tears start flowing down her face. Keon rushes and hold her. He wipes her tears away. Please don't cry. I'm so sorry Paris. She starts to cry harder. She looks at him. To much is happening right now. My dad coming to town. This lady staying here. And I think Darius is cheating on me with Ashely. Keon eyes buck. Wh....what you mean. Keon gets nervous. Did someone tell you that? Where did you get that from. I seen him at school with Ashley by his car. It didn't look like they were just friends. He ran his hand though her hair and gave her something. She gets up and goes to her drawer. She holds up her necklace. Keon closes his eyes. His heart sinks. I don't know what to do Keon. Well have you asked him about it? No I haven't, I don't know how I should ask. I believe he loves me but I really don't know. She sits next to Keon on the bed. You deserve better Paris and I'm so sorry that you are hurting. I wish I could take your pain away. You can take it away. She looks up at him. Then leans in and kisses him.  She breaks from him. Keon I'm so sorry. What why are you the one sorry Paris? Cause I wish I would've waited for you Keon. You are a good guy. Im glad you are here for me. But its not fair for you to love me. Why not you need someone to love you. Your worth loving Paris. Look at me Paris you have to love yourself first. I do love you and that will not ever change. But I do think you need to talk to Darius. He is your boyfriend okay. I don't want to come between that. I don't want you to choose Paris cause that's not fair to you. What's done is done just take one day at a time. Nisha gets up and goes outside and sit on the porch. I thought my family life was crazy. Paris has alot going on. Now a lady is staying here that she know nothing about. Alot is going on in one week. The door opens and Keon comes outside. Is she okay? I don't think so. She just told me she seen Darius and Ashely at school. What! When was this? She haven't told me about it. I don't know sometime thia week. So you mean to tell me we kept it a secret and it got out anyway. Pretty much but she is hurt about it. So what she gonna do. So is she gonna break up with him? Keon frown, that is what I don't know Nisha. So what are you staying by to see keon. What no I'm not but I just want her to be okay. Sure you do Keon. What does that suppose to mean Nisha? Keon how many times your gonna just come to her rescue? I know she is my friend but you need to back up before you make it much worse. She has to deal with this. I feel like this right here is not gonna make it better. Nisha thinks about Darius hurting Paris arm and Paris on the floor crying. Then the bruise that he left. Nisha comes out of her thoughts. Keon please be careful. Both of y'all are my friends okay. And if y'all really do love one other then y'all will wait. Keon nods his head. Your right that's why me and her cant be together. It's too much hurt and pain. I'm not gonna make her choose me and I cant stand back and watch her get hurt. Keon walks to his house and shuts the door behind him. Hey baby are you hungry dinner is almost ready. Mrs. Smith is cooking in the kitchen. No mom I'm not hungry. I'm going to my room. Keon lays on his bed looking at the ceiling.

ON TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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