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Keon is sitting in the waiting room with Tina and Andrew. Time seems like it's crawling like a snail. Nisha runs to the waiting room. She looks around. Then she sees them. She speeds walk over and hugs Tina. Keon gets up and starts pacing back and forward. Nisha goes over to him and holds his hand. Keon tries to fight his tears but he can't, he falls in Nisha arms. They both start crying. Tina turns to Andrew. He wipes her tears away. How could this happen right underneath our nose. I was trying to save Ciara from Tim but he found her. And my baby is hanging on for dear life. She breaks down in his arms. She has to make it Andrew, she just has to. That's my only baby. I don't know what I'll do if. Andrew stops her. It will be okay baby she will pull through. He kisses her on the forehead. Pam and her daughters arrive and rushes to the waiting room. Savanna and Tiffany are panicking. Pam sees Tina and runs to her. They both start crying. Tiffany and Savanna hold each other and cry.  Keon and Nisha walks down the hall to get coffee. Here Keon drink this. He looks at the cup. I can't drink anything. This is the worst day of my life. Nisha rubs his back and tries not to break down. I know but it will get better. He turns and look at her. I hope so I cant lose her Nisha not like this. I know shes my best friend. I can't lose her either. They walk back to the waiting room and sit down. Three hours goes by. The doctor finally comes out and walks over to them. They all stand together looking at him. I need the family of Paris. Tina looks around at all of them. We all are her family. Okay very well then.  She is out of surgery. I do have to tell you that her heart stopped two times but we were able to bring her back. She lost alot of blood, we had to give a blood transfusion.  She is in the recovery room. I should say that she is allowed one visitor at a time for now. They all stand there in tears but are all relieved. Tina gives Andrew her sweater. She follows the doctor to Paris room. Paris is laying there with a tub in her mouth and is hooked up to a machine. Tina walks over and sit next to her. Tears roll down her face. She grabs Paris hand and rubs it. She gets up and lean in and kiss her on the forehead. Mamma is here baby, I'm right here. You are a fighter and I love you so much. She runs her hands though her hair. Keon is sitting there shaking his leg. Nisha grabs his leg. Keon please calm down, she is okay we will see her in a minute. I know we are I'm just nervous. I know Keon. I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom okay. Are you going to be okay while I'm gone? He looks up at her. Yes I'm okay just go. She enters the bathroom and go in to the stall. She puts her hands over her mouth and falls down on the floor. She breaks down. She tried to keep it in but all the hurt comes in at once. Tiffany walks in the bathroom. She hears Nisha crying. She leans on the stall door and knocks. Nisha wipes her tears away. Someone is in here. I know Nisha its Tiffany, come on open up. Nisha stands up and unlocks the door and come out of the stall. The girls both start crying and holds each other. Its not fair, Its just not fair. Shes my best friend. I should've been there with her. If you were Nisha you would've been here also. Dont worry who ever did this will pay for this. Keon sits back looking at everyone go back and forth to see Paris. Tina walks over to him. Okay baby its your turn to go see her. He stands up and looks down the hall. A tear rolls down his face. Tina wipes his tear and hugs him. Baby it will be okay just go see her. Keon nods his head. He walks to her room. He slowly opens the door. He enters the room and looks at Paris laying in the bed. He looks at all the stuff hooked up to her. He walks up to her. Tears come to his eyes. He looks at her just laying there. She looks like she is peaceful sleeping. He sits next to her and holds her hand. He leans down and kisses her hand. I'm so sorry Paris. I wish I could've stopped this from happening to you. The thought of you not being here kills me. Who would of thought that you of all people would change my life. I am not the same person I use to be. So I need you to recover and get better okay. Can you do that for me? He looks over at her heart rate on the machine. Then looks back at her. I love you Paris and everyone out there in the waiting room loves you also. That's why you have to get better. He leans in and kisses her on her cheek. I will be here every day okay. Right here by your side. I just need you to wake up okay. Please baby I need you. I hope you can hear me. Her right side of her face is scratched and bruised up. Keon puts his hand on the side of her cheek. The doctor walks in the door. Okay that's all for now she needs to rest. Keon nods his head and gets up. He walk to the door then looks back at Paris. He puts his head down then walks out the door. Walking down the hall he sees Darius running towards him. "What are you doing here?", Keon asks him. What am I doing here? What are you doing here, she is my girlfriend. Keon shoves him to the wall. Darius bounces off the wall and shoves him back. A officer talking to Tina sees them and races to them. Nisha turns and see the two fighting and the officer running towards them. She runs down the hall to them. Officer Brooks pulls the to apart. Do y'all both want to get arrested. Knock it off, this is a hospital not the streets. Darius wipes the blood from his mouth. Nisha pulls Keons arm. Come on Keon lets go.  