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Mom can I ask you a question? Yeah baby ask away. How long will Ciara be staying with us? I don't know I'm trying to help her. Paris looks out the window of the car. Mom are you gonna tell me what's really going on? The less you know the better Paris. Come on mom I'm not a little girl. I do understand stuff you know. Is she in trouble? Is the person that did this to her gonna come looking for her? What if they come to our house mom. We are not safe there. At least I don't feel safe anymore. Your safe Paris. We all are safe. Nothing is gonna happen. Plus Andrew is here for us. He wont let nothing happen to me or you. Just get your mind off of all this. Its hard to do that mom. I wish Nisha didn't have to go home yesterday. Paris leans her seat back. Have you talk to Darius today? No i tired calling him but he's not answering my calls. Are y'all okay Paris? Yeah we are good. He's probably just busy baby. Try calling him again. I will but not right now. They arrive at Goodwill. What are we going? Come on Paris stop asking all these questions. I'm about to buy Ciara some clothes. Paris notices this blue car. Its been following them since they left the gas station. Mom do you know that person in the blue car? Tina looks back at the car. No baby I don't. Come on lets get this shopping over with.  Paris is following her mom while she picks out the clothes. Her phone starts to ring, so she grabs it out of her pocket.

PHONE CALL............

Darius: Hey babe what are you doing?
Paris: Um I'm shopping with my mom.
Darius: I see you are
Paris: Huh what you mean
Darius: Turn around
She turns around and he is walking towards her. He hugs her and tries to kiss her. She pulls away from him. Why are you pulling away from me? I haven't seen you in two days. Paris frowns at him. How do I know what you was really doing on them two days. Darius pulls her away from by her mom. What are you talking about Paris? Like I said I don't know what you was going on them two days. She folds her arms and look at him. Darius looks around then looks back at her. Really Paris why are you tripping. Oh cut the crap Darius. What is going on between you and Ashley? Darius puts his hands in his pants pockets and stares at her. Do I need to repeat the question Darius? He walks up to her and whispers to her. " It's none of your business Paris but we'll talk later." What! You are my boyfriend so it is my business. And if it has to do with another female it's really my business. Darius steps back and walks away. Paris watches him go out the store door. A single tear runs down her face. She hurries and wipes it away. I just can't believe him. That's it I'm breaking up with him. Paris goes back to where her mom is. Mom can I get the keys? I just want to sit in car until you get done. Okay baby but are you okay. Looks like things didn't go well with Darius. Mom I really don't want to talk about it right now. Okay baby you don't have too right now. She hands Paris the keys. I wont be too long baby. Paris unlocks the car door and sits down. Twenty minutes goes by. Her mom is done and is walking to the car. Okay I'm done lets go back home. On the drive home Paris stares out the window the whole way home. When they arrive home she goes in her room and lays across her bed. Tina goes upstairs to her room. Ciara is sitting on the bed. She pours the clothes out on the bed. Okay Ciara here are some clothes i picked out for you. Thank you Tina, you didn't have to do that. It's fine I said I was gonna help you and I am. Ciara hugs Tina. Thank you so much. Your welcome, it's no problem really. Ciara you don't have to worry okay. I went to motel today and Tim was still there. He doesn't know where you are. You can stay here as long as you want okay. You are free to have anything you want here. Our couch down stairs lets out as a bed. So you can start sleeping there. Ciara grabs her clothes and head down stairs. Tina phone starts ringing.
TINA: hello
ANDREW: did you make it hime yet?
TINA: yeah I'm home right now.
ANDREW: what you doing.
TINA: well I'm sitting on the bed at the moment. Do you think you can come over tonight. I have my room to myself now. I gave ciara the couch bed down stairs.
ANDREW: yeah I can let me pack me a few things and I'll be right over.
TINA: okay I'll see you then.
Tina gets up and runs her some bath water. She puts some Calgon Take Me Away in the water. The lavender scent smells so good. She puts a couple of drops of bubble bath in the water. The water bubbles up and she steps in. She lays her head back on the tub. The water is so smoothing. She thinks about Ciara running away from Tim. I wish I could afford a plane ticket so she could leave from here and start a new life. No woman should ever go though something like that. Im so glad that Tim cant find her. And I know he won't think to look here of all places. But I'm not sure cause he knows where I stay. Well at least Andrew will be here with us. She grabs her towel and soap and washes herself. The doorbell rings and Paris gets up and answers it. She opens the door and it's Andrew. Hey Paris nice to see you again. She steps back and lets him in. Hey Mr. Andrew nice to see you again. I'll be staying here tonight is that okay with you. Sure it's fine our house is already turned into a hotel. Andrew starts to laugh. He looks over at the couch and sees Ciara laying down. Okay Paris well I'm going up stairs. Paris folds her arms. Yeah sure you are. He heads upstairs with his bag. He sits it on the floor by the dresser. Then he opens the bathroom door. Tina is drying off. Hey baby I made it. Paris let me in. She turns and looks up at him. Hey I'm almost done just drying off. He walks over to her and kisses her. Well did you eat? Cause while your finishing up, I can make you something. No I'm okay. I'm not hungry. Okay well I'll be in bed waiting on you okay. Okay I'll be out in a minute. Paris is on the phone with Keon.
