6. Thanks for being alive

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Hi there!  From now on I'll try to include a song per chapter that fits that part of the story. Other than that, click the golden star if you like it!

We kept chatting like that for 3 weeks. When the Holiday time came, though, it had been six days since we last chatted. I found a job at a local bookstore and was constantly studying for the finals, so I didn't take the time to launch a brand new conversation. Besides, he was the one who was supposed to answer my last text, so I wasn't the only one to blame.

Anywho, my sister and I had finally moved in our appartment, and we were preparing ourselves to spend our first Christmas on our own. Clara was paying the allowance, but I was the one paying for the grocery, so we both had our contribution to this new home.

Right after my last final term exam, on Friday December 18th, I went to Rideau, the closest mall to uOttawa campus, to get my sister a present before I'd go to the youth meeting at church. I was wandering around Forever 21 (I hesitated between a t-shirt and a jacket) when I spotted someone from high school.

The one and only Raja.

For a few seconds, I forgot how to breathe. I almost didn't recognize him because he had cut his shoulder-lenght hair (Yes, same haircut as Harry Styles, but more defined, black curls) for a shorter cut, although the top of his head had still those long  curls. Other than that, he hadn't changed a bit: leather jacket with a hoodie underneath, sweatpants and Timbaland boots. Yep, still that old Raja Nasser. 

I didn't even notice he was waving at me.
" Well, hey there"
I fist pumped with him then asked:
"What are you doing here?"
" What? I'm shopping jsut like you!"
" In the lingerie section?"
" Come on, I was passing by! That's a cheap shot, Twilight!"
" Don't call me Twilight, I already told you I hated that nickname!" 
" Alright, sorry."
" It's okay. What are you looking for?"
" Something for my brother. You?"
" Something for my sister. What exactly do you wanna buy your bro?"
He laughed at my frowned eyebrows.
" You seem to forget there's a menswear section in that store."
Ugh, the hot mess had a point.
" Ight, my bad."
Since we were both looking for shirts (I made up my mind), we ended up buying matching Beatles shirts for us. Raja settled for a Guns n' Roses short for his brother's gift while I chose a Barbie/Mean girls tank top for Clara (on Wednesdays, she does wear pink).

After that, we just talked around, catching back the time we spent without news from each other.
" I can't believe you actually moved. Where's your place?"
" Near yours I think."
" Wait, you live at Plateau?" 
" Yeah..."
" What street?"
" Des Grives."
" Are you kidding?"
" I'm afraid not." I answered playfully.
Turned out, I was his neighbour from above. We spent about thirty minutes just planning stuff to do together until DeeDee texted me to ask where the heck I was.
" Oh my! I completely forgot about the youth group! I really gotta go! "
" The youth what?" he asked, confused.
" A meeting with the church's teenagers."
He nodded to let me know he understood. I suddenly blurted out:
" Wanna come?"
I covered my mouth with my hand but it was too late.
"I mean if you want to, like maybe you work or stuff or if the bus..."
" Sure."
"comes too late... wait, you said yes?"
" Yeah girl, come on, let's go. Show me the way."
" Cool, we'll be able to bus home together."
I was trying my best to keep my cool but I was happy to be able to spend more time with my new friend.

"Damn, the snow didn't even last an hour!" realized Raja once outside.
" I know, I'm really not feeling the Christmas spirit without snow, it's kinda lame."
" Oh, that doesn't bother me, I'm working that day anyway."
" McDo, huh?"
" Yep."
" My mom didn't allow me to work there because of that."
" Haitian moms, right?"
I tensed up.
"Actually, my parents are white Canadians."  
"Oh, I didn't know..."
" It's okay, really." I said a bit too fast, making Raja look at me suspiciously. "What about your parents, they're okay with you not being around that day?"
" They're not in Canada anymore."
" What do you mean?"
" They moved back to Algeria when we graduated."
"Kiet..." I said, not knowing what else to say.
"Yah, I guess we both have a lot to talk about."
He put his arm on my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.
"Thanks." I told him so softly I was surprised he actually heard. 
"For what?"
"For being alive."
He first looked at me in disbelief, then replied:
" You welcome."

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