13. It's a date

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Thank God, the second I stepped outside, Destinée showed up with Raja's friend, Jauschua.
"Hey, leave her alone!" DeeDee screamed at Jo, rushing to us.
Jo probably got scared by her because he released me without a word and just muttered:
"Damn it, let's just get out of here."
And he was off with Clara. DeeDee jumped on me, sighing of relief.
"I'm fine, thanks to you."
"Nah, thank Jauschua, he gave me a ride here. So, where's Raja?
"Don't even get me started on that..."
"Woah, let's just get in your place, shall we?"
"Can I come too?" Joey asked.
I nodded quickly and got back inside.
"So, what's the matter with Ray Jay?"
"He wants to deal again."
"That's it?" DeeDee said.
" 'That's it?' Argh, I am so pissed off at him, doing weird stuff that could get him in prison! I'm so pissed off at me!"
"What's the matter, he can still change his mind?"
"Still, I'll never trust him again, nor any guy for years to come."
"Do you want me to go talk to him?"
"I rather not."
"Be right back!"
"DeeDee wait! Aren't you gonna ask my why the heck was I getting pulled by the hair by Jo the ganster?"
"Oh true, what is that... you know, was doing here?"
"Spoiler alert: My sister's still with him!"
"Man, your life sounds way too intense for a Christian girl like you." mumbled Joey.
"Eh, you don't say!"
"Okay, you stay over here, Imma go kick some butts upstairs!" declared Destinée. 
She left me alone with Joey (Jausch is a really sad nickname to text), who was observing me from his spot, near the front door.
"Come take a seat, man, I only bite when I'm under attack", I joked.
He smiled and sat down on the couch next to me.
I first asked him about his life in college then he asked:
"You like him, right?"
"Raja? Huhu, not really."
"Not anymore?" He suggested.
I hate him.
"It doesn't matter, Joey."
"Did you tell him?"
"Would you let go?"
"YOU DID!??!"
"No! I don't do that.Where are you going with that?"
"DeeDee thinks you're gonna bring Raja to Christ, but I bet he'll become Christian in London."
"You guys are so pathetic, you can't just bet around on people's walk with Christ."
"But now you're hoping I'm right and you'll pray for him every single day till he gets back."
He was right (yet again), I was living for that small hope maybe one day I'll be able to love him without getting hurt.
Jauschua didn't insist, but his lips curled into a smile. Destinée chose this moment to come back.
"So? What did you tell him?"
"Oh, not much, I just told him what I thought of him."
"Eh, must have gotten ugly up there", Jauschua said in a chuckle. 
"No! I just explained to him how God had so much in stock for him, and for the sake of a stupid trip he's all screwing things up for his future."
"Well, looks like he doesn't give a dang." I said angrily.
"No, girls, he actually cares. We shouldn't give up on him just cuz he takes bad decisions. He has three Christian friends in his life, I don't think it's a coincidence. And Twilla, you're the reason why he stopped."
"Shut up." I snapped.
I didn't need another false hope Raja and I might become a thing.
"For real! A few days after the after prom he called me and just started to explain how he must've passed by so many girls because of his 'activities'. So I went to his house, we got rid of all the illicit stuff he had. And the very same day he poked you on Facebook."
"So he stopped to have more 'chances with girls?" Destinée resumed.
"Kinda. It's not as shallow as it sounds, I promise."      
"Doesn't matter anyway, he's gone in two weeks. And I really wanna focus on things that matter." I declared, mentally cringing at 'matter'.
Raja mattered. A lot to me.
"Okay, now let's talk of someone else." DeeDee decided.
Thank goodness I was delivered of that mental torture.
"What's up with Clara?"
Spoke too soon.
"I don't even know myself, but chances are, Jo's messing with her and that she's back in the gang."
"Gang? As in..."
"Yes, Joey, yes." DeeDee cut him off. "Any evidences though?"
"Jo pulling me by the hair is one", I replied, ironic.
"Gosh, I almost forgot."
"Also, Raja and I found two bags of cigarettes. We think they might be selling those illegally to finance guns and stuff like that. And when they came back, Raja was already gone, so I really have no idea where he left them. That's why Jo wanted to take me, I guess."
"Have you called the police?"
"Of course not, I can't risk my sister going to jail because of me. No, I need to get her back first."
"You're right. Well, we should get going. Don't worry about youth group by the way, T, I'll do something with Joey. You stay home and rest. I'll see you at my Christmas party?"
"It's a date."

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