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Paris wakes up to her phone going off. She grabs it and its a text from Darius.

Paris is so confused. She gets up out of bed and looks in her mirror. Her eyes are baggy. There is a bruise on her right arm. She looks in her drawer for a long sleeve shirt. Nisha wakes up and looks around. She went to sleep on the couch. She rubs her eyes and looks at the time. It's 6:12am. She looks at Paris room door. She is so worried about Paris. She don't know what really happened yesterday. Her room door opens. Paris walks out and looks at Nisha. Hey I'm sorry for yesterday I just needed to think but I'm fine now. Did you sleep okay out here? Nisha is amazed of how calm she is. She really does seem okay. Yeah I slept okay I guess. Paris are you sure your okay cause yesterday you were not. What happened? Paris looks down. Nothing really we just had a argument. That's all really. Nisha stands up and goes over to her. Paris I seen your arm. It looked like he hurt you and the way you was crying confirmed it for me. Yes he did but he didn't mean to. He was having a rough day. Really Paris your not some punching bag. Why are you defending him? Nisha I'm not, I just understand him okay. He's my boyfriend not yours! Nisha throws her hands up in frustration. Fine your right he's all your. Fine, Paris says. Fine, says Nisha. Nisha goes and sits on the couch. Paris smacks her lips and rolls her eyes then goes in the bathroom. Nisha lays her head on the back of the couch and closes her eyes. She's mad at herself cause she pushed and told Darius to walk with them. If I didn't do that they might not be together. Omg it's all my fault. Paris comes out of the bathroom. She looks at Nisha over on couch with her head back. Nisha can you please not tell anyone and please don't tell Keon. Nisha looks at her. Why can't I tell him. You know he cares for you. I know that's the reason why he shouldn't know. It will just start more drama. Please Nisha promise me you won't. Nisha takes a deep breath. Both Keon and Paris what me to keep a secret for them of each other. Omg I'm gonna go insane. Why do I have to be in this position. Okay Paris I promise but you need to be careful with Darius. I got this, I'll be okay. She walks in her room and gets dressed. After getting ready Nisha calls Keon.