KEON: So he just walked away after you said that?
PARIS: Yeah he had nerves to tell me its none of my business but I will be breaking up with him.
KEON: I think you should just be careful he is not good with girls breaking up with him.
PARIS: I'll be alright, look but I got to go. I'm about to get in the tub and go to bed.
KEON: Okay I'll talk to you later.
Paris gets up and gets in the tub. While sitting in the tub she watches the water fill up.  She thinks of Darius and her relationship. She looks at her phone on the sink. I need to break it off with him but I'm too little nervous. She takes a deep breath and leans her head back. After taking her bath she comes out the bathroom. She looks at Ciara sleep on the couch. She sits on her bed and put her lotion on. She looks at the time on her phone. Its 1: 13 in the morning. Omg it's early in the morning. I am so tired. She puts on her pajamas then turns off her light. She stares at the window. She can see the dark sky and bright stars. She looks at them until she falls to sleep. Paris tosses and turns in her sleep. She feels someone breathing in her face. She opens her eyes to see this big dark figure standing over her. She starts to scream and the man puts his hand over her mouth. She starts kicking and swinging at him. He slams her into the wall. She falls and starts crawling to her door. He grabs her by her legs and pulls her back to him. He starts punching her in her head and stomach. She tries to fight back. He pulls her up off the floor. His behind her with a knife to her throat. Stop fighting he says in a deep voice. Paris is crying and breathing hard. Please what do you want. I want you to not say a word. You need to hush because if you wake mommy it won't be good for you. Now lay down and take your clothes off. What! Please please no please! Do it or I will hurt you. Paris starts to feel weak, her head starts to hurt really bad. The man pushes her down and forces her underwear off. He puts the knife down on her dresser. He starts to unbuckle his pants. Paris sees a opportunity​ to run to the door. So she takes it. She gets up and runs and open her room door. She starts screaming for Ciara.  Ciara! Ciara! Paris slips down on something slippery on the floor. The man runs after her. She sees Ciara on floor.  She starts screaming, MOM! ANDREW! Tina and Andrew jumps up. He runs down the stairs and sees a man with a knife up at Paris. He cuts on the light and runs and knocks the man down. He starts beating the man. Tina runs down the stairs tying her robe. She lets out a scream. She sees Paris laying on the floor by the front door. She runs to her and falls down. There is blood all over the living room. Paris! No No My Baby! Andrew knocks the man out and pulls his hoodie off. They don't recognize him. Paris looks at her mom. She is going in and out. Andrew grabs the phone and call 911. Tears run out of Paris eyes. Mom I'm I dying ? Blood is coming out of her chest. Tina raises her shirt up. No Baby your not I'm right here okay mom is right here. Tina sees that Paris is stabbed in the chest. Paris closes her eyes. No baby open your eyes. Please don't close your eyes. Tina is crying so hard. Andrew is holding her on the floor. Tina looks over at Ciara body on the floor by the couch. Blood is all over her.  A knock is at the door. Andrew hurries and opens it. The Paramedics rushes in and tends to Paris. Ciara is pronounced dead on site. Her neck was cut from ear to ear. And she was stabbed 10 times all over her body. A sheet is placed to cover her body. Meanwhile they are still working with Paris. They bring a stretcher in then puts her on it. One of the Paramedics turns to Tina. Ma'am she is really weak she lost alot of blood. Tina hits the floor while Andrew is holding her and screams. Keon looks outside his kitchen window. He sees nothing but lights at Paris house. He runs and puts pants on then rushes outside. He sees Mrs. Hatch crying in Andrew arms. They push Paris out the house to the Ambulance. Keon runs to her. A Paramedic grabs him. He hits the ground and starts crying. Tina runs over to him and holds him. What happen to her! What happened! He barely could talk. I just talked to her last night. Someone broke into our house and attacked her. Is she okay? No she was stabbed and beat up. She lost alot of blood. Keon cries harder. Who was it did you see the guy? Yes we did but we don't know him. They took him to Hospital too cause Andrew beat him up and knocked him out.  Andrew gets his car keys and Tina and Keon and him follow the Ambulance to the hospital.

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