Chapter 12

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My mom is so upset with my dad just showing up unannounced. Paris why didn't you call me when he showed up. Mom I was to shocked and surprised. I couldn't think straight. Mrs. Hatch paces in the living room. She doesn't know what to think at the moment. All these thoughts are running though her mind. Why is he here? What does he want? Why now? How could he? How does he knows where I stay. Why? Why? Why? Paris sees her mom panicking. She goes over to her mom and holds her hand. Mom it will be okay. You know I had to tell myself this earlier today after he left. Mrs. Hatch looks over at Nisha sitting on the couch. Baby I'm sorry I didn't want you to see me like this. Im such a mess right now. Mrs. Hatch gets up and goes up stairs. The girls watch as she goes up stairs. Im so sorry paris are you ok. Yeah I'm good its all good. So just tell me some news. How did it go yesterday with Keon. Nisha looks up at her. Are you sure Paris. Yes I need to hear something else other than what's happening here. Well nothing happened really. After we washed the car his mom came out and asked me to stay for dinner. Now you already know I got nervous real quick. Paris laughs, okay so what else. Nothing girl we just ate and I told them thanks and I left. I don't know if keon is interested in me. But its kind of weird for me because i know you and him use to like each other. Even though you and darius are dating i still don't feel right dating your use to be crush. Paris understands where she is coming from. Im sorry cause I pushed it. Paris feels bad for making her talk to Keon.
Don't get me wrong he is fine but I just can't. Don't worry about me I'll be okay my time will come. Paris smiles at her. I really don't know how i feel about my dad. He has not been in my life and now he shows up out of no where. My mom have raised me by herself. I'm 17 now, what can he do for me. One more year and im grown. The times I needed a dad, he was no where to be found. My mom told me why she left him and it scares me. He's a woman beater and a alcoholic . To be honest  I'm kinda happy my mom has Andrew to protect her. Who would've thought I would ever say that. I'm just venting right now cause alot is on my mind. Nisha gets up and sits next to her. How about we do each others nails, hair, and facials. We can have a salon/ spa day. I just want you to relax and free your mind. Meanwhile Mrs. Hatch is on the phone with Andrew.
TINA: I just can't believe he is here.
ANDREW: I know but if you need me to stay there with you for now I can.
TINA: No it's okay. I don't think he's that crazy. But thank you for offering.
ANDREW: Your welcome anything for you. Well if you need me I'm only one call away. Okay my love.
TINA: Your so sweet. If I do I'll call.
She hangs up and rubs her face in frustration. She remembers that Paris told her that Tim was staying at Motel 6. She grabs her keys and purse and heads down stairs. She sees girls in the room putting on their facial cream. The music is loud and they don't hear her leave. She decides to drive to each Motel 6 until she finds him. She pulls into the fourth motel. She gets out and walks to the office. Before she gets there she sees Tim come out room 3. She hurries and hides behind the tree. Tim gets in his car and pulls off. Nows her chance she thinks to herself. She knocks at the room door. Ciara looks out the peep hole. Shes shocked to see Tina on the other side of the door. She hurries and looks in the mirror. Her left eye and lips are swollen. She can't hide the damage to her face. Finally she opens the door. Tina gasps at the looks of her. Oh my gosh Ciara. She moves from the door and let Tina in. I know what your gonna say Tina but please don't. He's not like this all the time. He is a very sweet guy. Its just when he drinks. Tina fights the tears from falling from her face. They sit down on the bed. Ciara I'm just so worried about you. You don't have to take this. I use to be where you are right now. So in love it hurt. No woman deserves this. Us as women need to fight to be women. Tears roll down Ciara face. She gets up off the bed. Don't you think I know this but where would I go. I have no family here. He doesn't allow me to talk to the family I do have. For all they know I might be dead. I don't remember the last time I talked to my mom. Ciara wipes her tears on her face. I don't want you feeling sorry for me. I'll be okay. Ciara looks at the window. You better go he will be back soon. Okay I'll leave but I have one question for you. How did he find out where I lived. Ciara looks at her for a minute. I can't say please I can't say. Please you have to leave please! You have to tell me Ciara. I have to protect my daughter don't you understand! They both look at the door. Someone is about to open it. The door swings open. They both look at the person at the door. A lady says housekeeping. They both take a deep breath. Mrs. Hatch goes out the door then turns to look at Ciara. On her drive home she wonders if she keeps talking to Ciara she will open up to her. Something just doesn't seem right. I can't put my finger on it but I will soon. Her heart is still beating fast. She thought Tim was back at the motel when the door opened. I feel so sorry for this poor girl. She loves him but it will lead her to her death if he don't stop. A single tear rolls down her face. She thinks back to when Paris was born. It was a cold night and she was at home having contractions on the bathroom floor. The pain was so bad she was screaming with a bath towel in her mouth. She tired not to wake Tim with her screams of pain but she couldn't take it any longer. She starts screaming his name. He wakes up and storms to the bathroom. What! What are you screaming for. Im trying to sleep. Tim the baby is coming. I need help we have to go to the hospital. Man i ain't going no where you better push her out in here. Im going back to bed and you better keep that screaming down. I ain't trying hear that. Tim I can't I think something is wrong. Im too weak. Tim shuts the bathroom door and goes back to the bedroom. She starts bleeding alot. Tina starts praying with the little voice she has left. Lord please I need you. It's just me and you. Help me though this. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I need a little more strength. Please my baby might not be okay. And she has to be. She just has to be for me. She is the only thing in my life that's gonna make since. Tina leans back on the wall and starts pushing. It was hard but she did it. She lays Paris on her chest. She is so weak she lost alot of blood. She passes out and wakes up in the hospital.  Tina rises up fast. The nurse is checking her vitals. Where is my baby, is she ok did something happened to her. The nurse comes over to her. Miss please calm don't your husband has her. Tina goes crazy she starts trying to pull out her IV. No! No! ma'am please calm done. Tim walks in the room holding Paris. She is so beautiful ain't she Tina. The nurse that's a deep breath. See your husband has her, shes okay see. Tina sits back and stares at him. The nurse walks out the room. Tim walks over to Tina. Really you had to pass out. You got me up here at the hospital. I told you I didn't want to come here. Tina comes out of her thoughts. She looks at a picture of Paris in her wallet when she was 7 years old. She smiles and looks up at the clouds.


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