Chapter 6

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Paris gets up from her nap and looks at the time, its 11:45pm. She goes to her mirror. Her eyes are puffy from crying. She grabs some night clothes and head to the bath. She runs her some bath water and gets in. Why I'm I letting myself get all worked up over someone who I just met, and don't even know really. She takes her bath and returns to her room. She hears her cell phone deep letting her know she got a text or a missed call. She picks up her phone to see she has 12 missed calls from keon and 7 text messages from him. While her phone is in her hand keon starts calling. Paris closes her eyes and answers.
Keon: its about time you answered please don't be mad at me.
Paris: look its whatever I'm good
Keon: I'm standing outside your window, can we talk
Paris hears him taping at her window. She hurries and lock her room door. Then she opens her window to let him in. Keon stares at her for a minute. What do you want to talk about she says with her brow raised. Keon looks at her cause she's wearing short shorts and a tank top shirt that shows her belly. Paris notices that he's looking at what she's wearing. So she gets in her bed and sits up under the covers. Keon sits on the end of her bed, looking down at the floor. Look Paris I'm sorry today was a crazy day. I made you cry and I feel bad about it... Paris cuts him off. I said it's okay I'm fine. He frowns at her, I can tell your still upset. Yes I'm upset but I'll get over it. Look keon today been a day for me. If you want to know what happened, here it is, at school me and nisha was in the bathroom. We were talking and Ashely came out the stall. She told me to stay away from you. Then she bumped into me while walking out the bathroom. Then after seeing y'all hugging and kissing it pissed me off. So there you have it. Keon is hurt that he hurt her and his pissed at Ashely for kisses him in front of Paris on purpose. Yes Paris I kissed her, it happened all to fast. I made her cry and I felt bad so I gave her a hug then I kissed her. I didn't plan it, it just happened. Keon you don't have to explain this to me. We are just friends and she's your ex, so I know you still have feelings for her. Keon stands up and runs his hands in his hair. He knows he still have feelings for Ashely but he also knows he feels something for Paris. He wants to tell her how he feels but he feels he can't. Paris watches him pace back and forth, she wonders what his thinking. She gets up forgetting what she has on. What are you pacing back in forth for. She walks over to him and grabs his hands. Keon looks down at her hands holding his. Paris pulls him in for a hug. He wraps his arms around her. Her head rests on his chest. He can't hold her too long all he sees is her backside. He lets her go but she is still holding him. Can you just hold me please she says softly. Keon is taking by surprise he don't trust were this is going. He puts his arms around her and whispers sorry in her ear. She holds him tighter. At this point she wishes things were different she feels something for him. She feels something in her heart for him. A tear falls down her face. She can't hold her feelings back. Keon hears her sniff and breath hard. He lifts her head up to see that she's crying . He can't handle her crying a second time. He kisses her on the forehead. Paris pulls back and wipes her eyes. I'm sorry I'm not trying to cry. I know we haven't known each other to long, but I like you and I feel something for you. Does that make since, she laughs, it might just be that your a nice guy I don't know. Keon is taking back he feels the same for her. He steps closer to her. So does that mean your not mad at me any more he smiles. No I'm still mad at you. Well I guess I have to live with that huh. She gets in her bed and pulls up the covers. Keon sits on the end of her bed. What are you doing to me Paris? I'm so into you it's crazy. Let me ask you a question. Do you believe in love at first sight? Well I don't know really. I haven't loved no one other than my mom. But to answer your question, I do believe in it. Keon stares at her. What, why are you staring at me? Well that's what's happening here don't you see that. "See what?" Keon gets up and sit next to her. He kicks his shoes off and crosses his legs on top of the cover. Let me show you what I mean paris. Okay lets play a game. We gonna stare into each other's eyes to see what happens. Wait, what, really, what kind of game is that. Paris says with her eye brow raised. Keon laughs. Its just to see If we have any feelings for each other. Paris heart is beating so fast. Okay you ready paris? No I'm not ready, she cover up her eyes. Keon removes her hands. They both start staring in each other's eyes. Keon licks his lips. He came up with this but it's too hard for him to star at her without feeling something. Paris takes a