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KEON: How are you doing today?
PARIS: Im okay I guess. Im more worried about my mom. She took off work today. I Really don't understand all this. I really dont want to leave her at home alone today.
KEON: I get that. She really dont need to be home alone right now. So what you gonna do?
PARIS: Im just gonna stay home. I'll see you after school.
KEON: Okay well is Nisha coming to school?
PARIS: Yeah she coming.
KEON: Okay I'll talk to you later. Tell her I'll wait for her at the end of my driveway.
She hangs up the phone. Nisha keon is waiting on you. Nisha puts on her bookbag. I wish I could stay with you but I got to go to school. I'll see you later ok. She walks out the door and meets Keon. They began walking and talking. It's crazy how her dad just pops up after all this time. Nisha looks at him. I know, poor Mrs. Hatch and Paris. Im glad im staying there with them. Paris tries to be strong for her mom. But who's gonna be strong for her. I mean she got Darius but I don't know. Keon looks down and sighs. He wish he could be there for her but he knows he cant. Not with Darius around thinking whatever he thinking. He gets his mind off of Paris. He looks over at Nisha while she's talking. For the first time Keon looks at her and notices her. He wonders: why haven't I notice this before. He tries not to stare at her as she talks. I can't wait until woodshop today. I have this shelf I'm making and I'm so happy about it. Keon are you listening. Keon snaps out of his thoughts. Yeah I'm listening. Nisha frowns at him. Well what did I say then. Keon starts laughing. Okay in all honesty I don't know. Nisha laughs, you are so ridiculous, you know that right. They make it to school. Keon opens the door for her. Nisha smiles at him. Thank you so much. Keon takes a deep breath before asking for her numbers. Nisha laughs at first. Are you serious Keon. What its just a number not a date Nisha. I know but that would be very weird don't you think. Keon frown at her. How is it weird? Aren't we friends? It's just two friends exchanging numbers. Nisha looks at him. So are we friends keon or what? I would like us to be if you don't mind, he says while running his hands in his head. She walks away and smiles. Keon looks confused but walks to class. He sits at his desk and takes out his calculus book. He looks up and sees Ashely and a boy kissing. He can't make out who the boy is cause her head is in the way. The boy has on a red jacket and red hat with a blue trim. Keon shakes his head. Looks like she has moved on. I'm happy about that but I feel bad for him. If he only knew what he was getting into. But hey it's not my problem. The bell rings for class to start. His math teacher shuts the door and locks it. She grabs the graded quiz the students took yesterday. As she passes them out someone starts knocking on the door. She sighs and open the door. You already know that once the door is locked you are late. She moves aside and Darius walks in. Keon looks up to see him wearing the same red jacket and red and blue trim hat. He don't know if it was him with Ashely. Now he's confused he doesn't want to be wrong about him. The teachers shuts the door. Darius take off that hat in my classroom. Darius takes off his hat and sits his bookbag down by his chair. She passes out everyone quiz to them. She gives Darius his quiz. I need you to do better if you want to pass my class. I don't think coach Thomas will be happy with your grade. Darius looks at his paper. His grade was a D. He sighs then says whatever. Keon gets his quiz and he gets an B on his test. Keon can't get his mind off of what he saw. Lunch comes and all students are in the cafeteria. Nisha sees Keon is sitting on the bench. Nisha sits next to him. What's wrong you look like alot is on your mind. Keon looks and then looks back down. It's that bad huh. My mind is going crazy right now. I seen something today that might hurt someone I care about. But i don't know if what I saw was real. Nisha looks confused. Ok wait lets go back. So you saw something right. Keon gets up. Yeah but I can't talk about it right now okay. I have to make sure it's what it is. Nisha stands up next to him. Okay that's fine, you don't have to talk about it right now. Okay thank you. I'll see you after school okay. Meet me in front of school okay. The bell rings for the last period. Keon walks up the school stairs to go to his English class. When Ashley comes from around the stairs. Hey Keon what you up to. He rolls his eyes and run his hands though his hair. Oh my what's wrong because when you do that something is bothering