9. Keep telling yourself that

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I'm thinking about switching the POV at the middle  of the story, so 50/50 Twilla and Raja. What do you think?

I was typing away on my computer the last words of a new chapter (I was very productive at 3 a.m., plus it was a cool way to use insomnia) and I almost had a heart attack when You are my Sunshine started playing - Raja's ringtone on my phone.
"Dude, don't you sleep at night?" I snapped when I answered.
"You're just mad cuz you were busy writing, am I right?"
"How do you..."
"Look at the window."
I quickly turned, only to see Raja himself waving at me.
"The heck?" I grinned, and got up to open the door.
"Surprise!" he said, flashing a Broadway  smile.
"You have dimples?" I realized more than I asked.
"Yeah, you never noticed them?
"Well, I am one really bad daydreamer."
"You got that one right."
I finally let me inside.
"So, what brings you here?"
"The lights. And I couldn't sleep so..."
"Why not, you worked all day, you must be exhausted!"
"Eh well, guess I wanted to see how my favourite girl was doing."
"She was just fine before you made her forget that brilliant idea of hers."
"Oh, it'll come back."
"Keep telling yourself that."
We sat on the couch, where I had left my laptop.
"Is it a new story?"
"Yeah, but this one's a teen romance. I'm having a hard time writing it." 
"Why? You're so talented!"
"That's not it... Let's just say I gotta find a good reason for the guy to fall for the girl."
"Oh, come on! Just describe the girl to me and I'll tell you."
I hesitated but it was hard to say no to such a sweet guy.
"Well, Natou..."
"That's her name?"
"Natouchka, yah. Her grandpa's Russian. Anyways, she's black with wavy hair, she's really shy except when she steps on a stage. And the guy is like, the perfect student type. Like, straight As in everything, MVP of his soccer team and he plays the guitar."
"And, if I understand, you don't want them to fall in love with each other by playing a song for some show. "
"Well yeah, but you can't just fall for someone's voice!"
"True, but by the time they make it to that show, they will have practice together like crazy."
"Is it realiatic though?"
"OMG! Didn't you ever fall in love, little star?"
"Not like that, I mean, crushes are not like true love.."
"I'll tell you what, they're no way you can do this if you don't believe in love."
"But I...."
Yeah. I was so right, but at the same time...
"...I don't want to let my guards down." I declared, averting his gaze.  
"It's part of the game. You must've experienced it once if you're so scared to get hurt. You can tell me." 
"You know who Calvin is?"
"Like, one of your best friend?"
"Pretty much, yeah. And... Jeremy."
"You liked those guys?"
"And my ego got crushed twice."
"Did you tell them?"
"Jeremy found out, cuz I had a record of 11 songs and poems about him."
"But I don't know for Calvin. And he got himself a girlfriend. And she was amazing."
"Vanessa, huh? All the boys were crazy about her."
"Yeah. She broke up with him last month."
"So, you can tell him how you feel?"
"I don't feel like that anymore. I miss him being around though. What about you? Did you dated someone during high school?"
"Well yeah, lasted about two days."
"Really? Do I know her?"
"You're friends with her, and she went to the after prom..."
It wasn't DeeDee then.
"Hum... Katy?"
"Exactly. We kissed at the party and apparently I asked her out. She texted me 2 days later to call things off."
"LOL! She did tell me about the kiss but said it was a mistake and you guys were drunk..."
I was actually laughing at this point because come on, it was truly pathetic."
"You liked her?"
"As a friend."
"Yeah, she's the reason why I believed you about you being over drugs. I might have questioned her." I revealed with a little smirk.
"Well thanks for the trust!" he whined.
I giggled at his words, then sighed when my eyes went back to my laptop screen.
"Ugh, I'm done for now. Go to your house, I wanna sleep." I told him in a yawn, slamming the screen shut.
"Can't I just sleep on your couch? I'm exhausted."
"Oh, now you say it!"
But he was already leaning on me, and was snoring in a matter of seconds. "Even his snoring is cute!" I mumbled, trying to free myself from his weigh without waking him up.
But he was so peacefully sleeping it took me forever to finally lean his head on a cushion. I also gave him sheets to keep him warm. I finally collapsed in my bed and immediately fell asleep.

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