deep breath while seeing him lick his lips. She turns away from him. Then looks at the time its 1:14am. It's late keon you should go back home, she points at the window. What if I wanted to have a sleep over, over here? He says while grinning. You can't stay here, if my mom found out a boy was in my room I'll be dead. He looks at her and smiles. How about I lay right here until you fall asleep. Then I'll go home. Paris smacks her lips. Fine, but don't you try anything mr. Paris lays her head on his chest and falls asleep. Keon watches her sleep. Its so cute when she lightly snores. He puts his arms around her and looks at the time. Its 2:52 am. Keon slowly gets up and pulls the covers over Paris and kisses her on the forehead. Then goes out the window and back home. Paris awakes to hear her mom calling her name. She rises up to see her mom in her doorway. Paris get up before you be late for school. Paris looks around her room. She don't know what time Keon left. Paris really didn't want to go to school, yesterday was to much for her. She sighs, i don't feel good mom, can i just stay home today. Fine paris but you have to do some work today. I got to be at work in 30 minutes so I'll see you later OK baby. Mrs. Hatch kisses Paris on the forehead and walks out her room. All keon could think about all morning was Paris. What is this girl doing to me. I got to get my emotions in check. She very sexy, she's perfect for me but I got to control myself when I'm around her. Keon shuts his front door and heads over to Paris house. He knocks at the door and Mrs. Hatch answers the door. Oh hey baby, Paris is not feeling good so she won't be going to school today. OK well tell her I said get better. Keon goes back home and takes off his book bag and puts it on his bed. He is thinking of not going to school so he can spend the day with Paris. He waited until he sees Mrs. Hatch leave the driveway. Meanwhile Paris gets up and gets in the shower. She is relieved that her mom let her stay home today. While in the shower she hears a knock at the door. She gets out the shower and wraps a towel around her, then looks though the peep hole.
She sees Keon on the other side. Paris to her room to hurry and put clothes on. Why didn't he go to school, she thought to herself. Keon goes to her window and knocks. Her curtains are pulled back, so he sees her getting dress. Paris is almost dress she just have to put her shirt on when she looks up and sees Keon at the window. She yells and covers her chest. What are you doing keon I'm getting dressed. She puts her shirt on and pushes up the window to let him in. Keon climbs in and starts laughing. Paris gets pissed cause he just seen her in her bra, plus he laughing. Paris punches him in his arm. Ouch! Why you always hitting me. Keon rubs his arm. Why didn't you go to school keon. He puts a small grin on and says, the same reason you didn't go. Paris lifts up her brow and smack her lips. Stop being smart, I didn't go because I didn't want to be around anyone today. Keon sits down on her bed. He looks up at her, he noices she's wet. Why are you dripping wet. Paris folds her arms, well I was in the shower when you was knocking. So I got out and put a towel around me, then i had to hurry and put my clothes on. No you didn't, you could've just opened the door. I'm a good guy, I wouldn't have did nothing. I stayed in your bed last night and didn't  do nothing. Paris smacks her lips and smile. How do I know that huh? Keon looks confused, what you don't trust me? He gets up off the bed and stand right in her face. Paris pushes him and laughs. Maybe I don't, we don't really know anything about each other like talking bout. Keon smiles, well if that's the case why you let me in when your here all alone. Paris rolls her eyes and goes in the kitchen, with Keon following. So Ms. Paris what do you want to do today. She looks over at him. Well I just want to chill today. But looks like I'm forced to do the opposite. How is that, do you wanted me to leave. Paris throws the kitchen towel at him. No I don't want you to go, your good company. So tell you what, I'll make us some breakfast. Then we can have that rematch you owe me. After three hours of playing the game they decided to watch TV. While keon is watching TV his phone beeps. He grabs it and sees it a message from Ashely. She is asking why he wasn't at school. Keon ignores the text. He continues watching TV, when his phone beeps again. Its ashely again. He tabs it and it's a picture of her posing without anything on. He catches himself staring at the picture. He remembers making love to her and how her body looks. Paris looks at him and sees him staring at his phone. So she hurries and grabs his phone to see what he looking at. Before keon could grab the phone back, she sees Ashely picture. Paris immediately got pissed. Wait Paris it not what it looks like...Paris throws his phone at