you. Keon walks right pass her. Ashley calls out his name loud. He turns around and snaps at her. What! What! What! Oh My Gosh Dude! Her eyes buck and tear up. She storms back  down the stairs. Keon goes to class. He can't hear anything his teacher is saying. His mind is so gone. He thinks of Paris and how this will hurt her. All kinds of questions run through his mind. Do I tell her? Will she believe me? Or would she hate me for telling her? I don't know what to do. This is eating me up. Keon meets Nisha at front of school. Hey Keon you ready to walk home. He nods his head yes. They began walking in silence. Nisha looks at him. She don't know what's going on in his brain. Keon sees her looking at him. He sighs. I want to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't say anything to anyone. Okay I won't tell anyone. Keon stops walking and stands in front of her. No I'm serious Nisha don't tell no one, not even Paris. Nisha frowns. Okay I won't, I promise. Keon takes a deep breath and tells Nisha what he saw today. Nisha mouth fly open. Wait are you serious are you sure it was him. No I'm not sure because I didn't see his face just his clothes. Nisha panics, okay okay what we gonna do about Paris. She already going through right now. Keon looks down at the ground. We can't tell her Nisha we just cant. It will hurt her so much. She might not even believe us. They begin walking again. Your right, Keon we can't tell her. She is my best friend but if we don't she might hate us for not telling her. Keon takes a deep breath. I know I know its hard both ways. As they are walking a truck speeds pass them. Keon grabs Nisha. The truck scared both of them. They look up and it's Darius heading to Paris house. Oh my God! Do he gonna speed, Nisha says while picking up her bookbag that fell when Keon grabbed her. Come on we git to get there. Well you can't come keon. I don't want y'all fighting again. Just let me go and I'll tell what happens. Just be by the phone okay. Okay Nisha but don't say nothing. Okay Keon I hear you. They make it home. They both look at Darius car in the driveway. His not in the car so he already in there with Paris, Keons whispers to Nisha.  Keon goes in his house and Nisha goes to Paris house. She takes a deep breath while she opens the door. She doesn't she Paris or Darius but Paris room door closed. She sits down on the couch and pulls her homework out. Paris and Darius are sitting on the bed. I missed you at school today. Yeah I wanted to be here close to my mom. I should've came to school cause my mom left me here. Anyway enough about that how was your day. Darius leans back on the bed. My day was fine I guess. I couldn't practice today coach had he on the bench. Just because I got a D in calculus. Can you believe that bay? Me of all people sitting on the bench. I'm the best one on the team. I'm sorry bay, next time you'll be able to play. Darius looks at Paris sitting on the bed. Come here bay lay with me. Im having a rough time right now. Paris lays down on Darius. You look really good today babe. Paris smiles and looks up at him. Darius kisses her forehead. Then rubs his hand though her hair. How did I get so lucky? Paris raises her eyebrow. I feel like I'm the lucky one. Darius leans in and kisses her. Wait what are you doing? Darius shushes her and continues trying to kiss her. Paris tries pushing him off of her. Stop Darius! Im not ready for all that. Darius gets up. What you mean your not ready. Your my girl right. Paris nods her head yes. Well what's the problem. Im just not ready to take the next step that's all. Darius gets pissed. Look I'm stressed right now and I need my girl to make me happy. He walks up to her and tries kissing her again but she moves her head. Im sorry. I just need more time. Paris is scared she never seen him this way before. Darius grabs her arm really tight and pulls her to him. He looks her in her eyes. Okay but next time it cant be this. A girlfriend of mine can't keep me waiting too long. Tears roll down her face. He releases her arm and walks out the room and slams her room door. Nisha jumps to the sound of the door. She watches Darius go out the front door. She runs in Paris room. Paris on the floor crying. What happened Paris. Did he do something to you? She gets up off the floor. She wipes her tears. I'm okay we just had an argument. Im okay though. Nisha stares at her arm. Don't lie to me what happened. Nothing! Just please can you go in there somewhere. I want to be alone. Nisha gets up and walks out her home. Paris lays in her bed and cries herself to sleep.


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