Keon is putting his shoes on. He grabs his phone.
Keon: Hey hello
Nisha: Are you ready?
Keon: Yeah I'm about to come out now.
Nisha: Okay I'll meet you. I'm coming.
Nisha grabs her bookbag and head out the door. Darius is walking to the door as she walks out. Hey is Paris ready. Nisha looks at the flowers in his hands. Um I don't know she's in her room. He walks pass her and goes in the house. Nisha walks over to Keon. I don't know how long I can go without telling her. Keon looks at her house. I know Nisha me too. Darius knocks on Paris room door. She puts on her shoes then opens the door. Here baby, Do you except my apology? Paris smiles and smells the flowers. Yes I do. She hugs him. Okay good, turn around and close your eyes. He pulls out a necklace. Pull your your hair up. He puts the necklace around her neck then snaps it. He walks her over to her mirror. He puts his arms around her and whispers open your eyes. Paris looks at her neck. Its a necklace that has a D on it. Oh I love it I love it! She turns and kisses him. All that had happened yesterday went away. Anything for you baby. D is for Darius so you can wear me everyday. It looks so good on you. He grabs her by the hand. Come on so we won't be late bae. Time feels like it's going slow. The bell rings for their last period. Paris sees Nisha in the hallway. They have last period together. I am so ready for school to be over Nisha says. Paris laughs, I hear ya. They go to the gym for P.E then go into the girls locker room. It's packed and all girls are changing into their gym clothes. They both go into the bathroom and change their clothes. Paris goes into a stall. She takes off her bookbag and takes her makeup out. She changes her clothes then looks down at her arm. She notices how bruised it really is. She sits on the toilet and puts the makeup on her bruise. After she is done it looks even on her skin. Nisha knocks on Paris stall. You ready in there? Yes I'm coming out. Paris hurries and puts the makeup back in her bookbag. She opens the stall and comes out. She goes to the mirror and brushes her hair into a ponytail. Nisha notices her necklace. Well that's a really pretty necklace. Paris looks in the mirror at it. She touches it. Yes it is, Darius gave it to me this morning. Nisha frowns and rolls her eyes. Paris turns around to look at her. Don't look like that we working things out. Okay Paris if you say so. So what you going to tell Keon. You know he have P.E with us. I'm not gonna tell him nothing. Its none of his business. I don't owe him anything. Nisha takes a deep breath. All students are sitting on the bleachers. Nisha and Paris walk over and take their sits. The teacher  tells them that they will be running on the track. So many students smacks their lips. Paris looks down at her arm. She is worried that the heat from outside will make her sweat then her makeup will come off. Paris looks at Keon at the top of the bleachers.  They line up and go outside to the track. the football prayers and cheerleaders are on the field. Paris looks around to see if she can see Darius. But he is not out there.  Keon catches up with Paris and Nisha. Hey can y'all catch up. Keon this is not real track. We just running, says Nisha. He laughs and passes them up. Paris is slowly jogging. Her P.E teachers yells at her to run faster. She snacks her lips and pick up her speed. Nisha slow down I'm trying to catch up with you. She slows down and now Paris and her are running side by side. If we slow down Paris we will have to do a extra mile. I know, I cant do another mile. The girls are 2 miles in their run so far. Keon is on his last mile. After he is done he sits on the bleachers then he watches Nisha and Paris run. Paris legs feel like their gonna break off. Paris come on we almost there. Nisha Omg!  I'm so out of shape its crazy. They both laugh and finally make it through the miles. Paris is sweating so much. Nisha looks over to her and see her bruise. She pulls Paris to the side. Paris look at your arm. Did you try to cover it up with makeup? Nisha gets pissed. She cant believe that Darius did that to her.  You better hide your arm your bruise looks bigger than it did the day I saw it. Paris hurries and covers her bruise. Keon walks up to them. Paris puts her arm behind her back. Look at you guys you did it. Nisha shoves him in the shoulder. Of course we did, Nisha says smartly. Paris looks at him then looks away. Keon looks at Paris and notices she is acting nervous.  Are you okay Paris you seem distracted or nervous.  Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired and hot. Nisha looks at her then Keon, then goes deep in her thoughts. I hate keeping stuff from both of my friends. Look at them it's so awkward between them. They both can't even look at each other right cause both have a secret that will hurt the other. This is too much for my little brain. Its time to go back in the gym and change out of their P.E clothes. Girls are talking in bathroom while Paris is in the stall. ( Have you heard about Darius and Ashley? Girl yeah I did but ain't he dating that girl Paris? Yes but you know Darius. He be playing on them shy type girls. Girl I wish he would stop cause he to fine for that. Well Ashley ain't shy at all, you already know that. Girl yeah she already had almost the whole 11 grade boys. That's too nasty. Her mom would not be happy about that. Girl her mom the same way, so the apple don't fall to far from the tree.)
Both girls start laughing. Paris opens the stall and stare at the two girls and fold her arms. Let me give y'all some advise. Know what your talking about before you open your mouth. Both girls turn to look at her. One of them start laughing. The other tells Paris a thing or two. Sweetie it's Paris ain't it? We not trying to start trouble but you might want to know who your boyfriend really is. I don't need to know nothing because you don't know what your talking about. Me and him are in a relationship not him and Ashely. And I would appreciate if you stop gossiping about my relationship. The girls look at each other and walk out of the locker room. Paris leans her head on the bathroom wall. Nisha walks in the bathroom after putting her gym clothes in her bookbag. What was that all about? I over heard y'all conversation. Paris looks in the mirror and hold her necklace. It was nothing really just girls who need to get their facts straight. What do you mean? What happened? They were trying to say that Darius is a prayer and he hooked up with Ashley but they are a bunch of liars. Nisha heart sink. She stutters over her words. "So so umm you don't believe them"? Why would I. Yes I know he have a temper and yes I know that he hurt me on accident. But why would he give me this necklace if he didn't want to be in a relationship with me. So no I don't believe them. Paris walks pass Nisha and storms out of the locker room. Nisha stands in mirror and puts water on her face. Then takes a deep breath. I know its true but how do I tell her. She so blind she can't see the truth. Paris walks out the gym. The bell rings and school is over. She looks for Darius car in the parking lot. She sees him leaning on his car. As she gets closer she sees him talking to Ashley on his truck. Paris gets behind a car and watches them. Darius runs his hands through her hair. Then he pulls something out of his pocket. Paris can't make out what it is. Ashely starts to walk away but Darius pulls her back. What are they talking about, Paris asks herself. Ashely smiles at him and walk away. Paris moves around the car so she won't see her. She watches Darius get in his truck. Her heart is pounding. She don't know what to think. She gets up and walks over to him sitting in his truck. Darius turns to look at her. He gets out and opens the passenger door. Hey babe I been waiting on you. He takes her bookbag from her and puts it on his back. Paris gets in the truck. Darius gets in and leans over and kisses her. Paris is fighting not to cry cause she don't know what she just saw. Darius pulls out of the parking lot. So babe I was thinking that we can go to the mall, then maybe grab a bite to eat. How does that sound? Paris is quiet and looking out the window. Paris! How does that sound? Good I guess but I'm just tired. Tired why you tired the day not even close to being over yet. Come on babe I'm trying to hang out with you. Paris and sighs and says okay.

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