Chapter 18

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Keon is running in slow motion down the hospital hall. The more he runs the longer the hall gets. Keon hears Paris screaming. Blood is flowing down the hall. Keon falls on the blood on the floor. He turns his head to see Paris laying on the floor covered in blood. He crawls to her and grabs her hand. Tears are flowing down her face unto the floor. Keon screams and lifts her up. Im so sorry Paris. Im so sorry. He puts his head down into her neck. Paris is gaging on her own blood. Keon you should've saved me. I needed you and you wasn't there. You let this happen to me. Keon starts crying. No no no Paris, please don't leave me I'm so sorry. Keon jumps up in his bed. He looks around his room. His breathing so hard. He runs his hands though his hair. It was just a dream oh my god. It was so real. He picks up his phone and looks at the time. Its only 7:56am. He lays back in his bed looking up at the ceiling. It's been two days since Paris been attack. Tina is asleep in the chair in Paris hospital room. Andrew walks in with two coffees. He sits them down on the table. He walk over and kisses Paris on the forehead. Is today the day you wake up kido? Tina moves around then looks up at Andrew. How long was I asleep? Only 2 hours baby. You really needed that sleep. Tina stands up and stretches. She walks over to Paris and rubs her arm. I love you baby. She rubs her head. Andrew stands behind Tina. She turns and hugs him. A nurse walks in. Hey how is my beautiful patient? She checks her vitals and her IV. Tina looks at the nurse. So how is she doing? How long will it be before she wakes up? Well I really don't know how long it will be. But I will say she is doing great. Her vitals are normal it's just a matter of time she will wake up. You just have to give her some time okay. Have a nice day. She walks out of the room. Tina and Andrew stand on opposite sides of Paris. Tina looks at her. Okay baby we are gonna be patient okay. We will wait on you. A knock is at the door. The door opens and Darius comes in. Hey Darius come on in. He walks over slowly while looking at Paris. Tears come to his eyes. Tina rubs his back. He looks over at her IV.   Darius puts his head down. You know the last time I seen her she was with you at the store. I was a complete jerk. I acted like I didn't care about our relationship. And now she is laying here while I'm looking at her. I wish I could trade spots with her. She is nothing like the other girls. Im not use to this kind of love. Tina lifts up his head. Listen to me baby. I get it okay. I understand how you feel but just look at her. She will wake up and get better. Darius nods his head. I tell you what since you wasn't able to see her yesterday, me and Andrew will give you a moment alone with her. Tina grabs her purse and Andrew and her leave out the room. Darius pulls up a chair to the bed. He sits down and put his hand into hers. Im so sorry paris. I promise I will be here for you always. No more being a player or hurting you. I want to be the boyfriend you deserves. He picks her hand up and kisses it. I really do love you Paris. I pushed you away because im not use to being tied to one girl. So I panicked. I was so wrong for cheating all those times. But I promise no more. Mrs. Smith is cooking breakfast. Keon speeds out the bathroom and puts on his clothes. Then goes to the kitchen and heads to the front door. Hey wait Keon where are you going. Im cooking breakfast. I was hoping we could eat together this morning. Mom I'm not hungry, I'm trying go to the hospital. So can I borrow the car, I promise I'll be careful. No Keon you can't, your gonna sit down and eat breakfast. I didn't cook just for myself. Keon smacks his lips and runs his hand through his hair. Mom please I want to be there for Paris. Look Keon I know she is your friend but she will be okay. Keon slams his hand on the table. Mrs.Smith jumps to the sound of the slam. She is not just a friend, I am in love with her. I just have to be there okay. She needs me by her side mom. Keon sits down at the kitchen table and puts his head down on the table. Mrs. Smith walks over to him and sits next to him. She puts her hand on his back. Baby I didn't know you felt like that for her. Keon sits up and look at his mom. I'm so sorry mom for yelling at you. This just kills me. Okay baby how about this we eat and we both go to the hospital and see her. How does that sound? That's fine mom, we can do that. Darius is holding Paris hand with his head down on the bed. He feels her hand move a little. He lifts his head up fast and looks at her hand. Her hand starts moving again. He looks up at her. She is slowly trying to open her eyes. He jumps up. Oh my God Paris. Hey, hey I'm here, I'm here. She lets out a sigh. Darius runs his hand through her hair. Paris opens her eyes and sees nothing but the bright light above her bed. She looks down and sees a figure of someone standing above her. She wipes her eyes and looks again. She looks at him for a moment. Darius smiles at her. She lifts her hand slowly to her chest. Ouch, this hurts. Oh my god it feels like I got hit with a bunch of bricks? Oh it hurts to breath in and out. I'm sorry you are in pain Paris. Do you need anything like water or your pillow fluffed? No I'm fine. Where is my mom? She looks around the room. Darius stands up and puts his hands in his pants pocket. She is here. She stepped out to allow me a chance to see you. Well I'm surprise you are here to see me. I know you are. Look I know I haven't been the best boyfriend but if you give me another chance I will be here all the way. Darius you cheated on me and treated me like crap. I don't know if this could work. I understand that but please I love you. I need you in my life. I was a jerk okay. But I promise I wont be that jerk