Keon stares at Darius as he walks away. Are you crazy Keon we are here at the hospital. Paris is in there trying to hang on to her life and you decided to fight right outside her room. Oh My God! How crazy can you be Keon? Nisha I don't want to hear this right now. Keon walks away from her. Really Keon how you gonna be mad at me. He walks pass Tina. Baby are you okay? Your bleeding let me see. Yes ma'am I'm okay. Im gonna just head home. I'll be back tomorrow. Tina looks at Andrew then back at him.  Do you need a ride, remember you came with us. Nisha walks up to Keon. I got him my mom let me drive her car. Keon rolls his eyes at Nisha then smacks his lips. He turns and walks out the door. Tina walks closer to Nisha. Baby make sure he be okay. This has messed him up. Nisha looks at the door. Yes ma'am I will. Okay baby I'll call you if anything changes. Go and get him home. Nisha walks out the door. She walks to the parking lot and sees Keon leaning on the car. They sit  in silence. Keon looks at Nisha as she drives. He feels bad for fighting outside Paris room door. Keon looks down at the floor of the car. Nisha I'm sorry for treating you like that. I'm just mad about all of this. Nisha smacks her lips. Don't you think everyone is mad about this huh? Tears start running down her face. I'm so pissed about this Keon. I can't change this , I wish I could but I can't. I thank God for spearing her life but she wont be the same after this. She pulls into Keon's drive way. She puts the car in park then turns off the car. She looks at him. Keon what are we gonna do? Keon pulls her into his arms. Nisha breaks down in his arms. He kisses her on the forehead and rubs her head. He whispers in her ear. I know Nisha its very hard but it has to get better. We have to stick together and be there for her. He wipes her tears away. Nisha nods her head then Keon gets out the car. Call me later okay Nisha. She smiles and drives out the driveway. He watches as she drives down the street. Mrs. Smith runs out the house to Keon. Oh My God baby! She grabs him and hugs him. I heard what happened to Paris is she okay. Yes she is I just left the hospital. She hasn't woke up yet but Mrs. Hatch will call me if she do. Tina sits in the waiting room after answering all the questions officer Brooks asked her. Pam sits next to her. Tears rolling down her face. I'm so sorry Tina. I don't wish this on nobody. Tina puts her head on Pam's shoulder. We were fine in Missouri. I almost hate that i moved here. My baby didn't deserve this. And I don't even no the man that did this. I feel like Tim hired him to kill Ciara. And he might seen my baby and that is that. Tina starts crying. Pam rubs Tina head. I don't know little sis. But what I do know that the police got it. We will have justice in the end. Tina nods her head. Pam kisses Tina on the forehead. I have to go but I'll call you later okay. And I'm here for you okay. Pam gets up and Tiffany and Savanna kisses and hugs Tina before they go. Andrew sits next to Tina. Baby do you wanna go and take a shower and put on some more clothes? She looks up at him. I don't want to leave my baby here. You are not, there is a police officer standing by her door. Besides no one is allowed to see her today. So in the mean while we can go get cleaned up. Tina sighs, Okay lets go but we coming right back. They walk out to Andrews car. Darius is sitting on the bench staring at the ground. Tina walks up to him. Baby you still here? He looks up at her. Tears are flowing down his face. We haven't been doing well you know. I been kind of mean the last couple of weeks. Tina sits next to him on the bench. Andrew goes ahead and sit in the car. I'm so sorry Mrs. Hatch. I do love your daughter. Now my whole world has changed before my eyes. I had cheated on her with someone she doesn't like. And I'm so sorry for that. Now the one I love is in the hospital fighting for her life. Man I was a total jerk to Paris. Darius looks at Tina. I don't want to lose her. She means something to me. I might haven't showed her how much she means to me. I messed up Mrs. Hatch. I couldn't even see her cause no one can see her today. I came a little to late. Darius starts crying. Tina leans in and hugs him. Its okay baby. Look calm down, come back tomorrow okay but you and Keon are gonna have to put your differences aside for Paris okay. She doesn't need y'all fighting. If y'all care about her then show it. Darius shakes his head okay. They both stand up and walk to the parking lot. See you tomorrow okay baby. Tina watches as he gets in his truck and drive away. Andrew gets out the car and opens the passenger door for her.

Does Darius Have A Change Of Heart??????

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