him and tell him to get out. Why is this keep happening to me, she thinks to herself. Paris wait please wait let me explain. Tears roll down her face. No get out she yells. Keon grabs her and pull her to him. Let me explain Paris. No it's fine just get out. I have to be alone. Keon goes out the front door and walk back to his house. He goes in his room and start punching the wall. Then he sits on the floor. He can't believe what just happened. His door bell rings, so he gets up hoping it's Paris. He opens the door to find It's ashely. She walks pass him and goes in his room. Keon closes the door and signs, then goes in his room. He walks in his room to find Ashely sitting on his bed. Ashely you got to go its not a good time right now. Keon mind is going crazy, he can't get the image of her naked out his mind. Ashely gets up and start taking off her shirt. Can we just get back together already. I miss you and nobody do me like you do. Please baby I need you right now. How long you gonna try to keep me waiting. Keon closes his eyes he wants to throw her outside for sending him that picture. But at the same time he still have feelings for her. She puts her hands in his shirt and starts rubbing his chest. She knows what spot to touch. Ashely sees his weakness to her so she starts kissing him. Keon kisses her back. Meanwhile Paris is a mess she's crying and pissed cause she's crying over him. Why am I so stupid, why do I like him so much. She calms down then thinks she over reacted. I didn't even give him a chance to explain. Now she feels bad so she decides to apologize to him. Paris calls him 3 times but he didn't answer so she decides to go over to his house. She rings the doorbell. Keon jumps up and rushes to the door. He looks out the peep hole and see Paris. He fixes his clothes and go to tell Ashely to stay in the room. Why I have to stay in the room. Just stay here someone at the door. I'll be right back. Keon cracks the door open to see a hurt Paris again. Keon I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to explain. So I'm here to a apologize, can I come in so we can talk. He wants to talk but he doesn't want her to see Ashely in his house. No Paris I need some time alone I'll talk to you at another time. Paris feels bad but understands. She agrees and begins to walk home.
Ashely over hears them talking and pushes Keon out of the way. What do you think you doing coming over here. Paris turns around hearing a voice she knows to well. As she looks at Ashley her heart sinks. How could he, but what can I expect. She sees that Ashley isn't wearing a shirt. Keon steps on the porch grabbing Ashley's arm. Tears roll down Paris face. Ashely pushes Keon and gets in Paris face and pushes her. Like I said trick, what you doing here at my boyfriends house. Paris heads snaps and before she knows it she's throwing blows at Ashely. Keon runs over to try to breakup the fight. He finally breaks it up.  Man go ahead Ashley and leave. You ain't doing nothing but starting trouble like you always do. And another thing I ain't your boyfriend it's more like ex. So get your crap and get the stepping. Keon walks up to paris and try to talk to her. Paris slaps him in the face. " OMG!!! Why you so violent, I should press chargers". Ashely says rubbing her shoulder. Oh ok Keon so you want to act like that huh. Ok I got you, keep crushing on Ms Violent over there. Don't forget how you was about to have me in your bed before she knocked on the door. Paris eyes buck and she turns and runs in her front door. Keon runs after her. Wait wait Paris wait. Paris locks the door behind her and falls to the floor. She lets out a loud cry. Keon beats on the door. Come on Paris please it's not like that come on. He puts his head on the door he hears her crying. Paris! Paris! In a soft voice he says I'm sorry. Keon turns around to see Ashely standing there. So she is your next door neighbor, why she over here trying to talk to you. Man it's none of your business Ashely. It's time for you to go home. I'm not going nowhere until you get back with me. I didn't come all the way over here for you to tell me to leave. Just tell me what I need to do to make us work baby. Ashely walks up to keon and puts her arms around his neck. He takes her arms off and pushes her. "Go home Ashley, get your clothes and go!," he yells. You have to go its over don't you get it. Man I made a mistake, I shouldn't even let you in my house. She gets pissed. No I don't get it, you still want me. Don't stand there and act like you don't want me back. Keon gets pissed and walks over to her. I don't want you Ashely it's over and its been over so leave. I know you still want me and I won't stop until your mine again. So tell that trick to watch herself.

Thanks For Reading.....
Keon got alot on His plate.
Paris heart is so broken
What will Happen????

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