anymore. Tears fall from her eyes. You being here in the hospital has affected me in ways I can't even explain. Paris turns and looks at the door. She wipes away her tears. Can you please go get my mom? She starts crying again. Paris please don't cry. I just want you back. I can wait however long I have to. Can we talk about this later please? Okay baby what ever you want. Darius runs out the room to get Tina. Paris looks around the room while wiping her tears away. She sees flowers and balloons on the table. She looks down into her hospital gown. There is a bandage over her chest where she was stabbed. She frowns to the pain. Flash backs of that night flashes before her eyes. She sees all the blood on the floor. Ciara laying there on the floor covered in blood. She sees flashes of herself getting slammed into the wall, then stabbed. Paris squeezes her eyes shut trying to make the images go away. She starts crying and breathing hard. The monitor starts beeping loud. Tina gets off the phone with Keon. She just told him that Paris woke up. Tina, Andrew, and Darius are walking down the hall to go to Paris room. They see nurses running into Paris room. Tina starts running and Andrew and Darius follows her. They enter the room and the nurses are all around Paris. Tina drops her purse on the floor. Oh My God! What is going on? A nurse turns around and hurries and stop them from coming close to Paris. Ma'am its okay. She just had a panic attack. We gave her something to help her relax. But it is best if she is left alone to rest. Tina covers her mouth while tears flow down her face. How long do we have to wait? The nurse turns around and looks back at Paris then back at Tina. Honestly I don't know exactly. But what i do know is the more she rest the quicker she will get better. They all go out the room and goes back to the waiting room. Tina sits down and lays her head on Andrew shoulder. Why do i feel like we been living in this waiting room. Andrew smiles at her, then kisses her. My poor baby in there suffering. Nisha walks though the door of the hospital. She goes to the gift shop to look for Paris a gift. She sees this purple monkey with the words "Get Better" on the stomach. She smiles at it, then grabs it. She goes to the counter and pays for it. She also buys a gift bag to put it in. Then she heads out the gift shop. She walks by the waiting room and sees Tina, Andrew, and Darius siting there. Is everything okay? Is Paris still up. Keon called me and told me. Tina gets up and walks over to her. No baby not anymore,she kind of had a panic attack. Oh my God, well is she okay? Yes she is okay she is just sleeping right now. They gave her something to help her rest. Darius gets up and starts walking down the hall. Nisha puts her bags down and speed walk to catch up with him. Hey slow down Darius. He turns around, then starts walking again. Where are you going Nisha? Well I'm following you right now. So are you okay? Darius stops walking and turns to look at Nisha. He puts his hands in his pockets while looking at the floor. Then he looks up at her with tears in his eyes. No I'm not okay. But you know who cares huh? I was this jerk of a boyfriend. Now I see that I had something good but I treated it like crap. I don't even know what I'm doing. I was with Paris when she woke up. I was talking to her about our relationship. Then she asked for her mom. Next thing I knew nurses are rushing into her room because she was having a panic attack. I cant imagine how she felt when she woke up. Look im not this evil person Nisha. I know you might hate me but im not. I don't know Darius. You really hurt her. I know all about you cheating. Darius sighs, I know that. I feel terrible about it. Mrs. Smith and Keon pulls up at the hospital. Keon rushes out of the car. Wait Keon, are you gonna leave your mother to walk by herself? No I'm sorry mom. I'm just so excited to see Paris. I know you are baby. Mrs. Smith locks the car door and they began walking. They finally enters the hospital. They walk then see Tina and Andrew sitting in the waiting room. Keon rushes over to them. Is everything okay? Tina gets up and stand in front of him. Im so sorry baby I forgot to call you. Paris is resting right now. She had a panic attack a little bit after she woke up. Oh my God, is she okay? Yes she is but I don't know mentally. Hey Rona I'm so glad you are here. Tina walks over and hug her. Im so sorry Tina. It's okay really. God got this. Tina and Rona sit down. So Tina what did the police say? Well the man who did this is names James Walker. They been trying to break him but he wont say nothing. So we have court next Wednesday. The police want Paris there also to testify. I know he had to be hired by Tim but I can't prove it right now. I just know he had something to do with this. I just cant believe my baby was hurt and Ciara was killed. Keon sits down and puts the flowers in his lap. Darius and Nisha walks back to the waiting room. Keon stand up when he sees them. Nisha speeds walk over to Keon. Hey Keon how are you today? Keon gives her a hug while staring at Darius. I'm fine, just hoping Paris wakes up soon. Darius walks over to Tina. Hey i think it's time for me to go. Ok okay, are you sure baby? Darius looks over at Keon. Then looks back at Tina. Yes ma'am I'm sure. Can you just call me if any thing changes?. Sure baby I will. Tina gives him a hug before he leaves. I'll see you later baby. He waves and walks out the double doors. Andrew looks at the time. Baby it's almost time for me to head to work. You can take me to work so you can have the car. Tina agrees and stand up. She looks at Rona and Keon. Can you stay just in case she wakes up? Rona shakes her head yes. Keon gets up and sit by his mom, as they leave.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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