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The sun shines bright in the window. The smell of food comes from the kitchen. Paris wipes her eyes and gets up. She opens her door and heads to the bathroom. Oh hey you must be Paris! A voice says from behind her. She turns around to see a man flipping a pancake. Paris looks confused. Who are you and why are you cooking in my house. My name is Andrew, I'm your moms friend. He holds out his hand to shake hers. Paris looks at his hand and walk away and go in the bathroom. Why didn't my mom tell me she had someone here last night. Then she got him cooking breakfast. Omg! I can't even think about this right now. Paris runs her bath water and gets in. Mrs. Hatch wakes up and goes downstairs. She sees Andrew putting food on two plates. She goes to him and puts her arms around him. Your up already, I was trying to bring you breakfast in bed. Mrs. Hatch smiles at him, well it was hard to sleep with the smell of breakfast surrounding the room. Besides you didn't have to do that but I thank you. But hurry up, I don't want my daughter to see you. I haven't told her about us yet. Andrew turns around. Well I might have already met her. Mrs. Hatch eyes bucked. " What , no you didn't", says Mrs. Hatch. I'm sorry I was cooking and she came out her room and I spoke to her. Mrs. Hatch puts her head down. Okay well it's over with now. We can just eat together. Mrs. Hatch makes Paris a plate and sits it at the table. Paris gets out the tub and dry off. I really don't like waking up to strangers in my house. Paris mom knocks on the door. Paris hurry on out so we can have breakfast together, her mom yells while knocking on the door. Paris smacks her lips, Is he gonna eat with us. Yes he is so come on. Well no I'm good mom, I'll eat later. No your not, I wasn't asking.I'm telling you Paris so when your done we will be waiting. She comes out and sees them at the table waiting. Her mom points to the seat for her to seat down. Okay this is Mr. Andrew, he works with me at the bank. Paris just stares at him. Mrs. Hatch looks at Paris, don't be rude. Hi nice to meet you for the second time, says Paris. Same to you says Andrew. Paris hears her cell phone ringing in her bedroom. Mom may I be excused. Yes but make it quick. Paris runs to her room and answers her phone.
Paris: Hello
Nisha: Hey what you doing?
Paris: Omg I'm having breakfast with my mom and her new boyfriend. Omg please save me.
Nisha: lol when did that happen I didn't know she was dating.
Paris: Me either I just found out. Girl I woke up and he was in my kitchen cooking breakfast.
Nisha: Wow! He to comfortable. This can't be the first time he then over.
Paris: Girl I know but look I have to go before my mom come looking for me.
Nisha: Wait! I need you to ask your mom can I stay over there this week cause my mom going out of town this whole week. And I need somewhere to be. My mom don't trust me at home by myself for that long.
Paris: ok let me ask her.....
Paris sticks her head out her room door. Mom Nisha mom wants to know if she can stay with us this week. She's going out of town. Can she please say yes mom. Mrs. Hatch swallows her food and nods her head yes.
Paris: Okay, she said yes so tell your mom.
Nisha: Okay Thank you. I'll have my mom drop me off before she leaves.
Paris: Okay see you then.
Paris puts her phone on the charger and sits back at the kitchen table. Mr. Andrew wipes his mouth and gets up. Okay ladies I have to go but before I leave I'll clean up my mess. Mrs. Hatch stands up. Don't be silly I'll get that. Let me walk you out. Nice to meet you Paris. She looks up at him. Nice to meet you to. Paris watches them closely as they walk out the door. She gets up and go to the window and peeps out of it. She watches while they stand next to his truck. She notices how happy her mom looks. One of his hands is in his pocket and the other is on Mrs. Hatch back. He leans in and kisses her. Paris is disgusted of the action her mom is getting. Omg I think I'm gonna be sick. She looks back out the window and her mom is coming back in the house. Paris runs back to her sit and acts like she's eating. Her mom comes in and starts cleaning the kitchen. Mom I have a question. Go ahead baby ask I know you have questions. Last night, were you really waiting on me to come home from my date. Or was you waiting on your date? Mrs. Hatch clears her throat and looks at Paris. Yes and yes. I was waiting on both of you. Mom you could've told me you were dating. Really Paris and how you would have taken it? Well I don't know mom I was never told. If i didn't wake up to find him cooking I might have never known.Mrs. Hatch smacks her lips. Help me clean before I have to go to work. Paris sighs, mom I got it, just go get ready for work. Are you sure baby? Yes ma'am I got it. Her mom begins to walk up the stairs then she turn around. What did you think about Andrew. Paris looks up at her mom. Well I don't really know, I kind of just met him. But from what I seen he seems okay. Her mom smiles and goes up stairs. Paris takes a deep breath and starts washing the dishes. After cleaning the kitchen Paris gets her laptop and sits on the couch. Before she can open it the doorbell rings. She gets up and opens the door. Nisha is standing there with a big grin on her face. They both scream and hug each other. Paris helps her with her bags. Nisha walks in and puts her bags in the living room. Mrs. Hatch comes down stairs. Girls what's all that about. Paris have you seen my keys? There in the kitchen drawer mom. Okays girls I get off at 9:30 so please behave yourselves. See you girls later. She grabs her purse and head out the door. Paris gets up and locks the door after her. Nisha folds her arms and looks at Paris. So what we gonna do today. Paris looks at her and shrug her shoulders and sits on the couch. Nisha unfolds her arms and sits next to her on the couch. First lets put up your clothes and stuff. They take the things to Paris room. Nisha lays on the bed. Paris is in the mirror putting her hair in a messy bun. Nisha looks around her room. Paris where is your laptop. Oh it's in my backpack over there, just get it. Paris phone rings. Nisha picks up her phone. It's your boo calling. Paris grabs the phone and answers it.
PARIS: Hey bay
DARIUS: Hey what you doing
PARIS: Helping nisha put her things up. She staying with us all week.
DARIUS: Oh okay well I got something for you. I'll be there later on.
PARIS: You do! What is it?
DARIUS: I can't tell you. Your have to see later wont you.
PARIS: Fine I'll just see later
Nisha is smiling at Paris as see talks on the phone. She looks out the window and sees Keon washing his moms car. Paris hangs up from Darius. She walks over to Nisha. Who you looking at out there. Paris pulls her curtain back and sees Keon. She steps back and folds her arm and smiles at Nisha with her brow up. Nisha looks at Paris. What? Why you looking at me like that? Paris laughs. I think somebody likes what they see outside. Really Paris of course I do. He fine girl, I might be slow but I'm not blind. They both laugh. I'm serious Nisha, why don't you ask him out? Really paris, why would I do that. The man should ask out the women. Paris laughs, but you can be a brave women and take some chances. Nisha rolls her eyes and sucks her teeth. She frowns at Paris. I don't know about keon cause Ashley be on him like a dog with a bone. Paris falls out laughing. Girl you right she be too attached for no reason. Cause he don't want her and she still begging for that bone. Paris get an idea and jumps off the bed. You know what I can hook you up with him. Cause he just need him a nice girl not a trashy girl. And your perfect for him come what you say. Paris bats her eyes at her. Nisha puts the pillow in your face. Girl I don't know about it. I don't even think he likes me like that. Paris smacks her lips at her. Well come on lets see, we about to go outside. No Paris No! I can't you play too much. Well how would you know if you don't try to see. Paris peeks out the window to see if his still outside. She grabs Nisha hand and pulls her to the front door. They slowly come outside then start laughing. He doesn't have on a shirt cause he's washing the car. Keon looks over and see the girls. He stops and comes over to them. Hey ya'll what y'all doing. Both girls can't stop looking at him. Paris realizes she's staring at him. She never seen him without a shirt and he's not half bad. Keon smiles with a small grin. Paris smacks her lips and elbow Nisha. Paris starts the conversation. Hey Keon I see you washing your mom car. Yeah she got me out here in the sun. Keon looks at Nisha then at Paris. What! Why y'all looking at me like that? Paris smiles, no reason we bored. Keon looks around. He doesn't want any problems. Okay well I have to finish washing this stupid car. So ill talk to you later. Paris grabs Nisha goes over to the car. Well Nisha can help you so you can get done faster. Paris grins and runs back in the house. Nisha smacks her lips and turns to Keon. So whats that all about he asks her. I don't know, Darius must be on the phone. Well where do you want me. Keon hands her a towel. I got the this side and you can get the other side, is that fine. Yep that's okay with me. Nisha takes off her thin jacket. A car pulls in Paris driveway. And man man gets out and knocks on the door. Keon and Nisha stop and look at him. Keon goes and stands next to Nisha. He whispers, do you know who that is. Nisha shakes her and and whispers, no but it might be her moms new boyfriend. Keon frowns. Her mom have a boyfriend, where I been. Nisha laughs. Paris hears someone at the door. She laughs while sitting on the couch. She thinks it's Nisha trying to come in. The knocking gets harder and louder. Paris frown, Omg! I'm coming you could've stayed a little longer Nisha. She gets up and runs to the door. She swings the door open to find a man standing there. Hey Paris how are you. You have grown up to be so beautiful. Paris steps back while he walks in and shuts the door. He takes off his hat and looks at her. Paris looks at him as he looks at her. Omg Dad! Yes baby it's me. I drove here none stop to see you. Where is your mom. She's at work. Dad you could've called and told me you were coming. I know I just wanted to surprise you. Well you did cause I'm really surprise. So where are you staying. Tim looks around the house. Paris gets nervous cause her mom is not home and her mom told her about him. So the sight of him scares her. I'm staying at motel 6 at the moment but I'm leaving baby cause Ciara is there waiting on me. I just wanted to see you he walks over to her. She backs up from him. Baby you don't have to afraid I wont hurt you. He walks to the door. I'll call you later okay. Paris nods her head in tears. She watches as he goes out the door to his car. She breaks down crying.Tim backs out of the driveway while Darius pulls in. He looks over at Keon and mean mugs him. Nisha looks at Keon, please don't respond to him. Its okay I'm not I don't have time for that. Darius knocks on the door. Paris puts her head on her knees and continue crying. Darius opens the door and sees her crying. He goes over to her. Baby what's wrong, what happened. Come on get up off the floor. He helps her up and she puts her head on his chest. Darius wraps his arms around her and kisses her head. Who was that driving out the driveway? Paris cries harder. That was my dad!

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